8 Focusing en de experiëntiële aspecten van psychotherapie

8 Focusing en de experiëntiële aspecten van psychotherapie 8 Focusing en de experiëntiële aspecten van psychotherapie


626 Literatuur Rogers, C.R. (1951). Client-centered therapy. Its current practice, implications, and theory. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 95-103. Rogers, C.R. (1959). A theory of therapy, personality and interpersonal relationships as developed in the client-centered framework. In S. Koch (Red.), Psychology: A study of science. Vol. III, Formulations of the person and the social context (pp. 184-256). New York: Mc Graw Hill. Rogers, C.R. (1961a). On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C.R. (1961b). A process equation of psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 15, 27-65. Rogers, C.R. (1962). The interpersonal relationship: The core of guidance. Harvard Educational Review, 32, 416-429. Rogers, C.R. (1963a). The actualizing tendency in relation to ‘motives’ and to consciousness. In M. Jones (Red.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1963 (pp. 1-24). University of Nebraska Press. Rogers, C.R. (1963b). The concept of the fully functioning person. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1, 17-26. Rogers, C.R. (1964). Toward a modern approach to values: The valuing process in the mature person. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68, 160-167. Rogers, C.R. (1966). Client-centered therapy. In S. Arieti (Red.), American Handbook of Psychiatry (Vol. 3, pp. 183-200). New York: Basic Books. Rogers, C.R. (1967a). Some learnings from a study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics. In C.R. Rogers & B. Stevens (Red.), Person to person (pp. 181-191). Lafayette, CA: Real People Press. Rogers, C.R. (1967b). A silent young man. In C.R. Rogers et al. (Red.), The therapeutic realtionship and its impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics (pp. 401-416). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Rogers, C.R. (1969). A modern approach to the valuing process. In C.R. Rogers, Freedom to learn (pp. 239-257). Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill. Rogers, C.R. (1970). Carl Rogers on encounter groups. New York: Harper & Row. Rogers, C.R. (1975). Empathy: An unappreciated way of being. The Counseling Psychologist, 5(2), 2-10. Rogers, C.R. (1977). Carl Rogers on personal power. New York: Delacorte Press. Rogers, C.R. (1980). A way of being. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C.R. (1986). Carl Rogers’s column: Reflection of feelings. Person-centered Review, 1, 375-377. Rogers, C.R. (1987). Client-centered? Person-centered? Person-centered Review, 2, 11-13. Rogers, C.R. (1990). Reflection of feelings and transference. In H. Kirschenbaum & V.L. Henderson (Red.), The Carl Rogers reader (pp. 127-134). London: Constable. Rogers, C.R., & Dymond, R.F. (Red.). (1954). Psychotherapy and personality change. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Rogers, C.R., Gendlin, E.T, Kiesler, D.J., Truax, C.B. (Red.). (1967a). The therapeutic relationship and its impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Rogers, C.R. et al. (1967b). A dialogue between therapists. In C.R. Rogers et al. (Red.), The therapeutic relationship and its impact: A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics (pp. 507-520). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Rogers, C.R., & Russell, D.E. (2002). Carl Rogers: The quiet revolutionary. An oral history. Roseville, CA: Penmarin Books. Rogers, C.R. & Skinner, B.F. (1956). Some issues concerning the control of human behavior. Science, 124, 1057-1066.

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Rogers, C.R. (1951). Cli<strong>en</strong>t-c<strong>en</strong>tered therapy. Its curr<strong>en</strong>t practice, implications, and theory. Boston:<br />

Houghton Mifflin.<br />

Rogers, C. R. (1957). The necessary and suffici<strong>en</strong>t conditions of therapeutic personality change. Journal<br />

of Consulting Psychology, 21, 95-103.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1959). A theory of therapy, personality and interpersonal relationships as <strong>de</strong>veloped in<br />

the cli<strong>en</strong>t-c<strong>en</strong>tered framework. In S. Koch (Red.), Psychology: A study of sci<strong>en</strong>ce. Vol. III, Formulations<br />

of the person and the social context (pp. 184-256). New York: Mc Graw Hill.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1961a). On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1961b). A process equation of psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 15, 27-65.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1962). The interpersonal relationship: The core of guidance. Harvard Educational Review,<br />

32, 416-429.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1963a). The actualizing t<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>cy in relation to ‘motives’ and to consciousness. In M. Jones<br />

(Red.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1963 (pp. 1-24). University of Nebraska Press.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1963b). The concept of the fully functioning person. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and<br />

Practice, 1, 17-26.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1964). Toward a mo<strong>de</strong>rn approach to values: The valuing process in the mature person.<br />

Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68, 160-167.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1966). Cli<strong>en</strong>t-c<strong>en</strong>tered therapy. In S. Arieti (Red.), American Handbook of Psychiatry (Vol. 3,<br />

pp. 183-200). New York: Basic Books.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1967a). Some learnings from a study of psychotherapy with schizophr<strong>en</strong>ics. In C.R. Rogers<br />

& B. Stev<strong>en</strong>s (Red.), Person to person (pp. 181-191). Lafayette, CA: Real People Press.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1967b). A sil<strong>en</strong>t young man. In C.R. Rogers et al. (Red.), The therapeutic realtionship and its<br />

impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizophr<strong>en</strong>ics (pp. 401-416). Madison: University of Wisconsin<br />

Press.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1969). A mo<strong>de</strong>rn approach to the valuing process. In C.R. Rogers, Freedom to learn (pp.<br />

239-257). Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1970). Carl Rogers on <strong>en</strong>counter groups. New York: Harper & Row.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1975). Empathy: An unappreciated way of being. The Counseling Psychologist, 5(2), 2-10.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1977). Carl Rogers on personal power. New York: Delacorte Press.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1980). A way of being. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1986). Carl Rogers’s column: Reflection of feelings. Person-c<strong>en</strong>tered Review, 1, 375-377.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1987). Cli<strong>en</strong>t-c<strong>en</strong>tered? Person-c<strong>en</strong>tered? Person-c<strong>en</strong>tered Review, 2, 11-13.<br />

Rogers, C.R. (1990). Reflection of feelings and transfer<strong>en</strong>ce. In H. Kirsch<strong>en</strong>baum & V.L. H<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>rson (Red.),<br />

The Carl Rogers rea<strong>de</strong>r (pp. 127-134). London: Constable.<br />

Rogers, C.R., & Dymond, R.F. (Red.). (1954). Psychotherapy and personality change. Chicago: University<br />

of Chicago Press.<br />

Rogers, C.R., G<strong>en</strong>dlin, E.T, Kiesler, D.J., Truax, C.B. (Red.). (1967a). The therapeutic relationship and its<br />

impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizophr<strong>en</strong>ics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.<br />

Rogers, C.R. et al. (1967b). A dialogue betwe<strong>en</strong> therapists. In C.R. Rogers et al. (Red.), The therapeutic<br />

relationship and its impact: A study of psychotherapy with schizophr<strong>en</strong>ics (pp. 507-520). Madison:<br />

University of Wisconsin Press.<br />

Rogers, C.R., & Russell, D.E. (2002). Carl Rogers: The quiet revolutionary. An oral history. Roseville, CA:<br />

P<strong>en</strong>marin Books.<br />

Rogers, C.R. & Skinner, B.F. (1956). Some issues concerning the control of human behavior. Sci<strong>en</strong>ce, 124,<br />


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