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1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte 1. sējums - Daugavpils Universitāte


Makarevičs, V. (2009) The analysis simbolism of colour in the film „Vincent and Teo”. Abstracts of the VI International Conference Person. Color. Nature. Music. Daugavpils, May 5-10, 2009, p.13. [ISBN 978-9984-14-434-4] Makarevičs, V. (2009) Personality time as a structuring factor of professional identity formation. 7th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference Sustainable Development. Culture. Education. Abstract Book. May 5-8, 2009. Institute of Sustainable Education Daugavpils University, Latvia, p.47. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Makarevics, V. (2009) Age peculiarities of creative imagination development. XXIV the European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Mykolas Romeris University. Vilnius, Lithuania. Augusts 18-22, 2009. Abstracts (CD). Makarevich, V. (2009) Continuity of personality time and self-evaluation of teacher-researcher‟s level of professional identity formation. The 11th European Congress of Psychology. Abstracts and List Authors. A Rapidly Chainging World - Challenges for Psychology. Oslo, Norway 7-10 July 2009. (CD). Makarevics, V. (2009) Anxiety level increase as an indicator of crisis of a young scientist‟s professional identity formation. Sipos, K. & Toth, L. (Eds.) 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference. 16th-18th of July 2009, Budapest, Hungary. Book of Abstracts.Budapest: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2009. p. 241 [ISBN 978-963-9129-72-6]. Makarevichs,V. (2009) Tolerance and peculiarities of its manifestation in students of southern latvia and sweden. Tolerance and Intolerance in the Modern Society: The East – The West. International Science-Practical Conference Materials. St.Peterburg, April 24-25, 2008. Edited by Prof. Irina.L.Pervova. 317-328. [ISBN 978 – 5 – 288 – 04825 – 8]. Mičule, I., Iliško, Dz. (2009). Students‟ reflection on being a teacher at primary school: Fieldwork experience. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.90. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Oļehnoviča, E., Ignatjeva, S. (2009). Sustainability in career development support in a regional university. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.69. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Pipere, A. , Schulte, V., Kochanek, H.-M., & Fedyn, B. (2009). Energy topic in non-formal education: Comparative view of European teachers and out-of-school experts. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.51. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Pipere, A., Jonāne, L., Salītis, A., Kokina, I., Grabovska, R., & Kravale-Pauliľa, M. (2009). Energy topic in non-formal education of Latvia. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.52. [ISBN 978-9984-14- 435-1]. Pipere, A., & Jakovļeva, J. (2009). Professional identity of first-year university students from Latvia and UK. Abstracts and list of authors in CD format. The 11th Europenan Congress “A Rapidly Chanbing World – Challenges For Psychology”, Oslo, Norway 7-10 July. Pipere, A., & Vereba, D. (2009). Non-formal learning on climate changes and renewable energy: Overview of Comenius project. Konferences rakstu krājums. 3.starptautiskā konference “Vides Zinātne un Izglītība Latvijā un Eiropā: Izglītība un Zinātne Klimata Pārmaiņu Novēršanai” 23.oktobris, Rīga, Latvija. 76-77. Salīte, I., (2009). Sustainable education from the perspective of democracy and action research. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and 20

Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.17. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Skrinda, A. (2009). A meaningful context-based approach to foreign language vocabulary acquisition at the tertiary level. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.70. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Skrinda, A. (2009). Universals of politeness: Towards understanding appropriatness. Book of Abstracts. Internatioanal Scientific Conference „Applied Linguistics for Apecialized Discourse” Riga: University of Latvia, p.27 . Stakle, A. (2009). New media and new literacies: Higher art education in Latvia in the Decade of Sustainable Development. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.71. [ISBN 978-9984-14- 435-1]. Arhipova, O. (2009). School leadership training – Problems of today and perspectives for tomorrow. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.35. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Badjanova-Lomzina, J., Zariľa, S. (2009). Sustainability in developing teachers‟ professional competency. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.59. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Čapulis, S., Badjanova-Lomzina, J. (2009). Holistic upbringing of a person in karate classes. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.37 [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Eastmond, A. Grabowski, J. (2009). Environmental literacy and understanding of sustainable development amongst Latvian and Mexican teacher training students: A comparative perspective. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.38. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Gedţūne, I., Gedţūne, G. (2009). Development of secondary school students' communicative competence in English in the context of education for sustainable development. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.77. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. van-Gejeka, N. (2009) Studying and Forming Learning Environment in a Technical School. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.78. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. Grigule, L. (2009). Assessing language development in bilingual education programmes: Challenges and opportunities. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. Daugavpils, Daugavpils University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.79. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1]. 21

Makarevičs, V. (2009) The analysis simbolism of colour in the film „Vincent and Teo”. Abstracts of the VI International<br />

Conference Person. Color. Nature. Music. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>, May 5-10, 2009, p.13. [ISBN 978-9984-14-434-4]<br />

Makarevičs, V. (2009) Personality time as a structuring factor of professional identity formation. 7th International<br />

JTEFS/BBCC Conference Sustainable Development. Culture. Education. Abstract Book. May 5-8, 2009. Institute of<br />

Sustainable Education <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University, Latvia, p.47. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1].<br />

Makarevics, V. (2009) Age peculiarities of creative imagination development. XXIV the European Conference on<br />

Developmental Psychology. Mykolas Romeris University. Vilnius, Lithuania. Augusts 18-22, 2009. Abstracts (CD).<br />

Makarevich, V. (2009) Continuity of personality time and self-evaluation of teacher-researcher‟s level of<br />

professional identity formation. The 11th European Congress of Psychology. Abstracts and List Authors. A Rapidly<br />

Chainging World - Challenges for Psychology. Oslo, Norway 7-10 July 2009. (CD).<br />

Makarevics, V. (2009) Anxiety level increase as an indicator of crisis of a young scientist‟s professional identity<br />

formation. Sipos, K. & Toth, L. (Eds.) 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference. 16th-18th of July<br />

2009, Budapest, Hungary. Book of Abstracts.Budapest: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and<br />

Sport Sciences, 2009. p. 241 [ISBN 978-963-9129-72-6].<br />

Makarevichs,V. (2009) Tolerance and peculiarities of its manifestation in students of southern latvia and sweden.<br />

Tolerance and Intolerance in the Modern Society: The East – The West. International Science-Practical Conference<br />

Materials. St.Peterburg, April 24-25, 2008. Edited by Prof. Irina.L.Pervova. 317-328. [ISBN 978 – 5 – 288 – 04825 –<br />

8].<br />

Mičule, I., Iliško, Dz. (2009). Students‟ reflection on being a teacher at primary school: Fieldwork experience. Abstract<br />

Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and<br />

Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>, <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University,<br />

Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.90. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1].<br />

Oļehnoviča, E., Ignatjeva, S. (2009). Sustainability in career development support in a regional university. Abstract<br />

Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and<br />

Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>, <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University,<br />

Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.69. [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1].<br />

Pipere, A. , Schulte, V., Kochanek, H.-M., & Fedyn, B. (2009). Energy topic in non-formal education: Comparative<br />

view of European teachers and out-of-school experts. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference<br />

“Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable<br />

Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>, <strong>Daugavpils</strong> University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais<br />

apgāds “Saule”, p.5<strong>1.</strong> [ISBN 978-9984-14-435-1].<br />

Pipere, A., Jonāne, L., Salītis, A., Kokina, I., Grabovska, R., & Kravale-Pauliľa, M. (2009). Energy topic in non-formal<br />

education of Latvia. Abstract Book. 7 th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture.<br />

Education.” Research and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development. May 5 – 8, 2009. <strong>Daugavpils</strong>,<br />

<strong>Daugavpils</strong> University, Institute of Sustainable Education. Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, p.52. [ISBN 978-9984-14-<br />

435-1].<br />

Pipere, A., & Jakovļeva, J. (2009). Professional identity of first-year university students from Latvia and UK. Abstracts<br />

and list of authors in CD format. The 11th Europenan Congress “A Rapidly Chanbing World – Challenges For<br />

Psychology”, Oslo, Norway 7-10 July.<br />

Pipere, A., & Vereba, D. (2009). Non-formal learning on climate changes and renewable energy: Overview of Comenius<br />

project. Konferences rakstu krājums. 3.starptautiskā konference “Vides Zinātne un Izglītība Latvijā un Eiropā:<br />

Izglītība un Zinātne Klimata Pārmaiņu Novēršanai” 23.oktobris, Rīga, Latvija. 76-77.<br />

Salīte, I., (2009). Sustainable education from the perspective of democracy and action research. Abstract Book. 7 th<br />

International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” Research and<br />


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