现代统计图形 - 科学网—博客

现代统计图形 - 科学网—博客

现代统计图形 - 科学网—博客


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5.26 符号图 123<br />

1 > par(mar = c(6, 1, 0.1, 0.1), las = 2)<br />

2 > plot(1:6, rep(1, 6), type = "n", axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE,<br />

3 + xlim = c(0.8, 7.2), ylim = c(0, 5), panel.first = grid())<br />

4 > x = seq(1, 2, length = 4)<br />

5 > symbols(x, 1:4, circles = runif(4, 0.1, 0.6), add = TRUE,<br />

6 + bg = heat.colors(4), inches = FALSE)<br />

7 > symbols(x + 1, 1:4, squares = runif(4, 0.1, 0.6),<br />

8 + add = TRUE, bg = terrain.colors(4), inches = FALSE)<br />

9 > symbols(x + 2, 1:4, rect = matrix(runif(8, 0.1, 0.6),<br />

10 + 4), add = TRUE, bg = rainbow(4), inches = FALSE)<br />

11 > symbols(x + 3, 1:4, stars = matrix(runif(20, 0.1,<br />

12 + 0.6), 4), add = TRUE, bg = topo.colors(4), inches = FALSE)<br />

13 > symbols(x + 4, 1:4, therm = matrix(runif(12, 0.1,<br />

14 + 0.7), 4), add = TRUE, inches = FALSE)<br />

15 > symbols(x + 5, 1:4, boxplot = matrix(runif(20, 0.1,<br />

16 + 0.7), 4), add = TRUE, inches = FALSE)<br />

17 > axis(1, 1:6, c("circles", "squares", "rectangles",<br />

18 + "stars", "thermometers", "boxplots"), cex.axis = 0.85)<br />

circles<br />

squares<br />

rectangles<br />

stars<br />

thermometers<br />

图 5.33: 符号图提供的六种基本符号<br />


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