PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte

PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte


4. Belousa, I., Stakle, A. (2007). Development and Reorientation of Education toward Sustainability in Latvia after 1991. In A.Pipere (ed.) Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward Changes. BBCC/ISE annual collection of articles, Volume 2. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press „Saule‖, pp. 99-113. ISBN 978-9984- 14-373-6 5. Stakle, A., Belousa, I. (2007). Media in Creating Sustainable Learning Environment in Art Education. 47.pasaules vides izglītības kongresa ―Learning in a Changing World‖ raksti 6. Stakle, A., Belousa, I. (2007). Media in Reorienting Art Education towards Sustainability. Piektās starptautiskās konferences “Person. Colour. Nature. Music,” rakstu krājums, Daugavpils, Latvija: Saule. 151.-158.lpp. 7. Chapulis, S., Kazakevicha. I. (2007). Humanisms as a philosophical basis of sports education theory. Piektās starptautiskās konferences “Person.Colour.Nature.Music” rakstu krājums, 17.-21. oktobris, Daugavpils, Latvija: Saule, 278.-285.lpp. 8. S.Stalidzāne.Prophylactic Measures of deficit of Pupils Motion Activity in Process of adaptation to studying Load. The International Scientific Conference The Regional Aspects of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Daugavpils, Latvia, 17– 18 May, 2007. 9. Guseva S., Dombrovskis V., Iliško D. (2007) Preparing Children for School: The Perspective of Sustainability. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, Vol. 8, 48-58. 10. Dombrovskis V., Guseva S., Murašovs V. (2007) The Development of Professional Identity of Sport‘s Teachers: Emotional and Typological Peculiarities. Long Papers of the 12 th European Congress of Sport Psychology „Sport & Exercise Psychology: Bridges between disciplines & cultures” (ed. by Yannis Theodorakis, Marios Goudas & Athanasios Papaioannou)/ 4-9 September, 2007// Halkidiki-Greece. 276-278 pp. (CD) 11. Bezzina, Chr., Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2007) Sustainable leadership for school improvement. A. Pipere (Ed.) Education & Sustainable Development: First steps towards changes, Vol. 2, pp. 139-149. 12. Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2007) Teachers‘ views on innovative processes in schools of Latvia. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, Vol. 8, 25-36. 13. Davidova, J. & Boikova, I. (2007) Evaluation of Student‘s Individual Performance in a music secondary school. Problems in Music Pedagogy, 1, 94-110. 14. Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2007) Music perception levels of primary school pupils. Hawaii International Conference on Education, pp. 1214-1223. 15. Davidova, J. & Minakova, T. (2007) The method of modeling as a means of development of students‘ self-regulation in piano class: Theoretical aspect. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 11p. 16. Kokina, I. & Davidova, J. (2007) Motivation of establishment leaders‘ creative selfdevelopment in conditions of innovative activity. Hawaii International Conference on Education, pp. 3154-3168. 17. Davidova, J. & Minakova, T. (2007) Reflective Culture in the Structure of Music Teacher‘s Creative Activity. A. Šļahova (Ed.) Person. Color. Nature. Music: Scientific Articles. Daugavpils: Akadēmiskais apgāds ―Saule‖, 176-187. 18. Kokina, I. & Davidova, J. (2007) Motivation of Establishment Leaders Creative Selfdevelopment in Conditions of Innovative Processes in Society. . A. Šļahova (Ed.) Person. Color. Nature. Music: Scientific Articles. Daugavpils: Akadēmiskais apgāds ―Saule‖, 228- 242. 19. Davidova J. & Kokina I. Development of innovative processes in Latvian school. Changing Education in a Changing Society. Klaipeda: Klaipeda Univeristy, 2007, 2, 58-64. 20. Minakova T. & Davidova J. Theoretical background of development of music teacher‘s reflective activity. Changing Education in a Changing Society. Klaipeda: Klaipeda Univeristy, 2007, 1, 179-185. 264

21. Davidova J. & Kokina I. (2007) Co-operative Partnership in Teacher‘s Creative Activity: Motivation Aspects. 31st Annual ATEE Conference. Ljubljana: National School for Leadership in Education, pp. 333-343. ISBN 978-961-6637-06-0 22. Becoming a Researcher: Interplay of Identity and Sustainability, in Pipere, A. (ed.) Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward Changes, international collection of ISE/BBCC, volume 2, 2007. 23. A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Sustainability Oriented Researcher‟s Identity, in Scientific articles of the 5th International Conference “Person. Color. Nature. Music‖, October 17-21, 2007, Daugavpils University, 53-62. 24. The Sustainability-Oriented Researcher‟s Identity: Action Research in Doctoral Studies, in Filho, W.L, Manolas, E.I., Sotirakos, M.N. & Boutakis, G.A. (eds.) Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problems, Promises and Good Practice, 2007, University of Crete: Media, 230-240. 25. Kokina, I. (2007) ―Philosophy of Master Study Program ―Community and Establishment Administration‖ in the Conditions of Community‘s Democratisation in Latvia‖ Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities”, Conference Proceedings, pp. 2764. - 2780. 26. Iliško, Dz. (2007). Teachers as Agents of Societal Change. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 11/7, 14 - 27, 2007, ISSN 1691-4147 27. Iliško, Dz. (2007). Religious Education in Latvia, in Kuyk, E., Jensen, R, Lankshear, Loh Manna Elisabeth, Schreiner, P. (ed.). Religious Education in Europe. IKO: Publishing House, 2007, 121-127, ISBN 978-82-7012-793-0 28. Salite, I., Micule, I., Kravale, M., Ilisko, D., Stakle, A. (2007). Toward the Sustainability in Teacher Education: Promise of Action Research, in Pipere, A. (ed.) Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward Changes BBCC/ISE annual collection of articles, Vol. 2, Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Publishing House ―Saule‖. 2007, 263- 292. 29. Makarevich, V.(2007) The Teacher as the Scientists: Development of Identity of the Researcher. Spring University,2. Klaipeda University, Klaipeda. 163-169 p.p. 30. Guseva,V. (2007) Principles of Efficient Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Primary School of General Education. Scientific articles of the 5th International Conference “Person. Color. Nature. Music”, Daugavpils University, ISBN-978-9984-14-367-5, 116-125 pp. Citas publikācijas 1. Belousa, I., Grants, J., Miķelsone, I. (2007). Izglītības aktivitātes Gruzijā. Skolotājs, 3 (63): 32-37.lpp. 2. Krastiľa E. (2007). Pedagogs ar skatu nākotnē / Aizsila A. sērija ―Ievērojamie latviešu pedagogi‖ Profesors Guntis Rudzītis (mācību līdzeklis studentiem, skolotājiem, maģistrantiem)./ Jelgava, 54. – 56. lpp. 3. Kokina I., Davidova J. (2007) Intelektuālā apdāvinātība: zinātnieku un skolotāju praktiķu skatījums. Skolotājs, 1, 21-30. 4. Makarevičs, V. (2008) Skolotāja-pētnieka identitātes veidošana. Sabiedrība, integrācija, Izglītība. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli 2008.g. 22.-23. februāris. Rēzekne, 63-70 lpp. Konferenču tēzes 1. Belousa, I., Grabovska, R. Latvian Case of Reorienting Higher Education towards Sustainability (tēzes). IV. starptautiskā vides izglītības konference “Environmental Education 265

4. Belousa, I., Stakle, A. (2007). Development and Reorientation of Education toward<br />

Sustainability in Latvia after 1991. In A.Pipere (ed.) Education and Sustainable<br />

Development: First Steps toward Changes. BBCC/ISE annual collection of articles, Volume<br />

2. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University Academic Press „Saule‖, pp. 99-113. ISBN 978-9984-<br />

14-373-6<br />

5. Stakle, A., Belousa, I. (2007). Media in Creating Sustainable Learning Environment in Art<br />

Education. 47.pasaules vides izglītības kongresa ―Learning in a Changing World‖ raksti<br /><br />

6. Stakle, A., Belousa, I. (2007). Media in Reorienting Art Education towards Sustainability.<br />

Piektās starptautiskās konferences “Person. Colour. Nature. Music,” rakstu krājums,<br />

<strong>Daugavpils</strong>, Latvija: Saule. 151.-158.lpp.<br />

7. Chapulis, S., Kazakevicha. I. (2007). Humanisms as a philosophical basis of sports education<br />

theory. Piektās starptautiskās konferences “Person.Colour.Nature.Music” rakstu krājums,<br />

17.-21. oktobris, <strong>Daugavpils</strong>, Latvija: Saule, 278.-285.lpp.<br />

8. S.Stalidzāne.Prophylactic Measures of deficit of Pupils Motion Activity in Process of<br />

adaptation to studying Load. The International Scientific Conference The Regional Aspects of<br />

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>, Latvia, 17– 18 May, 2007.<br />

9. Guseva S., Dombrovskis V., Iliško D. (2007) Preparing Children for School: The Perspective<br />

of Sustainability. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, Vol. 8, 48-58.<br />

10. Dombrovskis V., Guseva S., Murašovs V. (2007) The Development of Professional Identity<br />

of Sport‘s Teachers: Emotional and Typological Peculiarities. Long Papers of the 12 th<br />

European Congress of Sport Psychology „Sport & Exercise Psychology: Bridges between<br />

disciplines & cultures” (ed. by Yannis Theodorakis, Marios Goudas & Athanasios<br />

Papaioannou)/ 4-9 September, 2007// Halkidiki-Greece. 276-278 pp. (CD)<br />

11. Bezzina, Chr., Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2007) Sustainable leadership for school<br />

improvement. A. Pipere (Ed.) Education & Sustainable Development: First steps towards<br />

changes, Vol. 2, pp. 139-149.<br />

12. Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2007) Teachers‘ views on innovative processes in schools of<br />

Latvia. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, Vol. 8, 25-36.<br />

13. Davidova, J. & Boikova, I. (2007) Evaluation of Student‘s Individual Performance in a music<br />

secondary school. Problems in Music Pedagogy, 1, 94-110.<br />

14. Davidova, J. & Kokina, I. (2007) Music perception levels of primary school pupils. Hawaii<br />

International Conference on Education, pp. 1214-1223.<br />

15. Davidova, J. & Minakova, T. (2007) The method of modeling as a means of development of<br />

students‘ self-regulation in piano class: Theoretical aspect. Hawaii International Conference<br />

on Arts and Humanities, 11p.<br />

16. Kokina, I. & Davidova, J. (2007) Motivation of establishment leaders‘ creative selfdevelopment<br />

in conditions of innovative activity. Hawaii International Conference on<br />

Education, pp. 3154-3168.<br />

17. Davidova, J. & Minakova, T. (2007) Reflective Culture in the Structure of Music Teacher‘s<br />

Creative Activity. A. Šļahova (Ed.) Person. Color. Nature. Music: Scientific Articles.<br />

<strong>Daugavpils</strong>: Akadēmiskais apgāds ―Saule‖, 176-187.<br />

18. Kokina, I. & Davidova, J. (2007) Motivation of Establishment Leaders Creative Selfdevelopment<br />

in Conditions of Innovative Processes in Society. . A. Šļahova (Ed.) Person.<br />

Color. Nature. Music: Scientific Articles. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: Akadēmiskais apgāds ―Saule‖, 228-<br />

242.<br />

19. Davidova J. & Kokina I. Development of innovative processes in Latvian school. Changing<br />

Education in a Changing Society. Klaipeda: Klaipeda Univeristy, 2007, 2, 58-64.<br />

20. Minakova T. & Davidova J. Theoretical background of development of music teacher‘s<br />

reflective activity. Changing Education in a Changing Society. Klaipeda: Klaipeda<br />

Univeristy, 2007, 1, 179-185.<br />


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