1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte

1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte 1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte


Skrinda, A. (2010). A meaningful context-based approach to foreign language vocabulary acquisition at the tertiary level. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 17-27 [ISBN 978-9984-14-487-0]. Grišāne, O. (2010). Sustainability in pupils‟ research activity by integrating opportunities of formal and non-formal education in secondary school. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 39-49 [ISBN 978- 9984-14-487-0]. Zariľa, S. (2010). Reading acquisition among 5- to 6-year-old children in the programme of compulsory preparation for school. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 93-108 [ISBN 978-9984-14-487-0]. Raksti citos zinātniskos izdevumos Drelinga, E., Iliško Dz. (2010). Pētnieciskās darbības izvērtējums pedagoģiskajā procesā Latvijā un Eiropas valstu atskaitēs par Nacionālo izglītības sistēmu “ATEE Spring University Teacher of the 21 st Century: Quality education for quality teaching” Rīga, 216.-223. lpp. [ISBN 978 – 9984- 49 – 027-4]. Drelinga E. (2010). Integrētā pieeja mācību procesā: teorija un prakse. In R. Grabovska, I. Belousa (Red.), Ilgtspējīga attīstība: praktiskā pieredze izglītībā (152.-164. lpp). Daugavpils: AIIA. [ISBN 978-9984-39-973-7]. Grabovska, R., Vereba, D. (2010). Ilgtspējīgas attīstības īstenošana mācību procesā. S. Madelāne (Red.), Teorija praksei mūsdienu sabiedrības izglītībā. V Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference 2010. Rīga: RPIVA, 447.-453. lpp. [ISBN 978- 9934-8060-5-6]. Makarevičs, V. (2010). The analysis of symbolism of colors in the film “Vincent and Teo.” In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. Daugavpils Universitātes 51. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Psychology and Didactics. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 512-518 [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8]. Makarevičs, V. (2010). Creative imagination development. In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. Daugavpils Universitātes 51. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Psychology and Didactics. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 383-388 [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8]. Makarevičs, V. (2010). Continuity of personality time as a structuring function of professional identity formation. In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. Daugavpils Universitātes 51. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Psychology and Didactics. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 412- 417 [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8]. Макаревич, В. (2010) Особенности коммуникативной культуры пользователей Латвийского Интернета. (Features of Communicative culture of Users of the Latvian Internet). In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. Daugavpils Universitātes 51. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Psychology and Didactics. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 389-393. [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8]. Макаревич, В. (2010). Личностные корреляты толерантности. (Personality correlates of tolerance). In I. L. Petrova (Ed.), Tolerance and Intolerance in the Modern Society: Perspectives and Reality. International Science-Practical Conference Materials. St.Peterburg, 24-25 April 2009, pp. 387-395 [ISBN 978-5-288-05013-8]. Pipere, A. (2010) Testimony of the editor: Reverberations of entangled Self. Dialogical Practice Magazine. Skat. http://www.dialogicalpractice.com/magazine.html Salīte, I., Gedţūne, I., & Gedţūne, G. (2010). From personally relevant experience to action research for sustainable development. In M. Witthaus, K. McCandless, & R. Lambert (Eds.), Tomorrow Today (pp. 95–98). Leicester, UK: Tudor Rose, UNESCO. [ISBN 0-9536140-8-5]. Stakle., A. (2010). Mediju kompetence izglītībā: būtība un pieejas. Liepājas Universitātes zinātnisko rakstu krājums - Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva. Liepāja: Liepājs Universitāte. Stakle, A. (2010). Ilgas. In H. Kloever (Ed.), Lab East: 30 photographic positions from Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 196-203). Berlin: photoeur. Stakle, A. (2010). Dots. In Photosophy (pp. 26-27). Vilnius: In Focus. Stakle, A. (2010). Jauns fotogrāfijas muzejs Stoholmā – Fotografiska. Fotokvartāls, 6(26), 36-38 [ISSN 1691-287X]. 24

Basko, J., Volodko-Mitina, K. (2010). Starpkultūru izglītības aspekts pirmsskolas un pamatskolas izglītības normatīvajos dokumentos. In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. Daugavpils Universitātes 51. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Psychology and Didactics. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.1, 421.-423. lpp. [ISBN 978- 9984-14-481-8]. Guļāne, Dz. (2010). Ilgtspējīga attieksme kā izglītības ilgtspējīgai attīstībai sastāvdaļa. In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. Daugavpils Universitātes 51. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. Psychology and Didactics. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.1, 492.-499. lpp. [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8]. Publicētās konferenču tēzes Belousa, I., (2010). Intercultural literacy as metacontent of education for civic society. Starptautiskās Izglītības humanizācijas akadēmijas, Liepājas Universitātes un Hildesheimes Universitātes organizētās konferences „Izglītība un pilsoniskā sabiedrība” tēţu krājums, 2010. g. 6.-10. septembris. Liepāja: LiepU. Belousa, I., Silova, L. (2010). Evaluation of the content of Latvian general education in the intercultural context. In I. Mičule, Dz. Iliško (Eds.), 8th international JTEFS/BBCC conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education”, 17-19 May 2010, Abstract Book. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press „Saule”, p. 39 [ISBN 978- 9984-14-485-6]. Belousa, I., Ūzuliľa, S. (2010). Emotional aspect of teacher professional mastery: Theoretical and historical reflections. In I. Mičule, Dz. Iliško (Eds.), 8th international JTEFS/BBCC conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education”, 17-19 May 2010, Abstract Book. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press „Saule”, p. 32 [ISBN 978-9984-14-485-6]. Drelinga, E. (2010). Research activity of primary school children during the project week. In I. Mičule, Dz. Iliško (Eds.), 8th international JTEFS/BBCC conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education”, 17-19 May 2010, Abstract Book. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press „Saule”, p. 87 [ISBN 978-9984-14-485-6]. Gedţūne, G., Gedţūne, I. (2010). Social exclusion in education: Pre-service teachers‟ perspective. In I. Mičule, Dz. Iliško (Eds.), 8th international JTEFS/BBCC conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education”, 17-19 May 2010, Abstract Book. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press „Saule”, p. 48 [ISBN 978-9984-14-485-6]. Gedţūne, I., Gedţūne, G. (2010). Features of inclusion in education: Tendencies in contemporary research and preservice teachers‟ views. 8th International Conference on Education for Civil Society “Dimensions of Citizenship & Education”, 10-12 February 2010. Bratislava, Slovakia: KEVON (no pages). Gerretson, H., Iliško, Dz., Fortino, C. (2010). Rethinking the notion of mathematics classroom environments in Latvian primary schools. In I. Mičule, Dz. Iliško (Eds.), 8th international JTEFS/BBCC conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education”, 17-19 May 2010, Abstract Book. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press „Saule”, p. 84 [ISBN 978-9984-14-485-6]. Gorkina, E., Oļehnoviča, E. (2010). Gerontological social work in municipal institutions: conditions for the sustainability of social dialogue. In A. Viks, O. Bruvers, E. Zubova (Eds.), 3rd international interdisciplinary scientific conference “Society. Health. Welfare”, 1st congress of rehabilitation doctors of Latvia, 11-12 November 2010, Abstract. Riga: Riga Stradiľš University, p. 40-41. Grants, J., Belousa, I. (2010). Life stories of young athletes: Reflections on dual career of professional sportsmen and sportswomen in Latvia. Abstracts of the III Baltic Sport Science Conference “Physical Activity and Sport in Changing Society: Research, Theory, Practice and Management”, 29 April - 1 May 2010. Riga: LSPA, p. 76 [ISBN 978-9984-9204-6-7]. Grants, J., Belousa, I., Kravalis, I., Ţīdens, J. (2010). Life stories of young athletes: Reflections on dual career in Latvia. Starptautiskās konferences „Dual Career – Training and Education” tēţu krājums. 2010. g. 19.-20. augusts. Boson Sporta Koledţa, Zviedrija. Iliško, Dz., Mičule, I. (2010). Advancing children‟s citizenship skills in the communities of inquiry in primary school of Latvia. 8th International Conference on Education for Civil Society “Dimensions of Citizenship & Education”, 10-12 February 2010. Bratislava, Slovakia: KEVON (no pages). Iliško, Dz., Mičule, I., Ignatjeva, S. (2010). A case study of teachers‟ research experience with primary school children in Latvia. In I. Mičule, Dz. Iliško (Eds.), 8th international JTEFS/BBCC conference “Sustainable Development. 25

Skrinda, A. (2010). A meaningful context-based approach to foreign language vocabulary acquisition at the tertiary<br />

level. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 17-27 [ISBN 978-9984-14-487-0].<br />

Grišāne, O. (2010). Sustainability in pupils‟ research activity by integrating opportunities of formal and non-formal<br />

education in secondary school. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 39-49 [ISBN 978-<br />

9984-14-487-0].<br />

Zariľa, S. (2010). Reading acquisition among 5- to 6-year-old children in the programme of compulsory preparation for<br />

school. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 1(1), 93-108 [ISBN 978-9984-14-487-0].<br />

Raksti citos zinātniskos izdevumos<br />

Drelinga, E., Iliško Dz. (2010). Pētnieciskās darbības izvērtējums pedagoģiskajā procesā Latvijā un Eiropas valstu<br />

atskaitēs par Nacionālo izglītības sistēmu “ATEE Spring University Teacher of the 21 st Century: Quality education<br />

for quality teaching” Rīga, 216.-223. lpp. [ISBN 978 – 9984- 49 – 027-4].<br />

Drelinga E. (2010). Integrētā pieeja mācību procesā: teorija un prakse. In R. Grabovska, I. Belousa (Red.), Ilgtspējīga<br />

attīstība: praktiskā pieredze izglītībā (152.-164. lpp). <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: AIIA. [ISBN 978-9984-39-973-7].<br />

Grabovska, R., Vereba, D. (2010). Ilgtspējīgas attīstības īstenošana mācību procesā. S. Madelāne (Red.), Teorija praksei<br />

mūsdienu sabiedrības izglītībā. V Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference 2010. Rīga: RPIVA, 447.-453. lpp. [ISBN 978-<br />

9934-8060-5-6].<br />

Makarevičs, V. (2010). The analysis of symbolism of colors in the film “Vincent and Teo.” In D. Oļehnovičs, sast.<br />

<strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s 5<strong>1.</strong> starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International<br />

Scientific Conference of <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University. Psychology and Didactics. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: <strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s<br />

Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 512-518 [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8].<br />

Makarevičs, V. (2010). Creative imagination development. In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. <strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s 5<strong>1.</strong><br />

starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of<br />

<strong>Daugavpils</strong> University. Psychology and Didactics. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: <strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s Akadēmiskais apgāds<br />

„Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 383-388 [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8].<br />

Makarevičs, V. (2010). Continuity of personality time as a structuring function of professional identity formation. In D.<br />

Oļehnovičs, sast. <strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s 5<strong>1.</strong> starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the<br />

51st International Scientific Conference of <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University. Psychology and Didactics. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>:<br />

<strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 412- 417 [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8].<br />

Макаревич, В. (2010) Особенности коммуникативной культуры пользователей Латвийского Интернета. (Features<br />

of Communicative culture of Users of the Latvian Internet). In D. Oļehnovičs, sast. <strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s 5<strong>1.</strong><br />

starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli / Proceedings of the 51st International Scientific Conference of<br />

<strong>Daugavpils</strong> University. Psychology and Didactics. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>: <strong>Daugavpils</strong> <strong>Universitāte</strong>s Akadēmiskais apgāds<br />

„Saule”, Vol.2, pp. 389-393. [ISBN 978-9984-14-481-8].<br />

Макаревич, В. (2010). Личностные корреляты толерантности. (Personality correlates of tolerance). In I. L. Petrova<br />

(Ed.), Tolerance and Intolerance in the Modern Society: Perspectives and Reality. International Science-Practical<br />

Conference Materials. St.Peterburg, 24-25 April 2009, pp. 387-395 [ISBN 978-5-288-05013-8].<br />

Pipere, A. (2010) Testimony of the editor: Reverberations of entangled Self. Dialogical Practice Magazine. Skat.<br />

http://www.dialogicalpractice.com/magazine.html<br />

Salīte, I., Gedţūne, I., & Gedţūne, G. (2010). From personally relevant experience to action research for sustainable<br />

development. In M. Witthaus, K. McCandless, & R. Lambert (Eds.), Tomorrow Today (pp. 95–98). Leicester, UK:<br />

Tudor Rose, UNESCO. [ISBN 0-9536140-8-5].<br />

Stakle., A. (2010). Mediju kompetence izglītībā: būtība un pieejas. Liepājas <strong>Universitāte</strong>s zinātnisko rakstu krājums -<br />

Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva. Liepāja: Liepājs <strong>Universitāte</strong>.<br />

Stakle, A. (2010). Ilgas. In H. Kloever (Ed.), Lab East: 30 photographic positions from Central and Eastern Europe (pp.<br />

196-203). Berlin: photoeur.<br />

Stakle, A. (2010). Dots. In Photosophy (pp. 26-27). Vilnius: In Focus.<br />

Stakle, A. (2010). Jauns fotogrāfijas muzejs Stoholmā – Fotografiska. Fotokvartāls, 6(26), 36-38 [ISSN 1691-287X].<br />


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