PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte

PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte


zinātniskās konferences „Dabaszinību didaktika šodien un rīt‖ rakstu krājums. Rīga: RPIVA. Pieľemts publicēšanai , 2007 Salite, I., Micule, I., Kravale, M., Ilisko, D., Stakle, A. (2007). Toward the Sustainability in Teacher Education: Promise of Action Research, in Pipere, A. (ed.) Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward Changes BBCC/ISE annual collection of articles, Vol. 2, Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Publishing House ―Saule‖. 2007, 263-292 Iliško, Dz. ( 2006). Education for democracy in our pluralistic society. Sustainable Development, Culture and Education, Helsinki: Helsinki University, 58 Iliško, Dz. (2006). The challenges of pedagogy: Reclaiming one‘s voice to construct a just world. At Risk population, Sociolinguistic Educational Issues (ed. By S. Sinha & A. Gupta, A) New Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distributions, 53- 64pp. Ilisko, Dz., Guseva, V., Altane J. (2006). Redefining an attitude towards marginalized groups in Latvia. At Risk population, Sociolinguistic Educational Issues (ed. by S. Sinha & A.Gupta) New Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distributions, 167-178pp. Iliško, Dz. (2006). Teacher‘s identity, agency and change: Perspectives of Latvia Teacher‘s postmodern uncertainty. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference „Educational Research, Policy in an Era of Globalization‟ 2006, Hon- Kong. Publicēts CD diskā 10 lpp. Iliško, Dz. (2005). Towards a more inclusive religious education in Eastern Europe. Yearbook of the European Society of Women in Theological Research. The Neatherlands: Peeters, 169- 193pp. Ilisko, Dz. (2005). Die katolische Kirche in Zeiten des Wandels in Lettland. Diakonia, 36, 4,288 - 294 lpp. Iliško, Dz. (2005). Pedagogical Challenges for Building Holistic Curriculum. Journal of Teacher Education and Training. Daugavpils: Saule, Vol. 5, 28- 40 pp. Iliško, Dz. (2004). Developing sensibilities towards the Other in an ecologically sustainable global Community. International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values, 16, 33 - 44pp. Iliško, Dz. (2000). Holistic perspective towards teaching in the primary school. Education for the 21 st century. Lietuva: Klaipēda, 48 - 51pp. Iliško, Dz. (2000). Towards building an authentic environment for the growth of an individual person.Person. Color Nature. Music. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University, 72 - 77pp. PIEDALĪŠANĀS UN UZSTĀŠANĀS STARPTISKAJĀS KONFERENCĒS Iliško, Dz. 2007, 3-4 november (Greece, Cyprus ) Conference ‗Citizenship, Multiculturalism, Cosmopolitanism, Presentation: Challenges of Multicultural Education in Latvia: Teacher‘s view. 450

Iliško, Dz. Kravale, M. 2007, May 30-June 2(Hungary, Debrecen) 5th International JTET Conference, Presentation: Developing adults research skills within the further educational programs by fostering a sustainable and authentic teaching. Iliško, Dz. Mičule, I. 2007, March 15-16, (Riga: RPIVA) International Scientific Conference ‗Didactic of Science Today and Tomorrow‘ Presentation: Gender Equality in Science: Equal Project ‗Reducing causes of professional segregation. Iliško, Dz. 2007, 29.augusts-2.septembris (Itālija, Neapole) Piedalīšanās straptautiskajā ESWTR konferenē 'Diventare Comunita Vivente' Iliško, Dz. 2007 July 3-6 (Prāga) 10th European Congress of Psychology , Prezentācija: 'Cross gender aspects in international research' (CAF Congress Assistance Programme stipendija līdzdalībai konferencē) Iliško Dz. 2006. 29.-31. marts (Rīga ) Starptautiskā konferencē „Sieviete izglītībā, karjerā, biznesā‖ Labklājības Ministrijas organizētajā „EQUAL Latvija‖ projekta ietvaros Iliško Dz. 2006. 10.-13. maijs (Austrija). Starptautiskais teologu kongress ―Theologie von Frauen fur Frauen?‖ Ziľojums ―Uber die Situation von Frauen in Kirchen enhemals kommunistischer Lander‖ Iliško, Dz., O.Grišāne 2006. 10. augusts (Prāga) Straptautiskā conference ― Womens‘ spirituality‘ Uzstāšanās ar ziľojumu ‗Valērija Seile a woman of courage and spirit for other women.’ Iliško Dz. 2006. 27.-18. maijs (Igaunija) 8. . Eiropas straptautiskā konference: ‗Citizenship Education: Europe and the World. Teaching European and Global Citizenship‘. Uzstāšanās ar referātu:Uzstāšanās ar ziľojumu ‗The challenge of teaching adults to embrace the reality of a pluralistic world in Latvia.’ Iliško Dz. 2006. 31. maijs - 3. jūnijs (Somija) 4. starptautiskā konference ‗Sustainable development, culture and education‖ Uzstāšanās ar referātu ―Education for democracy in our Pluralistic Society.‖ Iliško Dz. 2005. 18.-21. maijs (Latvija: Daugavpils Universitāte) Pieadlīšanās 4. starptautiskā konferencē "Person. Color. Nature. Music" Daugavpils Universitāte Iliško Dz. 2005. maijs (Somija) Starptautiskajā konferencē "Adult Education," Uzstāšanās ar referātu "Possibilities and Challenges of Adult Education in Latvia." Iliško Dz. 2005.16. -19. novembris (Indonēzija, Jakarta) Starptautiskā konference "Body and Sexuality,‖ Uzstāšanās ar referātu " Ecological approach towards re-defying sexuality of women.‖ Iliško Dz. 2005. g. 28. maijs (Vācija, Fehta ) Trešā starptautiskā JTET konference "Sustainable Development, Culture and Educaton" Uzstāšanās ar referātu "Pedagogical Challenges for Building Holistic Curriculum." Iliško Dz. 2004. 14.-16.aprīlis (Daugavpils: Daugavils University) Piedalīšanās starptautiskajā konferencē ‗Sustainable Development. Culture. Education‘ Uzstāšanās ar ziľojumu ‗Postmodern sensibilities towards the other living in an ecologically sustainable global community.‟ 451

zinātniskās konferences „Dabaszinību didaktika šodien un rīt‖ rakstu krājums. Rīga: RPIVA. Pieľemts<br />

publicēšanai , 2007<br />

Salite, I., Micule, I., Kravale, M., Ilisko, D., Stakle, A. (2007). Toward the Sustainability in Teacher Education:<br />

Promise of Action Research, in Pipere, A. (ed.) Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward<br />

Changes BBCC/ISE annual collection of articles, Vol. 2, <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University Publishing House<br />

―Saule‖. 2007, 263-292<br />

Iliško, Dz. ( 2006). Education for democracy in our pluralistic society. Sustainable<br />

Development, Culture and Education, Helsinki: Helsinki University, 58<br />

Iliško, Dz. (2006). The challenges of pedagogy: Reclaiming one‘s voice to construct a just<br />

world. At Risk population, Sociolinguistic Educational Issues (ed. By S. Sinha & A. Gupta, A)<br />

New Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distributions, 53- 64pp.<br />

Ilisko, Dz., Guseva, V., Altane J. (2006). Redefining an attitude towards marginalized groups in<br />

Latvia. At Risk population, Sociolinguistic Educational Issues (ed. by S. Sinha & A.Gupta) New<br />

Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distributions, 167-178pp.<br />

Iliško, Dz. (2006). Teacher‘s identity, agency and change: Perspectives of Latvia Teacher‘s<br />

postmodern uncertainty. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association<br />

International Conference „Educational Research, Policy in an Era of Globalization‟ 2006, Hon-<br />

Kong. Publicēts CD diskā 10 lpp.<br />

Iliško, Dz. (2005). Towards a more inclusive religious education in Eastern Europe. Yearbook of<br />

the European Society of Women in Theological Research. The Neatherlands: Peeters, 169-<br />

193pp.<br />

Ilisko, Dz. (2005). Die katolische Kirche in Zeiten des Wandels in Lettland. Diakonia, 36,<br />

4,288 - 294 lpp.<br />

Iliško, Dz. (2005). Pedagogical Challenges for Building Holistic Curriculum. Journal of<br />

Teacher Education and Training. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: Saule, Vol. 5, 28- 40 pp.<br />

Iliško, Dz. (2004). Developing sensibilities towards the Other in an ecologically sustainable<br />

global Community. International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values, 16,<br />

33 - 44pp.<br />

Iliško, Dz. (2000). Holistic perspective towards teaching in the primary school. Education for the<br />

21 st century. Lietuva: Klaipēda, 48 - 51pp.<br />

Iliško, Dz. (2000). Towards building an authentic environment for the growth of an individual<br />

person.Person. Color Nature. Music. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University, 72 - 77pp.<br />


Iliško, Dz. 2007, 3-4 november (Greece, Cyprus ) Conference ‗Citizenship, Multiculturalism,<br />

Cosmopolitanism, Presentation: Challenges of Multicultural Education in Latvia: Teacher‘s<br />

view.<br />


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