Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat
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557 KANT I 1996 The Methaphysics of Morals Translated and edited by Mary Gregor; with an introduction by Roger J Sullivan : Cambridge University Press : Cambridge, New York. 2001 Basic Writings of Kant : Gregor (Ed) : Cambridge University Press : Cambridge, New York. KENNEDY D 1982 The stages of the decline of the public/private distinction, 130(6) University of Pennsylvania LR : 1349-1357. KERR AJ 1991 The replicatio doli reaffirmed : The exceptio doli available in our law, SALJ Vol 108, Uitgawe 4, Nov : 583-586. KIRBY M 1989 Effective Review of Administrative Acts : The Hallmark of a Free and Fair Society; SAJHR, Vol 5, Uitgawe 3 : 321-344. KLUG H 1992 Constitutional Reform law. ASSAL : 693-729. KÖTZ H 1986 Controlling Unfair Contract Terms: Options for Legislative Reform . 103 SALJ : 405-420. KRITZINGER MSB, SCHONEES PC, CRONJE UJ 1981 Groot woordeboek : Afrikaans - Engels : (English - Afrikaans) 12de uitgawe : Van Schaik, Pretoria. KRITZINGER MSB, LABUSCHAGNE FJ 1980 Verklarende Afrikaanse woordeboek : 7de uitgebreide uitgawe, Van Schaik, Pretoria. KRUGER J 1991 Regspositivisme en die “ongeskrewe teks” van die (nuwe) Grondwet; SA Publiekreg, Vol 6 Nr 2 : 229-238. LABUSCHAGNE JMT 1992 Audi Alteram Partem in die Administratiefreg : Opmerkinge oor die mensinteraktiewe dimensie van geregtigheid : De Jure, Vol 25, Uitgawe 1 : 183-195. 1994 Is die Redelike persoon in die Administratiefreg welkom? SA Publiekreg, Vol 9, Uitgawe 1 : 177-179. LEON P 1998 A Personal Perspective on Etienne Mureinik's Contribution to South Africa's Final Constitution, SAJHR, 1998(14) : 201-207. LEON T 1998 Etienne Mureinik's Role in Securing and Constitutionalising the Independence of the Universities and Judicial Selection SAJHR, 1998(14) : 190-196. LEWIS C 1990 Demise of the Exceptio Doli: Is There Another Route to Contractual Equity, 107 SALJ : 26-44. LORD IRVINE OF LAIRY, Q C 1996 Judges and Decision makers : The theory and practice of Wednesbury Review Public Law : 59-103.

LUBBE GF; SMITS JM 2003 Remedies in Zuid-Afrika en Europa : bijdragen over privaatrecht en constitutioneel recht in Zuid-Afrika, Nederland en België : Intersentia : Antwerpen. 558 MAITLAND FW 1929 (1850 – 1906) Equity, also The Forms of Action at Common Law, Published: [Cambridgeshire] : University Press : Cambridge. MATHEWS AS 1971 Law, Order and Liberty in South Africa (1930) : Juta : Cape Town. 1978 The Darker Reaches of Government. JUTA, Cape Town. MATZUKIS NA 1985 Administrative Law, ASSAL : 49-68. 1986 Administrative Law, ASSAL : 40-69. MCKENDRICK E 2001 Human Rigns in Private Law : Negligence and Human Rights : Reconsidering Osman, (red. Friedman D en Barak–Erez D : Hart : Oxford. MITCHELL JDB 1967 The Constitutional/Implications of Judicial Control of the Administration in the United Kingdom Cambridge Law Journal, April (1) : 46-61. MOHAMED I 1989 Disciplining Administrative Powers – Some South African Prospects, Impediments and Needs, SAJHR Vol 5, Uitgawe 3 : 345-354. MOLENGRAAFF ???? 1941 Acquilius : Immorality and Illegality in Contract, SALJ 58(3) : 337-353. MOSS G, OBERY I 1992 From ‘Red Friday’ to Codesa Edited and compiled by Glen Moss and Ingrid Obery : Ravan Press : Johannesburg. MÜLLER F 1985 The Judge and unjust law; A German Perspective Journal for Juridical Science, Vol 10 Number 2 November : 152-165. MUREINIK E 1989 Administrative Law, ASSAL : 494-535. 1993 Reconsidering Review : Participation and accountability, Acta Juridica : 35-46. 1994 A Bridge to where? Introducing the Interim Bill of Rights SAJHR, Vol 10, PT 1: 31-48. NEELS JL 1998 Regsekerheid en die korrigerende werking van redelikheid en billikheid (Deel 1) TSAR Uitgawe 4 : 702-718. NEETHLING J 1971 Enkele idees oor die juridiese aard en inhoud van menseregte en fundamentele vryhede, Vol 34 Band 2 THRHR : 240-249. 1998 Persoonlikheidsreg 4de Uitgawe : Butterworths : Durban. 2000 Die regsplig van die Polisie om die reg op fisies-psigiese integriteit te beskerm, Febr THRHR Vol 63, Uitgawe 1 : 150-154. 2001 Die regsplig van die Staat om die reg op fisies-psigiese integriteit teen derdes te beskerm : Die korrekte benadering tot onregmatigheid, nalatigheid en feitelike kousaliteit, THRHR Vol 64, Uitgawe 3 : 489-495.

557<br />

KANT I<br />

1996 The Methaphysics of Morals Translated and edited by Mary Gregor; with an introduction by<br />

Roger J Sulli<strong>van</strong> : Cambridge University Press : Cambridge, New York.<br />

2001 Basic Writings of Kant : Gregor (Ed) : Cambridge University Press : Cambridge, New York.<br />


1982 The stages of the decline of the public/private distinction, 130(6) University of Pennsyl<strong>van</strong>ia<br />

LR : 1349-1357.<br />

KERR AJ<br />

1991 The replicatio doli reaffirmed : The exceptio doli available in our law, SALJ Vol 108, Uitgawe<br />

4, Nov : 583-586.<br />

KIRBY M<br />

1989 Effective Review of Administrative Acts : The Hallmark of a Free and Fair Society; SAJHR,<br />

Vol 5, Uitgawe 3 : 321-344.<br />

KLUG H<br />

1992 Constitutional Reform law. ASSAL : 693-729.<br />

KÖTZ H<br />

1986 Controlling Unfair Contract Terms: Options for Legislative Reform . 103 SALJ : 405-420.<br />


1981 Groot woordeboek : Afrikaans - Engels : (English - Afrikaans) 12de uitgawe : Van Schaik,<br />

Pretoria.<br />


1980 Verklarende Afrikaanse woordeboek : 7de uitgebreide uitgawe, Van Schaik, Pretoria.<br />

KRUGER J<br />

1991 Regspositivisme en <strong>die</strong> “ongeskrewe teks” <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> (nuwe) Grondwet; SA Publiekreg, Vol 6<br />

Nr 2 : 229-238.<br />


1992 Audi Alteram Partem in <strong>die</strong> Administratiefreg : Opmerkinge oor <strong>die</strong> mensinteraktiewe<br />

dimensie <strong>van</strong> geregtigheid : De Jure, Vol 25, Uitgawe 1 : 183-195.<br />

1994 Is <strong>die</strong> Redelike persoon in <strong>die</strong> Administratiefreg welkom? SA Publiekreg, Vol 9, Uitgawe 1 :<br />

177-179.<br />

LEON P<br />

1998 A Personal Perspective on Etienne Mureinik's Contribution to South Africa's Final<br />

Constitution, SAJHR, 1998(14) : 201-207.<br />

LEON T<br />

1998 Etienne Mureinik's Role in Securing and Constitutionalising the Independence of the<br />

Universities and Judicial Selection SAJHR, 1998(14) : 190-196.<br />

LEWIS C<br />

1990 Demise of the Exceptio Doli: Is There Another Route to Contractual Equity, 107 SALJ : 26-44.<br />


1996 Judges and Decision makers : The theory and practice of Wednesbury Review Public Law :<br />


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