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PDF 2.16 MB - Rīgas Zooloģiskais Dārzs


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Lai atvieglotu apmeklētājiem orientēšanos, izveidojām jaunu maketu zoodārza plānam, ieviešot<br />

koordināšu sistēmu un izvietojot zoodārza teritorijā jau trijās vietās. Sākām ieviest jauna stila norādes,<br />

papildinot tās ar uzrakstiem latviešu, krievu un angļu valodās.<br />

Nodrošinājām arī citu iespieddarbu maketēšanu – reklāmas bukleti latviešu un angļu valodā, zoodārza<br />

veidlapas, ieejas biļetes, apsveikuma kartiņas, ielūgumi un abonementi, zoodārza plāni un zoodārza<br />

kalendārs 2010. gadam.<br />

Lai veiktu iepriekšminēto, ļoti svarīgs ir it kā neredzamais, bet nepārtrauktais darbs vācot, sistematizējot,<br />

analizējot un pilnveidojot zoodārza videotēkas, fotoarhīva, informatīvo un metodisko materiālu, kā arī<br />

vēsturisko datu bāzi.<br />

Šogad īpašu uzmanību un rūpību veltījām darbam pie zoodārza vēstures – apkopojām un arhivējām<br />

vēsturiskos preses izdevumus, turpinājām vēsturisko fotogrāfiju skenēšanu, meklējām vēsturiskas ziņas<br />

Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvā, Latvijas Valsts arhīvā, Rīgas pilsētas būvvaldes arhīvā, Rīgas vēstures un<br />

kuģniecības muzejā, Latvijas Universitātes Zooloģijas muzejā, antikvariātos un kolekcionāru saietos,<br />

intervējām bijušos zoodārza darbiniekus un viņu radiniekus. Sadarbībā ar žurnālistu un zoodārza draugu<br />

Daini Īvānu uzsākām darbu pie zoodārza simtgades grāmatas.<br />

Paldies visām zoodārza nodaļām gan par atbalstu mūsu ikdienas darbos, gan palīdzību nodrošinot<br />

kvalitatīvā pasākumu norisē, gan kolēģiem, kuri ārpus saviem darba pienākumiem uzņēmās kļūst par<br />

mēdiju zvaigznēm. Paldies arī mūsu draugiem un ģimenēm par pacietību, atbalstu un līdzdarbošanos!<br />

Education and public relations<br />

The activities of the Department of Education and Information include guided tours at the zoo and<br />

thematic classes for schoolchildren at the Education Centre of the zoo (88 tours and classes were conducted<br />

in 2009), lectures with live animals in schools etc. (60), and many other tasks associated with zoo education<br />

function and public relations. 20 new issues of worksheets were published in 2009. 29 press releases were<br />

sent to the mass media.<br />

During summer season keeper talks were continued at the zoo already for the fifth year. Those included<br />

feeding demonstrations of flamingoes, cassowaries, hippopotamuses, pelicans and cormorants, lemurs,<br />

meerkats and giraffes, the show of trained seals, and in sunny summer days also the shower and mud bath<br />

of wild boars.<br />

During 2009, more than 10 public events were conducted at the zoo. In February, the Month of Tropics<br />

took place already for the seventh year. The Bird Day was conducted in cooperation with the Nature<br />

Protection Board for the twelfth consecutive year since the renewal of this tradition at the zoo. Visitors were<br />

offered a possibility to join the nest box construction workshops during 4–5 April. The Family Day events<br />

took place in May for the sixth year with support of AS Rīgas Piena kombināts. On 10 July, the weighing of<br />

Indefatigable Island Tortoises occurred for the ninth year, as always, with the participation of the famous<br />

Latvian weightlifter Raimonds Bergmanis who was joined by champion weightlifter Viktors Ščerbatihs this<br />

year. On 23 October the final of the Annual Pumpkin Championship of Latvia took place at the zoo again,<br />

organized by Maxima retail chain.<br />

On 10–11 October visitors received a present from the zoo in its 97th anniversary – admission fee<br />

discounts for people with animal names in their name or surname. More than 1030 visitors with ‘animal<br />

names’ attended the zoo, including three people who enjoyed free entrance, having animal names both in<br />

their name and surname.<br />

Several events were conducted at the zoo for the first time. On 29–30 August the Black-and-white Striped<br />

Days were organized, with educational activities focused on ‘striped animals’ themes – Zebra, Porcupine and<br />

Ringtail Lemur. Public enjoyed the event so much that it was repeated on 12–13 September, too. Predator<br />

Days were conducted on 26–27 September, with activities focused on different carnivores – Maned Wolves,<br />

Tigers, Bears.<br />

Still, the most interesting new activity was ‘Winter Nights at the Zoo’ that started on 4 December and<br />

continued till the end of January 2010. For the first time the zoo had its gates open to the public in evenings.<br />

After 1600 hrs the entrance fee discounts were offered. All indoor exhibits were open to the public till<br />

2000 hrs, and the zoo was decorated with Christmas lights. The event became unexpectedly popular,<br />

attendance was high, as it is planned to repeat the Winter Nights in the next winter.<br />

On 13 February the memorial event ‘100 year anniversary of Arvīds Vīksne’ took place. Dr. vet. Arvīds<br />

Vīksne was one of the most famous former Riga Zoo directors that took care for the zoo during the Second<br />

World War and in the first Soviet years.<br />


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