It wurk fan Gysbert Japix n-2 - Tresoar

It wurk fan Gysbert Japix n-2 - Tresoar

It wurk fan Gysbert Japix n-2 - Tresoar


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h. Brieven <strong>fan</strong> Dodsworth oan Dugdale (Timmer 1957,143).<br />

i. Ms J 155, Bodleian Library, Oxford.<br />

j. Ynskripsje Junius yn album Christoph Arnold (F J.M. Blom, Christoph and Andreas Arnold and<br />

England (1981) 24; meidieling dr. R.H. Bremmer jr.).<br />

k. Brief Gronovius oan Heinsius: hat heard dat Junius "nuper" te Amsterdam kommen is (Timmer<br />

1957,143).<br />

1. De Crane 1837, 105.<br />

m. Brief <strong>fan</strong> Junius oan Seiden <strong>fan</strong> 8-5-1654 (Timmer 1957,143); brief <strong>fan</strong> Junius oan syn útjouwer<br />

<strong>fan</strong> 13-2-1665 (UBA, M 80): "Also in Anno 1653 mij een goede wijle tijds in Duytschland onthield"<br />

(sj. Van der Velde 1961,135 en Kerling 1984,41). Heidelberg: De Crane 1837,105.<br />

n. Hyde oan Middleton (nr. 1576): "Has spoken at large to the King about Middleton's desire that<br />

the King should write a Latin letter to Mr. Junius of Amsterdam; but the King says it is by no<br />

means fit for him to do it, for these reason: - He has been pressed by many to write to some of the<br />

clergy there, who whish well as they present, to his service, but has always declined, because the<br />

States would regard it as an endeavour to work upon the people without them, and [284] would<br />

have a juster pretence than they have yet had, for disrespect towards him. And secondly, if it<br />

were once known that the King had written to one Minister, another would not be his friend<br />

without a letter too, and it would be difficult to write such a letter as would not displease as<br />

many and as good men as it would satisfy. Therefore this person is to be assured of the King's<br />

notice of his good affection of his attention to reward when his condition improves. and pays all<br />

other things which Middleton thinks reasonable {Calendar of Clarendon State papers II<br />

Oxford 1869,285).<br />

Junius wie sa't liket wer (remonstrantsk?) dûmny wurden, lykas earder yn 1620 te<br />

Hillegaarsberg.<br />

o. Hyde oan Nicholas (2-1-1654, nr. 1634): "Middleton desires a letter from the King to Mr. Junius,<br />

a minister in Holland, but the King is unwilling to do it; he has often been importuned by Massey<br />

and that senseless view to those ministers, but they could never yet obtain it; but Nicholas<br />

may say anything he thinks fit to Junius in the King's name" (Calendar of Clarendon State Papers<br />

III 206).<br />

Hyde oan Middleton (2-1-1654, nr. 1635): "Nicholas is to say to Mr. Junius what Middleton<br />

wished" (id. III 295).<br />

Hyde oan Nicholas (23-1-1654, nr. 1679): "if Nicholas thinks it fit the King should write to Junius,<br />

he must sent a draught of a letter" (id. III 304).<br />

Nicholas is sir Edward Nicholas; Hyde sir Edward Hyde, letter Earl of Clarendon; Middleton<br />

generaal John Middleton, dan yn Skotlân.<br />

p. Brief <strong>fan</strong> J.G. Graevius oan Gronovius, 29-4-1654 (F.F. Blok, Contributions to the history oflsaac<br />

Vossius's library, Amsterdam 1974,28).<br />

10.3 Oersjoch <strong>fan</strong> <strong>wurk</strong>sumheden <strong>fan</strong> S.A. Gabbema <strong>fan</strong><br />

1647 oant 1663<br />

(by noat 409)<br />

Yn dit oersjoch giet it my net om folsleinens, mar om de kennis <strong>fan</strong> soarten en tiden<br />

<strong>fan</strong> <strong>wurk</strong>sumheden en dêr ûntbrekt spitigernôch noch al wat oan. Neier ûndersyk,<br />

dat foar myn doel tefolle tiid nimme soe, kin faaks mear klearrichheid jaan oer<br />

de opkomst <strong>fan</strong> Gabbema syn (taal)histoaryske stúdzje.<br />

1647<br />

- Aldst bekende gedicht, publisearre yn syn bondel leafdesfersen Geplengde Venus Tranen over't rampzalig<br />

om-komen van de Albuigende schoonheid van Adoon (Groningen 1649).<br />

564<br />


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