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The majority of classified ads have moved online! classifieds.<strong>metropolis</strong>.co.jpItalian friends sought for friendship. Iam a single Japanese female, mid-40s,love art, nature, beauty in general. Willawait a response from a well-educated,gentle, open-minded person. Sorry - I donot speak Italian. carpediem.mavie@gmail.com14.2 MEN LOOKING FOR WOMENSUBMISSIVE SJM, 36, cute, isseriously seeking a woman who isinto, or interested in, dominatingmen. I am so submissive, with sevenyears’ experience, that I am happy totake whatever and serve you in anyway. slaveintokyo@gmail.comActive woman? Healthy mind?Appreciates a man who can make herlaugh, surprise her? Doesn't jump into bedwith every guy, but is passionate when shefeels a connection? Feels her mind racingas she reads this? Is this you? ja22y@outlook.comAroma massage. Would you like anice, relaxing aroma oil massage?Amateur masseur seeks maturemassage partners to practice on. I canmeet anywhere in central Tokyo. I speakEnglish and Japanese. amamassage@hotmail.comAttractive black male seeking attractivegirlfriend, single/married, fun to bearound, and seeking intimacy. I'm 36,intelligent, 183cm, athletic, from NY,working in IT, living in Ota-ku. I enjoymovies, running, relaxing. Please sendyour photo! goldfinger726@gmail.comAttractive single Japanese maleseeks a nice Western or Japanesefemale for friendship and possibly more.Nonsmokers preferred. I am confidentthat I can create fun times for you. Ifyou are ready, email me. cioinjapan@gmail.comBlack American seeking nice lady.Hello, how are you doing? I am in theSaitama/Tokyo area. I am seeking a niceperson to be friends with, and if there isa connection, more. rabbitquick1234@yahoo.comBritish guy, 45, seeks reasonablelookinglady of any nationality for fun andfriendship. I'm average-looking, white,tall and slim. juxterposer@gmail.comBritish-Australian gentleman.Hello, I am an Oxbridge-educatedBritish-Australian gentleman seekinga single Japanese lady for friendshipand marriage. I will be in Tokyo andKyoto in Nov and would like to have anemail exchange beforehand. stjdavid@googlemail.comConfident, tall, thrill-giving manseeks Japanese woman who wants herbody to explode with feelings she neverknew existed. This is a journey which youwill treasure forever. Nonsmokers only,23-26. I'm white, international British.Japanese ok. erolp.x.ei@gmail.comDecent JM available. Seeking a cheerfuland mature lady. I'm 30s, financiallysecure, clean, living in Tokyo, enjoyinglife. Let's have dinner or drinks to getto know each other first. Prefer non-Japanese. Casual date? gb_0606@yahoo.co.jpEngineering isn't the best place to meetnew people, so I'm trying the internet.Hi, French guy seeking an open-mindedperson, 20-47. I speak French and Englishand am currently learning Japanese. brd.j111@aol.comEnglish speaking 大 学 生 ? Fun,open-minded, well-traveled Englishmale working in Tokyo is seekingsomeone to meet after work. PrefersEnglish-speaking university studentwho is cheerful, enjoys life, and wantsto hang with a cool foreigner. boogion@gmail.comEuropean male seeking woman. Hello,I'm a European man, good-looking, tall(180cm), blond, seeking a nice Japanesewoman to chat and become friends withand more. I live and work in Tokyo.f1thu57@gmail.comFake boyfriend. CaucasianAmerican guy, 30s, seekingwoman who wants a fakeboyfriend for practice. Anyproblem you could everhave with a boyfriend, I'llbe way worse! If we reallylike each other, it could bereal I suppose. bizman7777@hotmail.comGerman and Japanese. Asian maleseeking German exchange partner. I amnon-native, but speak fluent++ Japanese.Prefer a patient, mature woman, 25-40.Meet weekly after work (8-10pm), aroundOsaki/Shinagawa/Tokyo. yatri_in_town@yahoo.co.jpGraphic designer. French businessmanliving in Tokyo seeks a Japanese lady whois a graphic designer. turbo32s@yahoo.frHandsome, sexy man seeking hotolder woman in Tokyo or Yokohama. Ilove mature ladies (40s, 50s). A nice,tall, handsome gentleman is waiting,hoping to meet you. 日 本 語 可 能 です。maldonado_4649@yahoo.co.jpI'm not like most foreigners in Tokyo.I don't dream of cute girls. I've lived inseveral countries, enough to understandJapanese and other cultures. My humoris playful, silly. Can you handle a nontypicalgaikokujin? Seeking 20s only.m3_3m@outlook.comLondon calling. Here from London.Will be staying in Japan for a while.Want to meet new people to hang outwith, enjoy drinks, do new things. I'mnot the Roppongi type, so no Roppongilovers, please. Nonsmokers only.englishmobile@outlook.comLong-term affair. I am seeking a marriedwoman in a similar situation: marriedwith children, love family, no intentionto divorce. vbcfgt@hotmail.comLunch friends. English guy seeking lunchfriends near Otemachi. I already have abusy social life in the evenings, but if weget on at lunch maybe the occasionalafterwork hangout could work, too. Nomarriage seekers/smokers. scottish1_@outlook.comMarried woman? Do you thinkromance and marriage can be separate?Enjoy exploring new restaurants, funconversation and a bit of real romance?Intelligent, kind American, early 40s,married, white, slim, seeking one specialperson. Nihongo mo ok. pinottokyo@yahoo.co.jpMassage for JF in Yokohama, Tokyo.Hello, tall Spanish man can give youprivate オイルマッサージ。いかがですか? 興 味 があれば 連 絡 下 さい。maldonado_4649@yahoo.co.jpMWM for MJF. Are you a nice Japaneselady looking to reignite passion andromance? If so, I would love to meet you.I'm a married white Canadian in centralTokyo, mid-40s, easygoing, welleducated,nonsmoking. theroyaljoker@yahoo.comNo English? 銀 行 で 働 いてるイギリス 人 が 日 本 の 女 の 子 探 してる 。 英語 分 からない 女 の 子 欲 しい。 vint.snap@gmail.comNon-Japanese Asian. Title says itall: seeking a girl from Asia who isn’tJapanese. I’m from England, but havelived in several countries in Asia. Lovetravel, music, open minds. ero.lp.xei@gmail.comOpposites attract. Balding, brutallooking,but nevertheless kind, wittyand fun Englishman, 40s, would liketo entertain a slim, attractive, chattywoman in the evenings after work. E/Jok. gbeer2000@yahoo.comPleasure for you. Nice, caring, safe,fun for a SJF who is seeking a genki timeafter work or in spare time. Let's chatvia LINE or email, and see if we havesimilar ideas/fantasies to make reality.mrmonkeymark@gmail.comSeeking a serious relationship. I'm aSWM neuroscientist, 31, from Manchester,UK, seeking a well-educated, cuteJapanese partner, preferably under 28,for a long-term serious relationship.pulerd@hotmail.comSeeking chubby, serious JF. Europeanguy, 40, open-minded, easygoing,honest, faithful, seeks a JF who can meetup soon (not too many emails) for a longtermrelationship. Let's meet up overcoffee and talk. niman429@yahoo.comSeeking chubby/pochari woman.Fun-loving, successful, nonsmoking,well-traveled married male is seekinga chubby/big beautiful Japanesewoman for a passionate relationship.enjoylife_321@yahoo.comSeeking fun. SWM, 28, French, seekingpeople who want fun like me. My life isstable, but boring and stressful. I needexcitement for my mental health balance.If you feel the same way, contact me,please. reydajp@yahoo.co.jpSeeking girlfriend. Cool guy, 40, kind,seeks mature JF, 40s-50s, for romancein Tokyo. Let's meet up for coffee andtalk. Serious only, please. munesan50@yahoo.comSeeking girlfriend. SWM, good-looking,working in finance, seeking a girlfriend. Ilike reading, keeping fit, movies. Let's goout for a drink or coffee. atatakaijohn@yahoo.co.jpSeeking large Japanese girlfriend.Canadian guy, 40s, open-minded, gentle,romantic, positive, seeks overweightgirlfriend for long-term relationship inTokyo. Serious only, please. bbalajan@yahoo.comSeeking mature JF. Cool guy, 40s,positive, romantic, honest, a gentleman,seeks JF, 40s-50s, for a long-termrelationship. nnazila73@yahoo.comSeeking Ms. Right. I am a Frenchman. Iam told I am handsome, gentle, funny. Iam nice to be with. If I can find my specialone, I would like to go to the beautifulbeach together. akb4898711@hotmail.comSeeking serious relationship.European guy, early 40s, positive,easygoing, gentle, romantic, lots ofhobbies, seeking female, 35-55, openminded,easygoing, enjoys simple things.Speak Nihongo. No busy people, please.bbamian@yahoo.comSeeking serious relationship. I ama down-to-earth black guy seekingromantic love leading to marriage.Serious only, photo necessary. No games,please. smartguy@i.softbank.jpSeeking SJF for company/fun/relationship. I like travel, nature, movies,concerts, dining, festivals, hiking, onsen,beaches. Me: single Asian-American,professional, from western US. Let'senjoy a good time together. Replies inJapanese ok. ilikesandiego@yahoo.co.jpSeeking someone for romance. Let'sstart with mail and see where it goes.artoistk@hotmail.comSingaporean, Chinese, Indian...?British guy, 30s, seeking non-Japanesewomen to hang out with, maybe more.It may seem obvious, but please onlycontact me if you have time to meet. NoJapanese seeking marriage with a gaijin,please! greenteais.yummy@gmail.comTattoos or piercings? Seeking a womanwith tattoos or piercings, 20s, able tomeet in Tokyo. I'm a man from England.日 本 語 でも 英 語 でも 大 丈 夫 . uk84@outlook.comTogether forever. S J M , 4 0 s ,professional, smart and clever, seekinga sweet and caring lady to be togetherforever. Into movies, the outdoors andmuch more. Together shall we explore?If interested, send me a message.toshinoris1012@yahoo.co.jpWM in Tokyo seeking a pretty girl, 18-35.I am tall, white, with blue eyes. I speakJapanese. chrischrisjapan34@yahoo.comWould you like a nice, relaxing aromaoil massage? Amateur masseur seeksmature massage partners to practiceon. I can meet anywhere in centralTokyo. I speak English and Japanese.amamassage@hotmail.com有 名 な 人 ? We can meet in secret.White, attractive, English-speaking male.Contact me. ja22y@outlook.com銀 座 . White guy working near Ginzaseeking a woman, 22-29, to hang outwith, have some drinks after work. Makesure you give an intro - I won't reply if youdon't. wakaruyo@outlook.com14.3 WOMEN LOOKING FOR MENSINGLES-ONLY DATINGEVENTS EVERY FRI NIGHT forforeign men and Japanesewomen. Leave the eventwith a new date! Alwaysmore women than men. FREEif signing up in advance!Otherwise, ¥2,000. info@exeo-international.com www.exeo-international.comLAVISH DATES ANDINDULGENT NIGHTS - WECREATE OPPORTUNITIESfor elite foreign males to meetelegant Japanese females.Start with a luxurious dinnerdate,take the night where youwant it to go. Fresh, youngwomen join our club every day.Try our free one-month trialoffer: first date is on us! 0120-675-858 (E) international@universe-club.jp http://universe-club.jp/enDriven to work? Japanese woman, 30s,attractive, elegant, educated, seeks asuccessful businessman in Tokyo. Shefeels attracted to a man who is drivento work. He should be sincere and careabout her. springwinds14@yahoo.co.jpFresh start. Attractive, cultured JF, 30s,seeks a good-looking young boyfriendwho can possibly have a long-termrelationship. He should be Caucasian,nonsmoking, cultured. No one-nightstands. nanaironohana24@yahoo.co.jpInternational-minded Japanese,early 30s, ready to start a relationship.If you are a laid-back, professional/independent guy of a similar mind,let's see how it goes. Must be singlenonsmoker. Your introduction/photoappreciated. happi_coco14@excite.co.jpJF living in Tokyo, 29. I'm divorced, nokids. I'm seeking someone serious. I'mvery interested in American and Britishculture. I've always enjoyed listening tomusic from the '60s-'80s. khatruyuasa@kdr.biglobe.ne.jpLaugh and smile a lot. Let's chat overa cup of coffee. Warmhearted, polite,chubby SJF, 41, laughs and smilesquite a bit, seeking sweet, sane singleCaucasian guy for a serious relationshipin Tokyo. camellia.sunflower@gmail.comLove snowboarding? I'm an athletic,fun SJF, 39, seeking a guy who can havea super big laugh with me. Serious,single only, please. enohpi4s@yahoo.caSeeking Mr. Right. JF, 37, withbeautiful kids, seeks loyal, hardworkinggentleman to spend the futurewith. If you are in the same situation,please let me know. Serious only.keiko2011tokyo@yahoo.co.jpSeeking nice SWM, 30s, for a longtermrelationship. Me: SJF, 30s, sweet,caring, healthy. I like listening to musicwhile drinking. Serious only. Pleaselet me know your nationality and age.rykya614@i.softbank.jpSeeking single Japanese man. MiddleagedCaucasian woman seeking a kindsingle Japanese or Caucasian man,40-55, 170-185cm, university-educatedprofessional, in central Tokyo, forfriendship, activity partner and long-termrelationship. kolucy1231@gmail.comSerious boyfriend. Beautiful Japanesewants to meet someone. No marriedmen, cheaters, casual relationshipswhatsoever. Prefer someone in theIchikawa/Nishi-Funabashi area, 27-38,American. I'm 36, with a professionaljob and multiple talents. gkr93mz@gmail.comSerious man wanted. Single Japanesefemale, stable job, independent, welleducated,seeking an honest, matureguy with a stable job. I'm wild-natured,40s, a good conversationalist, enjoy citylife. Single, no kids only. jmtat59dmi@docomo.ne.jpSerious only. SJF, 40, living in Tokyo,seeking a single American man, 37-43.I'm tall, slender, funny, romantic, lovemusic, movies. I don't smoke or drink. Iwould like someone to share and enjoylife with. No bed buddies. nowucme8@gmail.comTall American man, professional,35-45, sought for nice dinners and fun.Anybody out there? sreiko751@gmail.com14.4 GAY & LESBIANJM seeking friendship/relationship.JM, early 30s, athletic, straight-acting,laid-back, seeking friendship leadingto a relationship. Love traveling,photography, various sports, meetingnew people. Seeking someone aroundmy age. Cheers. light_draws_near@yahoo.co.jp14.5 ESCORTSESCORTS have gone online.To find a lovely ladycompanion, visit http://classifieds.<strong>metropolis</strong>.co.jp/category/personals/escorts.15 JOBS15.1 JOB WANTEDNEED A BABYSITTER?My name is MerindaMasuda. I’m 16, greatwith children and givethem 100% attention.T r u s t w o r t h y ,responsible, loving, can dohousework while children sleep.Seeking work in central Tokyo.Available most evenings, Satevenings and Sun.merindababysitter@gmail.com31

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