Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat
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363 In SA National Defence Union and Another v Minister of Defence and Others : In Re SA National Defence Union v Minister of Defence and Others763 is daar verwys na verskeie regulasies wat die Minister van Verdediging ingevolge die Wet op Verdediging, Wet 44 van 1957 die lig laat sien het. Die hof het van hierdie regulasies ongrondwetlik laat verklaar en beslis soos volg : “Regulation 25(b) envisages that conduct on the part of the Minister or the department that impacts on a member will in certain circumstances constitute ‘administrative action’. In such circumstances the member has a right to ‘procedurally fair’ administrative action in terms of section 33 of the Constitution. Procedural fairness requires in appropriate cases that a member must have the opportunity to be represented by a military union (see section 3(3)(a) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 and Hamata and Another v Chairperson, Peninsula Technikon Internal Disciplinary Committee and Others 2002 (5) SA 449 (SCA) at paragraph 12.” Uit bogemelde wil dit voorkom asof die hof nie PAJA direk toegepas het nie, maar die Wet slegs as riglyn toegepas het. Regulasie 53 het die Registrateur van die Militêre Arbitrasie Raad gemagtig om die registrasie van militêre vakbonde terug te trek. Die applikante het aangevoer dat die proses kan plaasvind sonder dat ʼn verhoor toegestaan sou word. Die hof het soos volg beslis : “The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 is the legislation envisaged in section 33(3) of the Constitution. Section 3(2) of the Act provides that, in order to give effect to the right to procedurally fair administrative action, an administrator must generally afford a hearing to the affected person. Section 3(5) provides that an administrator may act in accordance with a procedure that deviates from section 3(2) as long as the relevant empowering provision ‘is fair’.“ Die hof kom tot die beslissing dat die wetgewer se doel nie was om die audi alteram partem-reël in Regulasie 53 uit te sluit nie. Dit was egter die minister en nie die wetgewer nie, wat verantwoordelik was vir die daarstelling van regulasie 53. In Premier Mpumalanga v Association of State-aided Schools, Eastern Transvaal764 wys die hof op die balans wat in ag geneem moet word rakende die optrede van die staat en die regte van die individu : 763 2003 JOL 11263 (T). 764 1999(2) SA 91 (CC) / 1999(2) BCLR 151 (CC).

765 2005(3) SA 25 (A). “In determining what constitutes procedural fairness in a given case, a court should be slow to impose obligations upon government which will inhibit its ability to make and implement policy effectively…… As a young democracy facing immense challenges of transformation, we cannot deny the importance of the need to ensure the ability of the Executive to act efficiently and promptly. On the other hand, to permit the implementation of retroactive decisions without, for example, affording parties an effective opportunity to make representations would flout another important principle, that of procedural fairness.” Die hof het die volgende beslis ten opsigte van Artikel 3 van PAJA : “The gravity of the issue called and calls for a formal hearing. The applicant requested a formal hearing from the outset and motivated why such a hearing was necessary ….. The first respondent, by denying the applicant a formal hearing, denied it access to a forum to challenge and debate a matter of considerable gravity (of Islamic Unity Convention v Independent Broadcasting Authority and Others (supra paras [45] – [50] at 312-314)). In these circumstances, the refusal to convene a formal hearing violated applicant’s right to procedurally fair administrative action.” 364 In Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others765 het die hof beslis dat die skut van vee ingevolge die Skut Ordonnansie 32 van 1947 (KZN) neerkom op ʼn administratiewe handeling, en dat dit onderhewig is aan die vereistes vir billike prosedure soos gedefinieer in Artikel 3 van PAJA. Die hof het beslis dat die bevoegdheid wat verleen word aan grondeienaars om te besluit of ʼn ander party se vee wat die grondeienaar se grond betree het, te skut, van kant te maak of te verkoop inbreuk maak op die grondwetlike reg ingevolge Artikel 34 van die Grondwet. Die artikel bepaal dat elkeen die reg het om enige dispuut wat opgelos kan word deur die toepassing van die reg, kan laat beslis in ʼn billike verhoor voor ʼn hof, of waar toepaslik, ʼn onafhanklike en onpartydige tribunaal of forum. Op 321 – J beslis die hof soos volg : “The landowner acts as judge and prosecutor or lawyer or party or witness. It follows that section 16(1) of the ordinance is inconsistent with section 33 of the Constitution read with sections 3(1) and (2) of PAJA and inconsistent with section 34 of the Constitution.”

765 2005(3) SA 25 (A).<br />

“In determining what constitutes procedural fairness in a given case, a court<br />

should be slow to impose obligations upon government which will inhibit its<br />

ability to make and implement policy effectively…… As a young democracy<br />

facing immense challenges of transformation, we cannot deny the importance<br />

of the need to ensure the ability of the Executive to act efficiently and promptly.<br />

On the other hand, to permit the implementation of retroactive decisions<br />

without, for example, affording parties an effective opportunity to make<br />

representations would flout another important principle, that of procedural<br />

fairness.”<br />

Die hof het <strong>die</strong> volgende beslis ten opsigte <strong>van</strong> Artikel 3 <strong>van</strong> PAJA :<br />

“The gravity of the issue called and calls for a formal hearing. The applicant<br />

requested a formal hearing from the outset and motivated why such a hearing<br />

was necessary ….. The first respondent, by denying the applicant a formal<br />

hearing, denied it access to a forum to challenge and debate a matter of<br />

considerable gravity (of Islamic Unity Convention v Independent Broadcasting<br />

Authority and Others (supra paras [45] – [50] at 312-314)). In these<br />

circumstances, the refusal to convene a formal hearing violated applicant’s<br />

right to procedurally fair administrative action.”<br />

364<br />

In Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs and Others765 het <strong>die</strong><br />

hof beslis dat <strong>die</strong> skut <strong>van</strong> vee ingevolge <strong>die</strong> Skut Ordonnansie 32 <strong>van</strong> 1947 (KZN)<br />

neerkom op ʼn administratiewe handeling, en dat dit onderhewig is aan <strong>die</strong> vereistes<br />

vir billike prosedure soos gedefinieer in Artikel 3 <strong>van</strong> PAJA.<br />

Die hof het beslis dat <strong>die</strong> bevoegdheid wat verleen word aan grondeienaars om te<br />

besluit of ʼn ander party se vee wat <strong>die</strong> grondeienaar se grond betree het, te skut,<br />

<strong>van</strong> kant te maak of te verkoop inbreuk maak op <strong>die</strong> grondwetlike reg ingevolge<br />

Artikel 34 <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Grondwet. Die artikel bepaal dat elkeen <strong>die</strong> reg het om enige<br />

dispuut wat opgelos kan word deur <strong>die</strong> toepassing <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> reg, kan laat beslis in ʼn<br />

billike verhoor voor ʼn hof, of waar toepaslik, ʼn onafhanklike en onpartydige tribunaal<br />

of forum.<br />

Op 321 – J beslis <strong>die</strong> hof soos volg :<br />

“The landowner acts as judge and prosecutor or lawyer or party or witness. It<br />

follows that section 16(1) of the ordinance is inconsistent with section 33 of the<br />

Constitution read with sections 3(1) and (2) of PAJA and inconsistent with<br />

section 34 of the Constitution.”

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