annual report - Ivie

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Gilbert Casamatta (Université de Toulouse) gave the final conference, which was presented by José Pío Beltrán<br />

(Higher Council for Scientific Research [CSIC]).<br />

Since its start in the United States five years ago, the economic and financial crisis has gained in virulence and<br />

intensity in many countries around the world. However, in the case of the financial crisis the effects have been<br />

heterogeneous across countries, largely due to the fact that the levels of financial and banking integration also<br />

differ remarkably across them. In this scenario, the aim of the workshop FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND<br />

FINANCIAL CRISIS: SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS was to deal with different aspects of financial and<br />

banking integration from a variety of perspectives, including the analysis of indices which measure international<br />

financial integration from both the perspectives of prices and quantities, the network approaches which<br />

consider elements derived from network analysis theory and the interactions among financial and banking<br />

regulation and international markets. Guest speakers also discussed the question of why markets that are<br />

seemingly unconnected in normal times may become connected in times of financial and banking distress. The<br />

workshop took place at the headquarters of the <strong>Ivie</strong> on October 19th and was coordinated by Iván Arribas and<br />

Emili Tortosa, <strong>Ivie</strong> associate researchers.<br />

I. Arribas, F. Pérez (<strong>Ivie</strong>, Universitat de València) and Emili Tortosa-Ausina (Universitat Jaume I e <strong>Ivie</strong>):<br />

"Beyond the Law of One Price: International banking integration in pre- and crisis years"<br />

G. Fagiolo (Laboratory of Economics and Management, Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies): "Post-mortem<br />

examination of the International Financial Network"<br />

C. Georg (Deutsche Bundesbank and Oxford University): "Basel III and systemic risk regulation. What way<br />

forward?"<br />

A. Martin (Universitat de les Illes Balears): "The effects of financial integration on Spanish banks during the<br />

pre-crisis period"<br />

M. Montagna (Kiel Institute): "Hubs and resilience: Towards more realistic models of the interbank markets"<br />

F. Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada): "Are covered bonds a substitute for mortgage-backed securities?"<br />

The KNOWLEDGE BASED CAPITAL AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE workshop was organized by the <strong>Ivie</strong> and<br />

the BBVA Foundation in the context of their extensive research program on Spanish economic growth<br />

conducted over the past two decades. The regularly-updated databases on capital stock are the basis of this<br />

program and offer extremely valuable information to carry out international comparative analyses of economic<br />

growth and productivity. The methodology has been adapted several times to statistical changes as well as to<br />

ongoing international lines of research like industry analysis, regional disaggregation, or the public/private<br />

nature of the capital stock. It is with this background of measurement issues that this seminar was organized,<br />

aiming at exchanging new ideas among participants currently carrying out complementary projects in this field<br />

of research: the two projects funded under the 7th Framework Programme by the European Commission,<br />

COINVEST and INNODRIVE; the project carried out by the Conference Board, the harmonized estimates carried<br />

out by the INTAN-INVEST project team, the research carried out by the OECD on knowledge intensive capital at<br />

industry level, complemented with programs of innovation in the public sector. All these projects have<br />

generated estimates of intangible capital and investment by European and US firms.<br />

The workshop took place at the <strong>Ivie</strong> in Valencia, on November 23, and counted with the sponsorship of the 7th<br />

Framework Programme of the European Commission. During the meeting the main results of the<br />

aforementioned projects were presented, as well as their complementarities and the impacts on economic<br />

performance. Also, a future research agenda, including the methodological aspects, was drawn up. The<br />

workshop, coordinated by Matilde Mas (<strong>Ivie</strong>, Universitat de València), was organized around two sessions that<br />

were chaired by Javier Quesada (<strong>Ivie</strong>, Universitat de València) and Mary O'Mahony (NIESR). The opening and<br />

closing speeches were given by José Manuel Pastor (<strong>Ivie</strong>, Universitat de València) and Vicent Soler, Dean of the<br />

Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia. The following papers were presented:<br />

M. Mas (<strong>Ivie</strong>, Universitat de València): “Measuring productivity in the public sector: A personal view”<br />

B. Görzig (DIW Berlin): “Thoughts on service lives of public intangible assets”<br />

Scientific meetings 65

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