Latvijas Vēsturnieku komisijas raksti - 23.sējums

Latvijas Vēsturnieku komisijas raksti - 23.sējums

Latvijas Vēsturnieku komisijas raksti - 23.sējums


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Uldis Lasmanis. Holokausts Jēkabpils pilsētā<br />

101 Autora intervija ar Jefrosiņju Rusāni un Vilmu Apsaloni 2005. gada 16. jūnijā un 2006. gada 24. augustā;<br />

Telefonintervija ar Haju Rotbartu, laulībā Zilbere, 2005. gada 17. jūnijā un tieša saruna Jēkabpilī<br />

2006. gada 12. septembrī.<br />

102 Telefonintervija ar Imantu Auziņu 2005. gada 25. jūnijā, 2006. gada 15. septembrī un 16. oktobrī;<br />

Dokumentācijas centrs “Ebreji Latvijā”, III 1351.<br />

103 Autora intervija ar Osvaldu Kukuru 2006. gada 15. augustā un 20. septembrī.<br />

Holocaust in the Town of Jēkabpils<br />

Uldis Lasmanis<br />

Summary<br />

Jēkabpils, a village named after Duke Jakob, acquired the status of a city in 1670. It is one<br />

of the newest cities in Latvia. Jews were allowed to inhabit it only after 1796, i.e. after the<br />

dukedom had been already annexed to the Russian Empire. The settlement of Jēkabpils<br />

always has been situated on the bank of the trading route of the River Daugava (on the<br />

upgrade of the large riffles). There cargos from the barges were moved along the river for<br />

30 kilometers to the nearest city Jaunjelgava (former Fridrichstadt) using the horse teams.<br />

That is the reason why until opening the new railway route Riga–Orla the main occupations<br />

of the Jews living in Jēkabpils was organizing the land transport route, accommodating the<br />

rafters, and merchandizing. The latter and craftsmanship were the main professions of the<br />

Jews even until 1935 when there were 793 inhabitants of Jewish nationality. It was one<br />

of the few towns in the country where the size of the Jewish community did not decrease<br />

during the years of Latvia’s first independence. That is why one can find several synagogues<br />

and a Jewish elementary school in Jēkabpils.<br />

The beginning years of World War II were significant with the rapid approach of Wermacht<br />

and with indetermination of the fascist attitude towards the inhabitants of Jewish nationality.<br />

The further narration of the tragic events is mainly based on the memories of the eyewitnesses<br />

and on the cases of the Soviet tribunals – no documents have been preserved<br />

of the Jēkabpils District police office.<br />

Although Jēkabpils is situated on the western coast of Daugava – on the side of the<br />

attacking Wermacht army, approximately half of the Jewish people managed to leave the<br />

city before the army reached it. The main reason for that is the incapability of the German<br />

assault team to seize the bridge until 28 June 1941. After that everything went according<br />

to the scheme observed in other towns of Latvia.<br />

Either the commanders of the German divisions Reinhard, Kriger, Kirhner or the director<br />

of the posterior logistics colonel Petersen gave a quick order to the not long before organized<br />

local self-defence troops to arrest all the remaining Jews and gather them in the two<br />

synagogues located on the corner of the Pasta and Akmeņu streets. This happened at the<br />


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