Restoranų verslas 2006/4 (14)

Restoranų verslas 2006/4 (14)

Restoranų verslas 2006/4 (14)


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4<br />

English summary<br />

EN<br />

RESTAURANT BUSINESS is the professional<br />

magazine for restaurant owners, handlers, chiefs and<br />

employees. It is specialized in various actualities of<br />

restaurant and hospitality. It is free payable for all<br />

restaurants, bars and clubs of Lithuania. Also it is<br />

the effective marketing tool for HoReCa companies<br />

and suppliers. Periodicity – 6 times per annum.<br />

WWW.MENU.LT – the biggest internet portal<br />

in Lithuania about all restaurants, cafés, bars, pubs,<br />

clubs, catering service. All restaurants, cafés, bars,<br />

clubs of Lithuania are presented in special catalog,<br />

divided by cities, categories and other filters.<br />

There is the catalog of all HoReCa companies<br />

and suppliers in Lithuania and other information for<br />

restaurant owners, handlers, cooks and employees<br />

too. Here companies can present products and services<br />

for restaurant business.<br />

For advertisements questions and offers<br />

please contact us:<br />

“Strateginiø projektø vystymo grupë” JSC<br />

Head office: Konstitucijos pr. 23C-618,<br />

Vilnius, Lithuania, tel./fax.: +370 5 2735919,<br />

e-mail: vilnius@menu.lt<br />

Editorial: Savanoriø pr. 271-207,<br />

Kaunas, Lithuania, tel.: +370 37 705627,<br />

e-mail.: kaunas@menu.lt<br />

EN<br />

Dear Reader,<br />

The fall is already here, the time of new tasks and<br />

new challenges. Many restaurants have welcomed<br />

back their permanent customers and greeted new<br />

ones. The cafes and clubs of the biggest cities will<br />

face the deluge of students who love to spend their<br />

leisure time their. Therefore it is worthwhile trying to<br />

satisfy the customers coming back after summer, to<br />

offer them something new, something special.<br />

Most of the articles of this „Restoranø <strong>verslas</strong>”<br />

issue are related to a bar, however, we continue on<br />

the other headings that have already become<br />

permanent, that are devoted to the employees of<br />

the restaurants and entertainment places.<br />

One more novelty of the magazine is an<br />

extensive heading dedicated to the whole HORECA<br />

market, where besides the information for the<br />

restaurants there will be published some information<br />

for the representatives of the hotels.<br />

• We interview the professionals on<br />

various issues of bar installation, also seeking to<br />

supply the readers with useful information on an ideal<br />

bar in the main article. Useful information on the<br />

suppliers of the present area is presented besides the<br />

article.<br />

• With this issue we complete the article<br />

series on the subtleties of preparation of ideal<br />

espresso coffee with the article about grinding of<br />

coffee beans and espresso coffee makers.<br />

• An article about comprising the Menu of<br />

Beverages is also dedicated to the topic of the bar.<br />

• Upon continuing the topic of the kitchen<br />

equipment we explore the vegetable preparation<br />

machines and present their supply table in Lithuania.<br />

Also we provide the readers with the professional<br />

pieces of advice on the storage and quality of the<br />

vegetables.<br />

• In the heading of Consultation and<br />

Decisions we explore whether it is worthwhile<br />

performing the supplier internal audit. Also we present<br />

the novelties of the accounting systems.<br />

• In the informational block dedicated to<br />

the hotels we present the statistics of European and<br />

Lithuanian hotels. Also, please be advised on the supply<br />

of the hotel minibars.<br />



Meniu.lt – tai didþiausias ir labiausiai<br />

lankomas specializuotas interneto portalas,<br />

kuriame yra visos Lietuvos maitinimo bei<br />

pramogø ástaigos. Portale Meniu.lt pateikiama<br />

aktuali informacija tiek maitinimo ir<br />

pramogø ástaigø lankytojams, tiek darbuotojams<br />

bei savininkams. Puslapis<br />

atnaujinamas kasdien, todël dauguma<br />

restoranø, kaviniø ir klubø lankytojø<br />

informacijos ieðko bûtent Meniu.lt portale.<br />

Meniu.lt portalas – tai:<br />

• Didelis tiksliniø lankytojø skaièius –<br />

Meniu.lt sulaukia viršð 10 000 lankytojø per<br />

dienà, kurie paþiûri virðš 30 000 puslapiø, ið<br />

jø – ir Jûsø ástaigos pristatymà!<br />

Ñ• Patogi paieðkos ir rûðiavimo sistema<br />

(ástaigos pasirinkimas pagal miestà, tipà,<br />

virtuvæ; paiešðka valgiaraðèiuose, naujienose<br />

bei recenzijose).<br />

• Meniu.lt vardas ir interneto adresas<br />

nuolatos reklamuojami ávairiuose leidiniuose,<br />

internete, specializuotø parodø metu.<br />

• Meniu.lt portale dirba ta pati profesionali<br />

komanda, kuri leidþia þurnalà<br />

„Restoranø <strong>verslas</strong>”, leidiná „Meniu.lt kelyje<br />

<strong>2006</strong>“.<br />

Be anksèiau iðvardintø privalumø,<br />

Meniu.lt klientams skirta:<br />

• Prioritetinë vieta maitinimo ástaigø<br />

sàraðše.<br />

• Iðsamus ástaigos pristatymas (logotipas,<br />

nuotraukos bei maitinimo ástaigos valgiaraðštis,<br />

kuris nuolatos atnaujinamas).<br />

• Profesionalaus þurnalisto paraðyta<br />

(arba Jûsø pateikta) recenzija apie ástaigà.<br />

• Naujienø bei specialiø Jûsø ástaigos<br />

pasiûlymø publikavimas Meniu.lt portalo<br />

naujienø, renginiø ir dienos pietø rubrikose.<br />

Ñ• Ðventiniø arba proginiø pasiûlymø<br />

pristatymas specialiose ðventinëse rubrikose,<br />

pasiûlymai vaikams.<br />

• Pobûviø uþsakymø nukreipimas maitinimo<br />

ástaigoms per automatinæ pobûviø<br />

paieðkos sistemà.<br />

• Jûsø ástaigos rekomendavimas Meniu.lt<br />

lankytojams, kurie, ieðkodami pobûviams<br />

vietos, kreipiasi á redakcijà tiesiogiai.<br />

• Pageidaujant, patalpinamas reklaminis<br />

skydelis (banner – angl.) Meniu.lt portale (apmokestinamas<br />

papildomai, pagal atskirà sutartá).<br />

Meniu.lt informacija<br />



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