PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte

PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte PEDAGOGIJAS MAĢISTRA - Daugavpils Universitāte


Daugavpils Universitātes iekšējie granti (izmantoti materiāli no ) 2006. gada 21. marta DU Zinātnes padomes lēmumu, protokols Nr. 3. tika piešķirts finansējums šādiem DU zinātniskās attīstības projektiem 248 Reģistrācijas nr. Projekta vadītājs 05-23/2006-5 I. Salīte 05-23/2006-6 A. Pipere 05-23/2006-11 I.Kokina Projekta nosaukums Sadarbība ar Klusā okeāna piekrastes izglītības pētījumu konsorciju un piedalīšanās 20. PCC konferencē Meksikā Ţurnāla JTET 6.numura publicēšana un DU docētāju un doktorantu piedalīšanās JTET 4. starptautiskajā konferencē "Sustainable Development. Culture. Education." Gametisko šūnu attīstības novērošana un dubultoto haploīdu iegūšana in vitro mieţu (Hordeum vulgare L.) putekšľu maciľu kultūrās" Publikācijas vietējos un starptautiskajos izdevumos IRĒNA KOKINA I.Kokina, J.Davidova “Intellectual giftedness criteria and indicators: Latvian teachers‟ view” Journal of teacher education and training. Volume 6, 2006,116-134 pp. I.Kokina, J.Davidova ― Latvian teachers‘ conceptual understanding on the intellectual giftedness‖. 29th Annual conference ―Teacher Education Between Theoty and Practice: The End of Theory, The future of Practice? Agrigento (Italy), 23-27 October, 2005, 6-21 pp. ILGA SALĪTE Salīte I., JTET 4. starptautiskā konference ―Sustainable Development. Culture. Education‖ / ‟Education for Democracy as a Part of Education for Sustainable Development‟‖ - Helsinku Universitātē. Publikāciju 18 lpp. Salīte, I. & Pipere, A. Aspects of sustainable development from the perspective of teachers, Journal of Teacher Education and Training, Vol.6, 2006, 15-32. ANITA PIPERE Salīte, I. & Pipere A., Aspects of sustainable development from the perspective of teachers, Journal of Teacher Education and Training, Vol.6, 2006, 15-32. Pipere, A., Philosophy of Education for Sustainable Development: Perspectives of Doctoral Students in Education International collection of Institute of Sustainable Education ―Education and Sustainable Development: Problems. Solutions. Perspectives‖, 1.sējums, 2006, 43-57. Jakovļeva, J. & Pipere, A. Professional choice of vocational school and university students in Latgale. Sociālo zinātľu vēstnesis, 2006, 1(3), 39-70. Pipere, A. Primary and Secondary Teachers: Beliefs and Performance Related Self-Perceptions about Engaged Learning. Baltic Journal of Psychology, Vol. 6, 2005, 32-44. JEļENA DAVIDOVA Kokina I., Davidova J. Latvian teachers‘ Conceptual Understanding on Intellectual Giftedness // Teacher Education Between Theory and Practice: The End of Theory… The Future of Practice?. – Milan, 2005, pp. 2-14. Davidova J., Boikova I. Evaluation of student‘s individual performance within the context of the development of achievements // Davidova J. (Ed.) Problems in Music Pedagogy. – Daugavpils: Daugavpils University, 2005, pp. 177-195.

Davidova J. Development of Giftedness in Latvia: Realities and Perspectives// WCGTC 16 th Biennial Conference. – New Orleans: WCGTC, 2005, pp. 34-44. Davidova J. Evaluation of Student‘s Individual Performance within the Context of the Development of Achievements. Price H.E. 21 st International Seminar on Research in Music Education: Proceedings. Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006, pp. 37-44. Kokina I., Davidova J. Intellectual giftedness criteria and indicators: Latvian teachers‘ view// Journal of Teacher Education and Training, 2006, Volume 6, pp. 116-133. VIJA GUSEVA Guseva V., Altāne J., Iliško D., Redefining an Attitude towards Marginalized Groups in Latvia. At-Risk Population. Sociolinguistic and Educational Issues. Dominant Publishers and Distributors. NEW DELHI-11OOO2 (ed. By Smita Sinha & Abha Gupta) 167 – 178 pp. Kravale M., Guseva V. Informal Education of Youth and Inclusive Environment. Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia.Vilnius University Publishing House.40-46 Guseva V., Princciples of Efficient Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Primary School of General Education. 4. starptautiskā JTET (JORNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING) konference. Sustainable development. Culture and education.- Helsinki, Somija. CD V.Dombrovskis, S.Guseva, Dz.Iliško. Professional Identification of Adolescents of Latvia in Multicultural Environment. 9th European Congress of Psychology. 2005, 03-08 July, Granada (Spain). VALĒRIJS DOMBROVSKIS V.Dombrovskis, S.Guseva, Dz.Iliško. Professional Identification of Adolescents of Latvia in Multicultural Environment. 9th European Congress of Psychology. 2005, 03-08 July, Granada (Spain). LILIJA GORBACEVIČA Горбацевич Л.В. „Время как экономический ресурс в восприятии работающего населения регионов Латвии‖ // 2 Всероссийская научная конференция „Сорокинские чтения – 2005 Будущее России: стратегии развития‖ 14.-15. декабря 2005 г. – М.:МГУ,2005. Горбацевич Л.В. „Рабочее время и его цена‖. Nowa ekonomija a spoleczenstwo T2, Lublin, 2006, стр.391-395 DMITRIJS OĻEHNOVIČS Oļehnovičs D. „Viľi cīnījās par dzimteni...‖ vai avīze „За Родину‖ nacistu okupētajā Latvija // Mīti Latvijas vēsture / Red. A.Stranga, I.Feldmanis, I.Butulis / Sast.K.Zelis.- Rīga: Ţurnāla „Latvijas Vēsture‖ fons, 2006.- Oļehnovičs D. Antisemītisma propaganda Latvijas presē: 1940. – 1945. // Zinātniskās konferences „Antisemītisms un islamofobija Latvijā – pagātne, aktuālā situācija, risinājumi‖ / Valdis Tēraudkalns.- Rīga: Latvijas Bībeles biedrība, 2006.- 67. – 78.lpp. [ISBN 9984- 564-84-3] Олехнович Д., Зеллис К. Роль антисемитской карикатуры в пропаганде в оккупированной нацистами Латвии (газета „Tēvija‖ 1941 – 1945 г.г.) // Проблеми iсторii Голокосту / Вiд. ред. М.Тяглii.- Вып.3.- N.3.- 2006.- C. 7 – 25. [ISBN 966-525-719-6; ББК 63.3 (2)722; УДК 930.85] DZINTRA ILIŠKO Iliško Dz. "Pedagogical Challenges for Building Holistic Curriculum" . Journal of Teacher Education and Training Vol. 5, 28- 40 Dz. Iliško ‖Education for democracy in our pluralistic society‖, .// ―Education for Democracy as a Part of Education for Sustainable Development‖. Sustainable Development, Culture and Education Conference Guide: 2006., p.58 249

Davidova J. Development of Giftedness in Latvia: Realities and Perspectives// WCGTC 16 th<br />

Biennial Conference. – New Orleans: WCGTC, 2005, pp. 34-44.<br />

Davidova J. Evaluation of Student‘s Individual Performance within the Context of the<br />

Development of Achievements. Price H.E. 21 st International Seminar on Research in Music<br />

Education: Proceedings. Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006, pp. 37-44.<br />

Kokina I., Davidova J. Intellectual giftedness criteria and indicators: Latvian teachers‘ view//<br />

Journal of Teacher Education and Training, 2006, Volume 6, pp. 116-133.<br />


Guseva V., Altāne J., Iliško D., Redefining an Attitude towards Marginalized Groups in Latvia.<br />

At-Risk Population. Sociolinguistic and Educational Issues. Dominant Publishers and<br />

Distributors. NEW DELHI-11OOO2 (ed. By Smita Sinha & Abha Gupta) 167 – 178 pp.<br />

Kravale M., Guseva V. Informal Education of Youth and Inclusive Environment. Acta<br />

Paedagogica Vilnensia.Vilnius University Publishing House.40-46<br />

Guseva V., Princciples of Efficient Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Primary School<br />

of General Education. 4. starptautiskā JTET (JORNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION AND<br />

TRAINING) konference. Sustainable development. Culture and education.- Helsinki, Somija. CD<br />

V.Dombrovskis, S.Guseva, Dz.Iliško. Professional Identification of Adolescents of Latvia in<br />

Multicultural Environment. 9th European Congress of Psychology. 2005, 03-08 July, Granada<br />

(Spain).<br />


V.Dombrovskis, S.Guseva, Dz.Iliško. Professional Identification of Adolescents of Latvia in<br />

Multicultural Environment. 9th European Congress of Psychology. 2005, 03-08 July, Granada<br />

(Spain).<br />


Горбацевич Л.В. „Время как экономический ресурс в восприятии работающего населения<br />

регионов Латвии‖ // 2 Всероссийская научная конференция „Сорокинские чтения – 2005<br />

Будущее России: стратегии развития‖ 14.-15. декабря 2005 г. – М.:МГУ,2005.<br />

Горбацевич Л.В. „Рабочее время и его цена‖. Nowa ekonomija a spoleczenstwo T2, Lublin,<br />

2006, стр.391-395<br />


Oļehnovičs D. „Viľi cīnījās par dzimteni...‖ vai avīze „За Родину‖ nacistu okupētajā Latvija //<br />

Mīti Latvijas vēsture / Red. A.Stranga, I.Feldmanis, I.Butulis / Sast.K.Zelis.- Rīga: Ţurnāla<br />

„Latvijas Vēsture‖ fons, 2006.-<br />

Oļehnovičs D. Antisemītisma propaganda Latvijas presē: 1940. – 1945. // Zinātniskās<br />

konferences „Antisemītisms un islamofobija Latvijā – pagātne, aktuālā situācija, risinājumi‖ /<br /> Valdis Tēraudkalns.- Rīga: Latvijas Bībeles biedrība, 2006.- 67. – 78.lpp. [ISBN 9984-<br />

564-84-3]<br />

Олехнович Д., Зеллис К. Роль антисемитской карикатуры в пропаганде в оккупированной<br />

нацистами Латвии (газета „Tēvija‖ 1941 – 1945 г.г.) // Проблеми iсторii Голокосту / Вiд.<br />

ред. М.Тяглii.- Вып.3.- N.3.- 2006.- C. 7 – 25. [ISBN 966-525-719-6; ББК 63.3 (2)722; УДК<br />

930.85]<br />


Iliško Dz. "Pedagogical Challenges for Building Holistic Curriculum" . Journal of Teacher<br />

Education and Training Vol. 5, 28- 40<br />

Dz. Iliško ‖Education for democracy in our pluralistic society‖, .// ―Education for Democracy as<br />

a Part of Education for Sustainable Development‖. Sustainable Development, Culture and<br />

Education Conference Guide: 2006., p.58<br />


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