PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte

PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte

PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte


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Davidova, J. & Marnauza, M. (2003) Evaluation of a music teacher‘s as conductor‘s professional<br />

maturity. The Third International Research in Music Education Conference. Exeter: University<br />

of Exeter, pp. 48-55.<br />

Davidova, J. & Marnauza, M. (2003) Evaluation of a music teacher‘s as conductor‘s professional<br />

maturity: The new approach in Latvian music pedagogy. Teaching and Learning in Higher<br />

Education: New Trends and Innovations. University of Aveiro.<br />

Davidova, J. (2003) Psychological and pedagogical analysis of the music lesson as a means of<br />

development of music teacher‘s reflective activity. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education:<br />

New Trends and Innovations. University of Aveiro.<br />

Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2002) Latvian teachers‘ readiness for work with gifted children.<br />

Development of Human Potential: Investment into our Future. Rhodes: ECHA, p. 18.<br />

Davidova, J. (1997) J. A. Komenska ideja par izglītību mūsdienās. Vispārizglītojošās skolas<br />

attīstības ceļi. Minska, 207. – 209. lpp. (krievu valodā).<br />

Davidova, J. (1996) J. A. Komenska ideju aktualitāte mācības sistēmas reformu laikā. Izglītības<br />

sistēmu transformācija: vērtējums, problēmas, perspektīvas. Minska, 11. – 13. lpp. (krievu<br />

valodā).<br />

Zinātniskie raksti Baltijā<br />

Davidova, J. (2005) Music teacher‘s further education at <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University. Changing<br />

Education in a Changing Society. Klaipeda: Klaipedos universitetas, pp. 40 – 44.<br />

Davidova, J. & Kokina I. (2005) Some aspects of motivation of teacher‘s creative selfdevelopment.<br />

Changing Education in a Changing Society. Klaipeda: Klaipedos universitetas, pp.<br />

45 – 50.<br />

Davidova, J. & Zhizhina, M. (2004) Music perception levels of primary school pupils. The<br />

Changing Face of Music Education: Articles. Tallinn: Tallinn Pedagogical University, pp. 73 –<br />

83.<br />

Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2004) The competence of Latvian teachers in giftedness development.<br />

Sustainable Development. Culture. Education. Tallinn: Tallinn Pedagogical University, 10p.<br />

Davidova, J. & Augustova, Dz. (2002) The structure of musical abilities. Muzikos mokytojo<br />

rengimas šiuolakinei mokyklai. Vilnius: Vilnius Pedagoginis universitetas, pp. 9 – 16.<br />

Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2002) Development of giftedness in Latvia: Realities and<br />

perspectives. Teacher Education in XXI Century: Changing and Perspectives. Šiauliu<br />

universitetas, pp. 45-50.<br />

Davidova, J., Skutāns, V. & Zhizhina, M. (2002) Latvian Song Festivals as a component of<br />

national identity. Teacher Education in XXI Century: Changing and Perspectives. Šiauliu<br />

universitetas, pp. 235-240.<br />

Davidova, J. & Znutinsh, E. (2001) The structure of the music teacher‘s pedagogical activity.<br />

Realizing Educational Problems: ATEE Spring University 2001. Klaipeda: Klaipedos<br />

universitetas, pp. 102 – 106.<br />


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