1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte

1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte 1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte


International Educational and Professional Publisher, Thousand Oaks, London (IVF bibliotēka). Yin, R. K. (1998). Case study research (2 nd ed.) Design and Methods, SAGE Publications, International Educational and Professional Publisher, Thousand Oaks, London, (IVF bibliotēka). Creswell, J. (1998). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Seidman, I. E. (1998). Interviewing as qualitative research: a guide for researchers in education and the social sciences, Teachers College Press, Columbia University (DU bibliotēka). Isaac, S., & Michael, W. B. (1997). Handbook in Research and Evaluation: A Collection of Principles, Methods, and Strategies Useful in Planning, Design, and Evaluation of Studies in Education and the Behavioral Sciences (2 nd ed.), San Diego, California: EdLTS Publishers (IVF bibliotēka). Kvale, S. (1996). Interviews. An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Sage Publications (IVF bibliotēka). House, E. R., & Howe, K. R. (1999). Values in evaluation and social research. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications (IVF bibliotēka). Holton, D., & Fisher, E. (2003). Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation. London: Imperial College Press (IVF bibliotēka). Carey, S. S. (1998). A Beginner‟s Guide to Scientific Method. 2nd ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company (DU bibliotēka). Mertens, D. M. (1998). Research Methods in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity with Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches. London (DU bibliotēka). Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials (1998) Ed. N. K. Denzin, & Y. S. Lincoln. London (DU bibliotēka). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry (1998) Ed. N. K. Denzin, & Y. S. Lincoln. London (DU bibliotēka). Садмен С. (2005). Как правильно задавать вопросы: Введение в проектирование массовых обследований/Сеймур Садмен, Норман Брэдберн ; Пер. с англ. А.А.Виницкой. Москва: Институт Фонда "Общественное мнение (DU bibliotēka). Филлипс Л., & Йоргенсен М. В. (2004). Дискурс-анализ: Теория и метод. Перевод с английского. Гуманитарный центр: Харьков. Белановский С. А. (2001). Метод фокус групп. Москва: Никколо-Медиа. Literatūra (03-ieteicamā periodika): Assessment for Effective Intervention, Sage, ISSN 1534-5084, http://aci.sagepub.com Kādām studiju programmām un to daļām (A, B, C, D) ir piederīgs šis kurss: A Kursa nosaukums angļu valodā: Methodology and Methods of Qualitative Research 60

Kursa anotācija angļu valodā: The study course is directed towards the development of scientific research skills of doctoral students using the background of the methodology and methods of qualitative research. The course emphasizes the place and role of qualitative research in contemporary scientific investigations, as well as the meaning of this methodology in the pedagogical context. The course reflects the history and advanced directions of qualitative research, compares the qualitative and quantitative research methodology and methods. Qualitative research and process will be analysed: researcher as a multicultural subject, theoretical paradigms and perspectives, research strategies, methods of data collection and analysis, art of interpretation and presentation. Doctoral students will have the opportunity to test and define the possibilities of integrating qualitative research methodology and methods in their own research as well as approbate the qualitative research methods relevant for their specific research, and elaborate the mechanisms of validity and credibility testing. Doctoral students will read several important examples of qualitative research in the field of education. As a part of qualitative methodology, action research as a strategy of educational changes will be stressed. Piezīmes: 61

Kursa anotācija angļu valodā:<br />

The study course is directed towards the development of scientific research skills of doctoral students using<br />

the background of the methodology and methods of qualitative research. The course emphasizes the place and<br />

role of qualitative research in contemporary scientific investigations, as well as the meaning of this<br />

methodology in the pedagogical context. The course reflects the history and advanced directions of<br />

qualitative research, compares the qualitative and quantitative research methodology and methods.<br />

Qualitative research and process will be analysed: researcher as a multicultural subject, theoretical paradigms<br />

and perspectives, research strategies, methods of data collection and analysis, art of interpretation and<br />

presentation. Doctoral students will have the opportunity to test and define the possibilities of integrating<br />

qualitative research methodology and methods in their own research as well as approbate the qualitative<br />

research methods relevant for their specific research, and elaborate the mechanisms of validity and credibility<br />

testing. Doctoral students will read several important examples of qualitative research in the field of<br />

education. As a part of qualitative methodology, action research as a strategy of educational changes will be<br />

stressed.<br />

Piezīmes:<br />


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