Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Tjaart Jurgens Maré Doctor Legum Universiteit van die Vrystaat


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128<br />

getoets word aan <strong>die</strong> hand <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> administratiewe geregtigheidsklousule soos vervat in<br />

Artikel 33 <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> Grondwet?<br />

“Royal Prerogative” soos dit in <strong>die</strong> verlede, veral in Engeland, bestaan het, is egter tans ʼn<br />

uitge<strong>die</strong>nde konsep, wat veral <strong>die</strong> Suid-Afrikaanse Reg betref. Dit is grootliks te wyte aan<br />

<strong>die</strong> nuwe Grondwet en veral <strong>die</strong> daarstelling <strong>van</strong> Artikels 83 en 84, gelees saam met Artikel<br />

33. Die volgende staaf hier<strong>die</strong> stelling.<br />

In <strong>die</strong> Patriotic Front-saak280 (ʼn Zimbabwiese saak) maak Hoofregter Dumbutshena <strong>die</strong><br />

volgende bewering :<br />

“In my view, the arbitrary exercise by the executive of a prerogative, regardless of its<br />

effects on those who may be deprived of their rights or interests or who have<br />

legitimate expectations, is nowadays subject to judicial review.”<br />

Die regter verskaf veral redes vir <strong>die</strong> judisiële inbreukmaking op <strong>die</strong> prerogatiewe magte.<br />

In <strong>die</strong> verskaffing <strong>van</strong> <strong>die</strong> redes noem <strong>die</strong> regter <strong>die</strong> volgende waardevolle komponente,<br />

wat veral beïnvloed word deur administratiewe optrede, te wete <strong>die</strong> individu se regte,<br />

belange en regmatige verwagtinge. Die hof het duidelik daarop gewys dat uitoefening <strong>van</strong><br />

prerogatiewe magte wel onderhewig is aan judisiële kontrole en hersiening, veral waar<br />

daar bewys is dat <strong>die</strong> uitoefening <strong>van</strong> hier<strong>die</strong> prerogatiewe magte op ʼn onbillike wyse ʼn<br />

persoon weerhou het <strong>van</strong> sy regte, belange of regmatige verwagtinge. Die regter is <strong>van</strong><br />

mening dat <strong>die</strong> audi alteram partem-reël wel in <strong>die</strong> saak <strong>van</strong> toepassing was.<br />

Na aanleiding <strong>van</strong> hier<strong>die</strong> saak, is dit duidelik dat prerogatiewe magte op <strong>die</strong>selfde vlak<br />

geplaas word as statutêre magte.<br />

In <strong>die</strong> Boesak-saak 281 benadruk regter Friedman dié stelling, as hy <strong>die</strong> volgende te sê het :<br />

“... if the decision-maker (being the executive) failed to apply his mind to the question<br />

when he was called upon to decide, that would constitute a ground for review.<br />

Similarly, if his decision was so grossly unreasonable that it warranted ... inference of<br />

mala fides or of an ulterior motive or that no reasonable person could, in the<br />

circumstances, have arrived at such a decision, the court would review the decision<br />

and set it aside.”<br />

Lord Roskill maak <strong>die</strong> volgende opmerking in <strong>die</strong> Council of Civil Service Union-saak :<br />

“... I am unable to see, subject to what I shall say later, that there is any logical reason<br />

why the fact that the source of the power is the prerogative and not a statute should<br />

today deprive the citizen of that right of challenge to the manner of its exercise which<br />

280 Patriotic Front - ZAPU v Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs 1986(1) SA 532 (ZS); Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil<br />

Service 1984(3) ALL ER 935(HL), SARFU v The President of the Republic of South Africa 1998(10) BCLR 1256 (T); Boesak v Minister Home Affairs and<br />

Another 1987(3) SA 665 (CPD).<br />

281 1987(3) SA 665 (CPD) by 674.

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