Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat


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when they were acting in the course and scope of their employment with the State. In<br />

order to succeed, the applicant would have to establish at the trial that :<br />

(1) Klein or the prosecutors respectively owed a legal duty to the applicant to<br />

protect her;<br />

(2) Klein or the prosecutors respectively acted in breach of such a duty and did so<br />

negligently;<br />

(3) There was a causal connection between such negligent breach of the duty and<br />

the damage suffered by the applicant.”<br />

268<br />

In wese maak <strong>die</strong> eiseres beswaar teen <strong>die</strong> feit dat beide <strong>die</strong> verhoorhof en <strong>die</strong> Hoogste<br />

Hof <strong>van</strong> Appèl nagelaat het om rele<strong>van</strong>te bepalings <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Interim-Grondwet en <strong>die</strong><br />

Finale-Grondwet (met ander woorde <strong>die</strong> reg wat haar regte op lewe, menswaardigheid,<br />

vryheid en sekuriteit, privaatheid en vryheid <strong>van</strong> beweging verskans) toe te pas by <strong>die</strong><br />

bepaling of <strong>die</strong> polisie en aanklaers ʼn regsplig om haar te beskerm, aan haar verskuldig<br />

was.<br />

Daar rus ʼn grondwetlike verpligting op beide howe om <strong>die</strong> gemenereg in hier<strong>die</strong> verband te<br />

ontwikkel, met inagneming <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> gees, strekking en oogmerke <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Handves <strong>van</strong><br />

Menseregte. Die eiseres het aangevoer dat beide howe moes beslis dat daar ʼn regsplig<br />

was om haar te beskerm. Sodoende moes <strong>die</strong> gemenereg ontwikkel word.<br />

Vir hier<strong>die</strong> standpunt steun <strong>die</strong> eiseres op Artikel 215 <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Interim-Grondwet, wat onder<br />

andere ʼn plig op lede <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> polisie<strong>die</strong>ns plaas om misdaad te voorkom, asook op <strong>die</strong><br />

verpligting wat op <strong>die</strong> staat rus om vroue teen geweldsmisdade, veral verkragting, te<br />

beskerm583 .<br />

Die Konstitusionele Hof bevind dat sowel <strong>die</strong> Verhoorhof as <strong>die</strong> Hoogste Hof <strong>van</strong> Appèl nie<br />

<strong>die</strong> bepalings <strong>van</strong> Artikel 39(2) <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Finale-Grondwet nagekom het, om te verseker dat<br />

<strong>die</strong> gemenereg ontwikkel moet word met inagneming <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> gees, strekking en oogmerke<br />

<strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Handves <strong>van</strong> Menseregte nie. Andersyds moet daar nie uit <strong>die</strong> oog verloor word<br />

dat dit veral <strong>die</strong> wetgewer is wat ʼn plig het om regshervorming daar te stel deur nuwe<br />

wetgewing <strong>die</strong> lig te laat sien nie. 584<br />

Aansluitend hierby verklaar <strong>die</strong> hof dat <strong>die</strong> algemene verpligting om <strong>die</strong> gemenereg te<br />

ontwikkel, nie beteken dat ʼn hof in elke geval waar <strong>die</strong> gemenereg ter sprake is, ʼn<br />

onafhanklike ondersoek moet loods, of <strong>die</strong> gemenereg ontwikkel moet word, of nie (955H).<br />

583 Hoofregter Mahomed verklaar in S v Chapman 1997(3) SA 341 (HHA) 344-345 soos volg: “Rape is a very serious offence, constituting as it does a<br />

humiliating, degrading and brutal invasion of the privacy, the dignity and the person of the victim. The rights to dignity, to privacy and the integrity of every<br />

person are basic to the ethos of the Constitution….and to any defensible civilisation. Women in this country are entitled to the protection of these rights.”<br />

584 “The Major engive for law reform should be the Legislature and not the Judiciary. In this regard it is worth repeating the dictem of Lacobucc J in R v<br />

Salituro 1992(8) CRR (2D) 173, which was cited by Kentridge A J in Du Plessis and Others v De Klerk and Another 1996(3) SA 850 (CC) PARAGRAAF 61:<br />

‘Judges can and should adapt the common law to reflect the changing social, moral and economic fabric of the country. Judges should not be quick to<br />

perpetuate rules whose social foundation has long since disappeared. Moretheless there are significant constraints on the power of the judiciary to change<br />

the law … In a constitutional democracy such as ours, it is the Legislature and not the Courts which has the major responsibility for law reform. The<br />

judiciary should confine itself to those incremental changes which are necessary to keep the common law in step with the dynamic and evolving fabric of our<br />


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