Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat
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BASSON DA 1994 South Africa’s Interim Constitution Juta 1994 : Text And notes : JUTA : Kenwyn. 549 BAUMAN Z 1993 Post-modern Ethics : Authors: Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925- Published: Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell. BAXTER LG 1979 Fairness and Natural Justice in English and South African Law, 1979 SALJ Vol 96(4): 607- 638. 1984 Administrative Law, Juta and Co : Cape Town. 1993 Rule Making and Policy Formulation in South African Administrative Law Reform in T W Bennett et al (eds) Administrative Law Reform 196 : Juta : Kenwyn. BEUKES M 2002 Review as a tool for the development of a Culture of Accountability in the Public Administration (Section 195 of Act 108 of 1996) (Vol 17, Iss 2) SAPL : 244-257. BJORNLUND EC 1989 The Devil’s Work? Judicial Review Under a Bill of Rights in South Africa and Namibia; Stanford Journal of International Law; Vol 26(2) 1989/90 : 391 – 434. BOOYSEN H 1980 Volkereg ʼn Inleiding, JUTA : Kaapstad. BOOYSEN H, VAN WYK DH 1984 Die 1983 Grondwet, Juta & Co Limited : Kaapstad. BOSMAN DB, VAN DER MERWE IW, HIEMSTRA LB, JOUBERT PA; SPIES JJ 1998 Tweetalige Woordeboek / Bilingual Dictionary : Pharos : Kaapstad. BOTHA CG 1923 The Early Influence of the English Law upon the Roman-Dutch Law in South Africa (4) 40 SALJ: 396-406. BOTHA N 2000 Lessons from Harksen : A closer look at the constitutionality of extradition in South African Law : 2000(33) CILSA Vol 33, (3) Nov 2000 : 274-299. BOULLE LJ 1986 Administrative Justice and Public Participation in American and South African Law; TSAR: 2: 136-152. 1993 ADR Applications in Administrative Law, Acta Juridica: 138-139. BOULLE LJ, HOEXTER C, HARRIS B 1989 Constitutional and Administrative Law : Basic Principles : Juta : Cape Town. BOWER GS, TURNER SIR AK 1977 The Law relating to Estoppel by Representation : Turner, Alexander original text 3rd ed. Alt Author Turner Sir, Alexander Kingcome Alt Title Estoppel by representation : Butterworths : Boston. BUCKLAND WW 1975 A Text Book of Roman Law from Augustus to Justinian (3rd revised by P Stein) : University Press : Cambridge.

BURCHELL JM 1993 Principles of Delict : Juta : Cape Town. 550 BURNS Y 1994 Administrative Justice, SAPR/PL, Vol 9: 347-358. 1999 Administrative Law under the 1996 Constitution, Revised Reprint, Butterworths : Durban. 2003 Administrative Law under the 1996 Constitution 2nd ed / by Yvonne Burns : Lexis Nexis Butterworths : Durban. CACHALIA A 1994 Fundamental rights in the new constitution : an overview of the new constitution and a commentary on chapter 3 on fundamental rights / by Azhar Cachalia ... (et al.) : Juta : Kenwyn. CAMERON, E 1982 Legal Chauvinism, Executive Mindedness and Justice – L C Steyn’s impact op South African Law. SALJ Vol 99; NO 1: 38-75. CARPENTER G 1987 Introduction to South African Constitutional Law : Butterworths : Durban. 1990 Legitimate Expectation Here to Stay, Consultus April Vol 3, Uitgawe 1, 59-61. 1993 Kan Nuwe Prerogatiewe Steeds ‘Ontdek’ word? SA Publiekreg Vol 8, Uitgawe 1, 159-166. 1993 The Changing Face of South African Public Law, SA Publiek Reg Vol 8, Uitgawe 1, 1-20. 1994 Administratiewe geregtigheid – meer vrae as antwoorde, THRHR Vol 57, Uitgawe 3, 467- 473. 1998 Suprema Lex : Opstelle oor die Grondwet aangebied aan Marinus Wiechers : The right to physical safety as a constitutionally protected human right in Carpenter (red), 139 ev : Butterworths, Charlottesville V.A. Lexis Law : Durban. CARPENTER G, BOTHA C 1996 The Constitutional Attack on the Private Law : Are the fears well-founded? THRHR Feb Vol 59 Uitgawe 1, 126-135. CHASKALSON A 1985 Legal control of the Administrative Process : SALJ Vol 102; NO 3 : 419-433. CHEADLE H, DAVIS D 1997 Application of the 1996 Constitution in the Private Sphere, The Focus - The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 SAJHR Vol 13, PT 1, 44-66. CHESTER DN 1971c Style in administration; reading in British public administration / Chapman, Richard A and Dunsire, A : Allen & Unwin : London. CHRISTIE RH 1998 The law of contract and the Bill of Rights” Bill of Rights Compendium (loose leaf 1998-) : Butterworths : Durban. 2001 The Law of Contract in South Africa, 4th ed : Butterworths : Durban. CICERO MT 1921 De Finibus (vertaal deur H Rackham) : William Heinemann Limited. : London. 1942 De Partitione Oratoria : William Heinemann, Limited : London. 1949. De Inventione, De Optimo Genere Oratorium, Topica. (Vert. deur H.M. Hubbell) : William Heinemann Ltd. : London 1984 De Re Publica De Legibus (vertaal deur Clinton Walker Keyes) : William Heinamann Limited : London.


1993 Principles of Delict : Juta : Cape Town.<br />

550<br />

BURNS Y<br />

1994 Administrative Justice, SAPR/PL, Vol 9: 347-358.<br />

1999 Administrative Law under the 1996 Constitution, Revised Reprint, Butterworths : Durban.<br />

2003 Administrative Law under the 1996 Constitution 2nd ed / by Yvonne Burns : Lexis Nexis<br />

Butterworths : Durban.<br />


1994 Fundamental rights in the new constitution : an overview of the new constitution and a<br />

commentary on chapter 3 on fundamental rights / by Azhar Cachalia ... (et al.) : Juta : Kenwyn.<br />

CAMERON, E<br />

1982 Legal Chauvinism, Executive Mindedness and Justice – L C Steyn’s impact op South African<br />

Law. SALJ Vol 99; NO 1: 38-75.<br />


1987 Introduction to South African Constitutional Law : Butterworths : Durban.<br />

1990 Legitimate Expectation Here to Stay, Consultus April Vol 3, Uitgawe 1, 59-61.<br />

1993 Kan Nuwe Prerogatiewe Steeds ‘Ontdek’ word? SA Publiekreg Vol 8, Uitgawe 1, 159-166.<br />

1993 The Changing Face of South African Public Law, SA Publiek Reg Vol 8, Uitgawe 1, 1-20.<br />

1994 Administratiewe geregtigheid – meer vrae as antwoorde, THRHR Vol 57, Uitgawe 3, 467-<br />

473.<br />

1998 Suprema Lex : Opstelle oor <strong>die</strong> Grondwet aangebied aan Marinus Wiechers : The right to<br />

physical safety as a constitutionally protected human right in Carpenter (red), 139 ev :<br />

Butterworths, Charlottesville V.A. Lexis Law : Durban.<br />


1996 The Constitutional Attack on the Private Law : Are the fears well-founded? THRHR Feb Vol<br />

59 Uitgawe 1, 126-135.<br />


1985 Legal control of the Administrative Process : SALJ Vol 102; NO 3 : 419-433.<br />


1997 Application of the 1996 Constitution in the Private Sphere, The Focus - The Constitution of<br />

the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 SAJHR Vol 13, PT 1, 44-66.<br />


1971c Style in administration; reading in British public administration / Chapman, Richard A and<br />

Dunsire, A : Allen & Unwin : London.<br />


1998 The law of contract and the Bill of Rights” Bill of Rights Compendium (loose leaf 1998-) :<br />

Butterworths : Durban.<br />

2001 The Law of Contract in South Africa, 4th ed : Butterworths : Durban.<br />


1921 De Finibus (vertaal deur H Rackham) : William Heinemann Limited. : London.<br />

1942 De Partitione Oratoria : William Heinemann, Limited : London.<br />

1949. De Inventione, De Optimo Genere Oratorium, Topica. (Vert. deur H.M. Hubbell) : William<br />

Heinemann Ltd. : London<br />

1984 De Re Publica De Legibus (vertaal deur Clinton Walker Keyes) : William Heinamann Limited :<br />


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