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A 62-year-oldprimatologist who has“devoted himself togorilla research in remoteareas of Africa for over30 years” was named thenext president of KyotoUniversity.the small printBY STEVE TRAUTLEINLINGO BOXNagusameru ( 慰 める) = consoleSaibanchō ( 裁 判 長 ) = chief justiceBanana no kawa (バナナの 皮 ) = banana peelTabe-aruki ( 食 べ 歩 き) = eat while walkingEbora dairyūkō (エボラ 大 流 行 )= Ebola epidemicEVEN THOUGH IT’S OBVIOUS THAT BANANASKINS ARE SLIPPERY, WE SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEDTHE SLIPPERINESS.”—Kiyoshi Mabuchi of Kitasato University inTokyo, whose research team was “awarded” an Ig Nobel Prize for its study onthe slickness of banana peelsCUTTING EDGE⊲An ⊲ online retailer that sells shoes embeddedwith cameras has earned the wrath of authoritiesin Kyoto, who say the devices are for thesole purpose of taking upskirt photos.⊲Officials ⊲ at the National Police Agency saythey’re concerned about the growing numberof child sex abuse cases linked to smartphonemessaging apps like Line and KakaoTalk.⊲Police ⊲ from Tokyo busted a 16-year-old Kumamotohigh school student for hacking theservers of gaming company GameOn. It wasthe first-ever arrest in Japan for a distributeddenial-of-service (DDoS) attack.⊲The ⊲ Chofu Parco department store in WesternTokyo put on display Lego models of Mount Fujiand 40 other World Heritage sites. More than450,000 blocks were used to create the replicas.PALACE NEWS⊲Imperial ⊲ granddaughter Princess Mako, 21,decamped for England to pursue a master’sdegree at the University of Leicester.at a glanceBY RODGER SONOMURA⊲It ⊲ was reported that the Emperor and Empresswill visit the island nation of Palau next year “toconsole souls of war dead.”⊲The ⊲ New York Times published an op-edslamming the Imperial Household Agency’snewly compiled biography of Emperor Hirohito,saying it “perpetuates the false but persistentimage… of a benign, passive figurehead.”⊲It’s ⊲ taken two years, but staff at the NationalDiet Library have managed to restore 116 volumesof historical documents that were damagedby the March 2011 tsunami.HIGH ROLLERS⊲The ⊲ value of the land in the Higashi-Azabuneighborhood that houses the Russian embassyhas been estimated at ¥2.33 millionper square meter.⊲Officials ⊲ at the iconic Hotel Okura announcedplans to open properties in Manila and Bangkok.⊲Yutaka ⊲ Kume, who led Nissan Motor during theautomaker’s heyday in the ’80s and ’90s, diedof stomach cancer in Yokohama. He was 93.stats1,167 Outlets of gyudon chain Sukiyathat will temporarily suspend 24-houroperations due to staff shortages¥100 MILLION Amount that Tokyobasedtire manufacturer BridgestoneCorp will donate to help West Africannations fight the Ebola epidemic790,000 Pickup trucks recalled byToyota in North America due to “faultysuspension parts [that] may lead to fires”⊲For ⊲ the second straight year, the editors ofTimes Higher Education named Tokyo Universityas the top school in Asia, and the 23rdbest in the world.MILESTONES⊲Officials ⊲ at Tokyo SkyTree say more than 100million people have visited the tower since itsdebut in May 2012.⊲Hiroko ⊲ Ando, 64, a graduate of Chuo Universitylaw school, became just the third womanto be appointed chief justice of a Japanesehigh court. She’ll serve in Takamatsu.⊲Japan’s ⊲ shortest railway tunnel—a 7.2-meter-longstretch of track on the JR Agatsumaline in Gunma—has been taken out of serviceto make way for the construction of a new dam.THANKS, BUT NO THANKS⊲US ⊲ Open runner-up Kei Nishikori—the firstAsian man to reach the finals of a grand slamtennis tournament—turned down an honoraryaward from his home prefecture of Shimane.⊲By ⊲ way of explanation, Nishikori said, “I’m 24years old and still a work in progress.”⊲Officials ⊲ in the historic Higashi Chaya districtof Kanazawa have put up notices in Japaneseand English urging tourists not to eat whilewalking.⊲Bottom ⊲ Story of the Week: “Municipalities,Firms Team Up to Make IT-Embedded ManholeCovers” (via Mainichi Japan)Small Print Updated Weekly→ METURL.COM/SMALLPRINTCompiled from reports by AP, Japan Today, The Japan Times, Jiji, The TokyoReporter, The Mainichi, The Japan News, AFP, Reuters and Kyodo33

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