annual report - Ivie

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Managers Board of the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation. She has also been a consultant to the<br />

Scientific Policy Secretary General of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Spanish coordinator of<br />

the TMR Network Cooperation and Information, FMRX-CT96-0055, as well as the Spanish representative for<br />

the European Community Marie Curie project PMD-CT-2000-00010 Topics on Quantitative Economics. Among<br />

her approximately 50 works, her recent ones have appeared in Health Economics, Journal of Health<br />

Economics, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Journal of Mathematical Psychology,<br />

Mathematical Social Sciences and Social Choice and Welfare. She has been a member of the Advisory<br />

Commission of Evaluation and Forward Planning and until 2011 she was Chairwoman of the Accreditation<br />

Commission of University Professors in Social Sciences (Personal web page:<br />

https://sites.google.com/site/cherreroblanco/).<br />

Matilde Mas (Universitat de València)<br />

Dr Mas graduated and took a PhD in Economics at the Universitat de València where she is Professor of<br />

Economic Analysis. Her specialized fields are growth economics, analysis of public capital, especially<br />

infrastructures, new information technologies and regional economics. She has been a visiting researcher at<br />

the OECD and the Spanish person in charge of the EU KLEMS Growth and Productivity Accounts project<br />

financed by the European Commission. Currently she is associate researcher of the National R&D Plan<br />

project Productividad y competitividad en la sociedad del conocimiento: desarrollo metodológico y análisis<br />

empírico (ECO2011-23248) and participates in the ICTNET European Network for the research on the<br />

economic impact of ICT. She also is in charge of the INDICSER project of the European Commission’s<br />

Seventh Framework Programme in Spain and is advisor on the LA KLEMS project. She is co-author of 56<br />

books and book chapters, editor of Industrial Productivity in Europe. Growth and Crisis [Edward Elgar, 2011]<br />

and has published more than 80 articles in specialist journals such as Investigaciones Económicas, Journal of<br />

Economic Studies, Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Journal of<br />

Regional Science, Moneda y Crédito, Papeles de Economía Española, Revista de Economía Aplicada,<br />

Regional Studies and Review of Income and Wealth, among others. She is member of the Editorial Board of<br />

Investigaciones Regionales and has participated in more than seventy national and international congresses<br />

and has given lectures as guest speaker in Spanish and foreign institutions (Personal web page: http://<br />

www.uv.es/~masm/).<br />

Joaquín Maudos (Universitat de València)<br />

Dr Maudos graduated and obtained his PhD (with special honors) in Economics from the Universitat de<br />

València (1995), where he is currently Professor in Economic Analysis. He is also collaborator at the CUNEF.<br />

His specialist fields are banking and regional economics. He was Visiting Researcher in 1995-96 at the Florida<br />

State University Finance Department, at the College of Business at Bangor University (UK) in 2008-2009, and<br />

at the School of Business of the University of Glasgow, in addition to being consultant to the European<br />

Commission and the European Investment Bank. He has jointly published 12 books and more than seventy<br />

articles in specialized journals, both national (Investigaciones Económicas, Investigaciones Regionales, Moneda<br />

y Crédito, Revista de Economía Aplicada, Revista Española de Economía, Spanish Economic and Financial<br />

Outlook, among others) and international (Annals of Regional Science, Applied Economics, Applied Financial<br />

Economics, Economics Letters, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, International Journal of Transport<br />

Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Journal of<br />

Comparative Economics, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of International Financial Markets,<br />

Institutions and Money, Journal of International Money and Finance, Manchester School, National Institute<br />

Economic Review, Regional Studies, Review of Income and Wealth, Transportation Research, among others),<br />

and has also taken part in various joint works. He is member of the Editorial Board of Economics Research<br />

International and of the journal Inversión. He is director of competitive projects (Ministry of Education and<br />

Science, BBVA Foundation, etc.), as well as of projects with firms and government agencies. (Personal web<br />

page: http://www.uv.es/maudosj/).<br />

José María Peiró (Universitat de València)<br />

Dr José María Peiró graduated (1975) and took his PhD (1977) in Philosophy and the Arts at the Universitat de<br />

València. He also graduated in Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid (1976). In 2010 he was<br />

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