Huidige selectiecriteria en de online documentaire HOOFDSTUK 4 ...

Huidige selectiecriteria en de online documentaire HOOFDSTUK 4 ...

Huidige selectiecriteria en de online documentaire HOOFDSTUK 4 ...


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<strong>Huidige</strong> English summary <strong>selectiecriteria</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>online</strong> docum<strong>en</strong>taire<br />


The Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision, as a cultural heritage institution, is faced with numerous<br />

chall<strong>en</strong>ges in the rapidly changing digital age. The Dutch docum<strong>en</strong>tary is an internationally<br />

acclaimed tradition that has prov<strong>en</strong> to be of great value for historical research and re-use.<br />

For this reason docum<strong>en</strong>taries are a most-valued part of the collection of the institute. As<br />

docum<strong>en</strong>tary makers begin to use the Internet as a distribution method and explore the new<br />

possibilities that become available, new approaches to acquisition, preservation and disclosure<br />

are required. This study aims to address the curr<strong>en</strong>t status of the docum<strong>en</strong>tary and <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

for now and in the near future, what the chall<strong>en</strong>ges are and how these can be addressed by<br />

the Institute for Sound and Vision.<br />

The research was mainly performed through the <strong>de</strong>scription and analysis of new<br />

docum<strong>en</strong>taries, and interviews with differ<strong>en</strong>t participants in the financing, production and<br />

distribution of these artefacts. I also took note of differ<strong>en</strong>t international initiatives that concern<br />

the long term preservation of interactive art, websites, games and software.<br />


The selection criteria that are curr<strong>en</strong>tly being used are based on the preservation of traditional<br />

and linear forms of audio-visual material. These need to be judged on their merit as a selection<br />

tool for upcoming media forms. Most importantly att<strong>en</strong>tion must be paid so that selection<br />

criteria do not become absolute rules. A great <strong>de</strong>gree of flexibility is necessary if one is to<br />

anticipate to the wi<strong>de</strong> variety of media expressions that are produced in contemporary society.<br />

Already experim<strong>en</strong>tal productions are lost due to a lack of institutional flexibility and gaps in<br />

policy. It is with good reason that Sound and Vision aims at the preservation of born digital<br />

material because there is little care for artefacts on a <strong>de</strong>c<strong>en</strong>tralised network like the Internet.<br />

Manual and custom acquisition will take a more promin<strong>en</strong>t place as the production and<br />

distribution becomes dispersed across a wi<strong>de</strong> range of websites and portals. Also the incid<strong>en</strong>tal<br />

coverage level through sampling will become more important as the quantities increase.<br />

At the root of archiving practice lies a strong s<strong>en</strong>se of national id<strong>en</strong>tity. For <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s<br />

this has served as a useful and common s<strong>en</strong>se boundary for the selection of materials.<br />

The Internet hardly allows for such a distinction based on national bor<strong>de</strong>rs. International<br />

co-production becomes a more and more common modus operandi, and subject matter is<br />

oft<strong>en</strong> spread across differ<strong>en</strong>t countries. A radically differ<strong>en</strong>t approach is suggested by John<br />

MacK<strong>en</strong>zie Ow<strong>en</strong>, who proposes to take the use of audio-visual material, regardless of their<br />

nation of origin, as the most important selection criterion. He also suggests to focus more on<br />

nonprofessional productions, because they form the digital fabric of society. Mack<strong>en</strong>zie Ow<strong>en</strong><br />

also thinks it might be necessary to consi<strong>de</strong>r conserving less material, and instead to invest in<br />

in-<strong>de</strong>pth <strong>de</strong>scriptions of context, use and importance. A final suggestion he makes is to seek<br />

collaboration with private parties such as Google or Microsoft to facilitate the disclosure of<br />

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