Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat
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780 2006(2) SA 32 (T) Paragraaf 24. 381 Die regter het vervolgens die bepalings van Artikel 4 van PAJA oorweeg, en beslis dat, alhoewel die administrateur wat die administratiewe handeling uitvoer wat die regte van die publiek nadelig kan beïnvloed en hy/sy die stappe moet oorweeg om prosedurele billikheid te bewerkstellig, die vereistes van die Wet wel in dié geval vereis dat deelname van die publiek sekerlik moes plaasvind. Oor Artikel 4(1) van PAJA is die hof die volgende mening toegedaan : “I may well add that in terms of section 4(1) of PAJA where an administrative action adversely affects the rights of the public, an administrator, being the first respondent in the instant case, in order to give effect to the right to procedurally fair administrative action, must decide, amongst other things, whether to hold a public inquiry in terms of subsection 2 or to follow a notice and comment procedure in terms of subsection (3) or where the administrator is empowered by any enabling provision to follow a procedure which is fair but different, to follow that procedure. However, because of the nature of the matter, in my view, the first respondent and correctly so, considered consultation. In a way, subsections (3) and (4) of section 10 envisage some sort of participation by interested or aggrieved parties.” 780 Na aanleiding van die meriete van die saak was die hof van mening dat voldoende konsultasie met die publiek plaasgevind het en dat die aansoek om die naamsverandering ter syde te stel, van die hand gewys word.

Hoofstuk 5 REDES VIR ʼn ADMINISTRATIEWE HANDELING 1. DIE VERSKAFFING VAN REDES: ʼn NUWE WENDING 382 ʼn Wetgewende reg tot die verskaffing van redes vir ʼn administratiewe handeling wat geneem word, is ʼn nuwe wending in die Suid-Afrikaanse Administratiefreg. Hierdie reg is eerstens in 1994 na vore gebring deur Artikel 24(1C) van die Interim-Grondwet. Dit word tans vervat in Artikel 33(2) van die Finale-Grondwet. Artikel 5 van PAJA maak nou voorsiening vir die verskaffing van “voldoende redes”, waar dit aangevra word deur ʼn persoon wie se regte wesentlik en nadelig geraak is deur die administratiewe handeling. Dit is die eerste keer dat ʼn algemene statutêre verpligting geplaas word op die administrateur om redes te verskaf vir besluite geneem, alhoewel sekere ander wetgewing ook in die verlede van administrateurs verlang het om redes te verskaf. 781 Rakende die verskaffing van redes bepaal Artikel 5 van PAJA soos volg : “5 (1) Any person whose rights have been materially and adversely affected by administrative action and who has not been given reasons for the action may, within 90 days after the date on which that person became aware of the action or might reasonably have been expected to have become aware of the action, request that the Administrator concerned furnish written reasons for the action. (2) The Administrator to whom the request is made must, within 90 days after receiving the request give that person adequate reasons in writing for the administrative action. (3) If an administrator fails to furnish adequate reasons for an administrative action, it must, subject to subsection (4) and in the absence of proof to the contrary, be presumed in any proceedings for judicial review that the administrative action was taken without good reason. (4) (a) An administrator may depart from the requirement to furnish adequate reasons if it is reasonable and justifiable in the circumstances, and must forthwith inform the person making the request of such departure. (b) In determining whether a departure as contemplated in paragraph (a) is reasonable and justifiable, an administrator must take in account all relevant factors, including – (i) the objects of the empowering provision; (ii) the nature, purpose and likely effect of the administrative action concerned; (iii) the nature and the extent of the departure; 781 Sien Baxter, 1984:226 voetnoot 239 vir verskeie voorbeelde van hierdie wetgewing.

Hoofstuk 5<br />



382<br />

ʼn Wetgewende reg tot <strong>die</strong> verskaffing <strong>van</strong> redes vir ʼn administratiewe handeling wat<br />

geneem word, is ʼn nuwe wending in <strong>die</strong> Suid-Afrikaanse Administratiefreg. Hier<strong>die</strong> reg is<br />

eerstens in 1994 na vore gebring deur Artikel 24(1C) <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Interim-Grondwet. Dit word<br />

tans vervat in Artikel 33(2) <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Finale-Grondwet. Artikel 5 <strong>van</strong> PAJA maak nou<br />

voorsiening vir <strong>die</strong> verskaffing <strong>van</strong> “voldoende redes”, waar dit aangevra word deur ʼn<br />

persoon wie se regte wesentlik en nadelig geraak is deur <strong>die</strong> administratiewe handeling.<br />

Dit is <strong>die</strong> eerste keer dat ʼn algemene statutêre verpligting geplaas word op <strong>die</strong><br />

administrateur om redes te verskaf vir besluite geneem, alhoewel sekere ander wetgewing<br />

ook in <strong>die</strong> verlede <strong>van</strong> administrateurs verlang het om redes te verskaf. 781<br />

Rakende <strong>die</strong> verskaffing <strong>van</strong> redes bepaal Artikel 5 <strong>van</strong> PAJA soos volg :<br />

“5 (1) Any person whose rights have been materially and adversely affected by<br />

administrative action and who has not been given reasons for the action may,<br />

within 90 days after the date on which that person became aware of the<br />

action or might reasonably have been expected to have become aware of the<br />

action, request that the Administrator concerned furnish written reasons for<br />

the action.<br />

(2) The Administrator to whom the request is made must, within 90 days after<br />

receiving the request give that person adequate reasons in writing for the<br />

administrative action.<br />

(3) If an administrator fails to furnish adequate reasons for an administrative<br />

action, it must, subject to subsection (4) and in the absence of proof to the<br />

contrary, be presumed in any proceedings for judicial review that the<br />

administrative action was taken without good reason.<br />

(4) (a) An administrator may depart from the requirement to furnish adequate<br />

reasons if it is reasonable and justifiable in the circumstances, and must<br />

forthwith inform the person making the request of such departure.<br />

(b) In determining whether a departure as contemplated in paragraph (a) is<br />

reasonable and justifiable, an administrator must take in account all<br />

rele<strong>van</strong>t factors, including –<br />

(i) the objects of the empowering provision;<br />

(ii) the nature, purpose and likely effect of the administrative action<br />

concerned;<br />

(iii) the nature and the extent of the departure;<br />

781 Sien Baxter, 1984:226 voetnoot 239 vir verskeie voorbeelde <strong>van</strong> hier<strong>die</strong> wetgewing.

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