Kaapse Skiereilandse Universiteit van Tegnologie

Kaapse Skiereilandse Universiteit van Tegnologie Kaapse Skiereilandse Universiteit van Tegnologie

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National Reading Panel. 2002. Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read. http: //www.nichd.nih.gov [11 February 2004]. Neuman, S.B. 1999. Books make a difference: a Study of access to literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 34(3): 286-311, July/August/September. Neuman, S.B. & Celano, D. 2001. Books Aloud: a Campaign to “put books in children’s hands.” The Reading Teacher, 54(6): 550-557, March. Neuman, S.B. & Dickinson, D.K. 2011. Handbook of Early Literacy Research. New York: Guilford Press. Payne, A.C., Whitehurst, G.J. & Angell, A.L. 1994. The role of home literacy environment in the development of language ability in preschool children from low-income families. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 9(3-4): 427-440, June. Penn, H. 2005. Unequal childhoods, young children’s lives in poor countries. London: Routledge. Peterson, P., Carta, J.& Greenwood, C. 2005. Teaching milleu language skills to parents in multiple risk families. Journal of Early Intervention, 27(2): 94-109, January. Pepler, A.P. 1995. Die ontwikkeling van ʼn basiese ouerleidingprogram vir ouers met voorskoolse kinders in ʼn lae sosio-ekonomiese milieu. Ongepubliseerde M.ed tesis. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Pepler, A. 2005. Ontvanklik vir Klanke. Wellington: Boland Drukpers. Pepler, A. 2004. Die ontwikkeling van ’n geletterdheidsprogram vir Graad R-leerders. Ongepubliseerde PhD-proefskrif. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Perry-Jenkins, M., Repetti, R.L. & Crouter, A.C. 2000. Work and family in the 1990’s. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62(4): 981-998, November. Peterson, P., Carta, J. & Greenwood, C. 2005. Teaching milieu language skills to parents in multiple risk families. Journal of Early Intervention, 27(2): 94-109, January. Playing with words. 2005. Harvard Education Letter, 26 June. xxi

Phillips, B.M., Menchetti, J.C. & Lonigan, C.J. 2008. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. Successful Phonological Awareness Instruction With Preschool Children: Lessons from the classroom. 28(1): 3-15, May. Pratt, A.C. & Brady, S. 1988. Relation of phonological awareness, to reading disability in children and adults. Journal of Educational Psychology, 80(3): 319-323, September. Pretorius, J.W.M. 1990. Opvoeding, samelewing, jeug: ʼn sosiopedagogiese leerboek. Pretoria: Van Schaik. Pretorius, U. 2001. ʼn Geletterdheidsgereedmakingsprogram en die implikasies daarvan vir skoolgereedheid. ʼn Sielkundige-opvoedkundige perspektief. Ongepubliseerde PhD-proefskrif. Pretoria: Unisa. Purcell-Gates, V. 1996. Stories, coupons, and the TV Guide. Relationships between home literacy experiences and emergent literacy knowledge. Reading Research Quarterly, 31(4): 406-428, October/November/December. Read, C., Zhang, Y., Nie, H. & Ding, B. 1987. The ability to manupilate speech sounds depends on knowing alphabetic writing. In P. Bertelson (Ed.). The onset literacy: Cognitive processes in reading acquisition. 31-44. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Reamer, F.G. 1998. Social work research and evaluation skills. New York: Columbia: University Press. Reason, R. & Boote, R. 2002. Helping Children with Reading and Spelling. London. Taylor & Francis Inc. Rego, L.B. & Bryant, P. 1993. The connection between phonological, syntactic and semantic skills and children’s reading and spelling. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 8(3): 235-246, March. Reiner, K. 1998. Developing a kindergarten phonemic awareness program; an action research project. The Reading Teacher, 52(1): 70-73, September. Rigby, I.L. 1997. ELIC Unit 1A: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Instruction. UK. Crystal Lake. Riley, J. 1999. Teaching Reading at Key Stage 1 and Before. Cheltonham. UK. Stanley Thornes. xxii

Phillips, B.M., Menchetti, J.C. & Lonigan, C.J. 2008. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.<br />

Successful Phonological Awareness Instruction With Preschool Children: Lessons from the<br />

classroom. 28(1): 3-15, May.<br />

Pratt, A.C. & Brady, S. 1988. Relation of phonological awareness, to reading disability in children and<br />

adults. Journal of Educational Psychology, 80(3): 319-323, September.<br />

Pretorius, J.W.M. 1990. Opvoeding, samelewing, jeug: ʼn sosiopedagogiese leerboek. Pretoria: Van<br />

Schaik.<br />

Pretorius, U. 2001. ʼn Geletterdheidsgereedmakingsprogram en die implikasies daar<strong>van</strong> vir<br />

skoolgereedheid. ʼn Sielkundige-opvoedkundige perspektief. Ongepubliseerde PhD-proefskrif.<br />

Pretoria: Unisa.<br />

Purcell-Gates, V. 1996. Stories, coupons, and the TV Guide. Relationships between home literacy<br />

experiences and emergent literacy knowledge. Reading Research Quarterly, 31(4): 406-428,<br />

October/November/December.<br />

Read, C., Zhang, Y., Nie, H. & Ding, B. 1987. The ability to manupilate speech sounds depends on<br />

knowing alphabetic writing. In P. Bertelson (Ed.). The onset literacy: Cognitive processes in reading<br />

acquisition. 31-44. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.<br />

Reamer, F.G. 1998. Social work research and evaluation skills. New York: Columbia: University<br />

Press.<br />

Reason, R. & Boote, R. 2002. Helping Children with Reading and Spelling. London. Taylor & Francis<br />

Inc.<br />

Rego, L.B. & Bryant, P. 1993. The connection between phonological, syntactic and semantic skills<br />

and children’s reading and spelling. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 8(3): 235-246,<br />

March.<br />

Reiner, K. 1998. Developing a kindergarten phonemic awareness program; an action research project.<br />

The Reading Teacher, 52(1): 70-73, September.<br />

Rigby, I.L. 1997. ELIC Unit 1A: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Instruction. UK. Crystal Lake.<br />

Riley, J. 1999. Teaching Reading at Key Stage 1 and Before. Cheltonham. UK. Stanley Thornes.<br />


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