1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte

1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte 1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte


2. Metodika dialoģiskā es noteikšanai. Trīs svarīgāko raksturojumu no 20 (kas es esmu šodien, kas es biju, un kas es būšu) mijattiecību grafisks attēlojums un šo raksturojumu nozīmes apraksts un izvēles pamatojums. 3. V.Makareviča izstrādātās aptaujas par pētnieka identitāti (Skalas: autonomija, vērtības, laika perspektīva, profesionālās zināšanas un prasmes, attiecības ar pētnieciskā darba vadītājiem un mentoriem, emocionālais aspekts, sociālo lomu pretrunas) aizpildīšana un analīze. 4. Kūna un Makpārtlenda “20 izteikumu metodes” rezultātu analīze: doktoranti meklē pazīmes, kas norāda uz viľu pētnieka identitāti un šīs identitātes izmaiľām laika perspektīvā. Pāru darbs un diskusijas grupā. C. KAS IR ILGTSPĒJĪBA? UZ ILGTSPĒJĪBU ORIENTĒTA IDENTITĀTE? KAS IR UZ ILGTSPĒJĪBU ORIENTĒTA PĒTNIEKA IDENTITĀTE? 1. Ilgtspējība kā princips un ilgtspējība saistībā ar cilvēka personību/identitāti. 2. Grupu darbs pie izpratnes veidošanas, ko nozīmē uz ilgtspējību orientēta: 1) dzimumidentitāte; 2) etniskā identitāte; 3) profesionālā identitāte; 4) ekoloģiskā/reliģiskā identitāte; 5) ģimenes lomu identitāte; 6) sociālo attiecību identitāte; 7) rekreacionālā identitāte; 8) studenta (izglītības) identitāte. Grupu darba rezultātu prezentācija, diskusija un apkopojums. 3. No iepriekšējā grupu darba rezultātiem, pamatojoties uz piedāvāto teorētisko skatījumu, tiek izdalīti galvenie ilgtspējīgas identitātes kritēriji. 4. Balstoties šiem galvenajiem kritērijiem doktoranti, darbojoties grupā, konstruē skatījumu: kāda ir uz ilgtspējību orientēta pētnieka identitāte. 5. Pašrefleksija (fokusgrupa) attiecībā uz savas pētnieciskās identitātes salīdzinājumu ar uz ilgtspējību orientētu pētnieka identitāti. 6. Iepazīšanās ar iepriekšējo darbības pētījumu rezultātiem un savu rezultātu salīdzināšana ar šiem rezultātiem. Prasības kredītpunktu iegūšanai: Piedalīšanās visās kursa aktivitātēs un mutiska atskaite doktorantu grupā par darbības pētījuma rezultātiem. Literatūra (01-mācību literatūra): Barnett, R. (ed.) Reshaping the University: New Relationships between Research, Scholarship and Teaching. Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press, 136-150. Scheibe, K.E. (1995) Self Studies: The Psychology of Self and Identity. PRAEGER: Westport, Connecticut, London. Wortham, S. (2006) Learning Identity: The Joint Emergence of Social Identification and Academic Learning. Cambridge University Press. Literatūra (02-ieteicamā): 90

Armstrong, P. (2001) Becoming and being a researcher: Doing research as lifelong learning, Paper presented at SCUTREA, 31st Annual Conference, 3-5 July 2001, University of East London. Available http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/00002429.htm CISE (2006) Education for Sustainability Framework. The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education. Available http://www.sustainabilityed.org/what/education_for_sustainability/documents/EFSFramework_000.pdf Feist, G.J. (2006) The Psychology of Science and the Origins of Scientific Mind. Yale University Press, New Haven & London. Malfroy, J. & Yates, L. (2003, November) Knowledge in Action: Doctoral programs forging new identities. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, 119-129. Pipere, A. (2000) Identity of teacher personality: Perspectives of holistic approach. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference “Person. Color. Nature. Music”. Daugavpils, Latvia, 46-53. Pipere, A. (2003) Identity of learning teacher: Examining structural variations and interactive “self”. The Irish Journal of Psychology, Vol. 24, Nos.3-4, 143-161. Pipere, A. (2007a) The sustainability-oriented researcher‟s identity: Action research in doctoral studies. Proceedings of International Conference on “Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problems, Promises and Good Practice” Orestiada - Soufli, Prefecture of Evros, Greece, 5 - 7 October 2007, 237-246. Pipere, A. (2007b) Becoming a researcher: Interplay of identity and sustainability, in Pipere, A. (Ed.), Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward Changes, Volume 2, Daugavpils University: Saule, 241-262. Pipere, A. (2007c) A qualitative meta-analysis of sustainability oriented researcher‟s identity, in Scientific articles of the 5th International Conference “Person. Color. Nature. Music”, October 17-21, 2007, Daugavpils University, 53-62. Pipere, A. (2008) Mapping the researcher‟s identity in the university context: Dimensions of personal constructs. Baltic Journal of Psychology (in press). Pipere, A. & Salīte, I. (2006) Educational action research in teacher education: Fostering research skills, Full papers of APERA International Conference 2006 “Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization: The Asia-Pacific Perspectives and Beyond”, CD format. Romanyshyn, R.D. (2007) The Wounded Researcher: Research with Soul in Mind. Spring Journal Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana. Scott, W. & Gough, S. (Eds.) Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning: A Critical Review. Routledge Falmer, Taylor & Francis Group, 33-37. Wenger, E. (1998) Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. UNESCO (2005) Guidelines and Recommendations for Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability. Education for Sustainable Development in Action Technical Paper No. 2, UNESCO Education sector. 91

Armstrong, P. (2001) Becoming and being a researcher: Doing research as lifelong learning, Paper presented<br />

at SCUTREA, 31st Annual Conference, 3-5 July 2001, University of East London. Available<br />

http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/00002429.htm<br />

CISE (2006) Education for Sustainability Framework. The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education.<br />

Available<br />

http://www.sustainabilityed.org/what/education_for_sustainability/documents/EFSFramework_000.pdf<br />

Feist, G.J. (2006) The Psychology of Science and the Origins of Scientific Mind. Yale University Press, New<br />

Haven & London.<br />

Malfroy, J. & Yates, L. (2003, November) Knowledge in Action: Doctoral programs forging new identities.<br />

Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, 119-129.<br />

Pipere, A. (2000) Identity of teacher personality: Perspectives of holistic approach. Proceedings of 2nd<br />

International Conference “Person. Color. Nature. Music”. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>, Latvia, 46-53.<br />

Pipere, A. (2003) Identity of learning teacher: Examining structural variations and interactive “self”. The<br />

Irish Journal of Psychology, Vol. 24, Nos.3-4, 143-16<strong>1.</strong><br />

Pipere, A. (2007a) The sustainability-oriented researcher‟s identity: Action research in doctoral studies.<br />

Proceedings of International Conference on “Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability:<br />

Problems, Promises and Good Practice” Orestiada - Soufli, Prefecture of Evros, Greece, 5 - 7 October<br />

2007, 237-246.<br />

Pipere, A. (2007b) Becoming a researcher: Interplay of identity and sustainability, in Pipere, A. (Ed.),<br />

Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward Changes, Volume 2, <strong>Daugavpils</strong><br />

University: Saule, 241-262.<br />

Pipere, A. (2007c) A qualitative meta-analysis of sustainability oriented researcher‟s identity, in<br />

Scientific articles of the 5th International Conference “Person. Color. Nature. Music”, October<br />

17-21, 2007, <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University, 53-62.<br />

Pipere, A. (2008) Mapping the researcher‟s identity in the university context: Dimensions of personal<br />

constructs. Baltic Journal of Psychology (in press).<br />

Pipere, A. & Salīte, I. (2006) Educational action research in teacher education: Fostering research skills, Full<br />

papers of APERA International Conference 2006 “Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an<br />

Era of Globalization: The Asia-Pacific Perspectives and Beyond”, CD format.<br />

Romanyshyn, R.D. (2007) The Wounded Researcher: Research with Soul in Mind. Spring Journal Inc., New<br />

Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

Scott, W. & Gough, S. (Eds.) Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning: A Critical Review.<br />

Routledge Falmer, Taylor & Francis Group, 33-37.<br />

Wenger, E. (1998) Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge, Cambridge<br />

University Press.<br />

UNESCO (2005) Guidelines and Recommendations for Reorienting Teacher Education to Address<br />

Sustainability. Education for Sustainable Development in Action Technical Paper No. 2, UNESCO<br />

Education sector.<br />


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