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moviesBY DON MORTONfeatured movieA MOSTWANTED MANDramatically understated but visually striking andintellectually suspenseful, this adaptation by AntonCorbijn (Control, The American) of the John leCarré novel takes a look at the ethical vagaries ofthwarting terrorism, and at the frequently melancholylives of those dedicated to the task. Whena severely abused Russian-Chechen immigrant(Grigoriy Dobrygin) surfaces in Hamburg seekingasylum, a variety of competing international intelligenceagencies begin to circle, suspecting he’sthere to claim his deceased father’s ill-gotten fortuneand do mischief. Going against this mindset is adisgraced German spymaster (an intense, nuancedPhilip Seymour Hoffman), who thinks the man isinnocent and can be better used to bag a wealthyIslamic philanthropist he suspects of financing terrorists.Robin Wright’s the creepy CIA presence,Willem Dafoe is excellent as a shady banker, anda miscast Rachel McAdams is out of her depth asa liberal lawyer. I enjoyed the book. And while itdoesn’t rate up there with Tinker Tailor Soldier Spyor The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, the authoris never less than compelling. So this may be minorle Carré, but it’s major Hoffman, and well worth seeingas the actor’s last completed role. Japanese title:Dareyorimo Nerawareta Otoko. (121 min)NEWEPICBoy, talk about a misleadingtitle. Howabout “Middling”? I like“Underwhelming.” I tseems there’s a battleraging in our forests between two races of tiny people,one of which causes things to grow and another thatseeks only decay. Stumbling into this world is a disaffectedteen embarrassed by her geeky scientist dad’sobsession with said fairy war. This one looks great, butthe story’s so repetitive and filled with over-familiartropes that it probably plays better with the sound off.Lots of celebrity voice talent; little momentum or imagination.From the people who did Ice Age and Rio. ‘Nuffsaid. Japanese title: Mary to Himitsu no Okoku. (102 min)NEWGRACE OF MONACOHere we have a “fictionalizedstory, based on trueevents.” (Don’t you justlove all the ways the makersof bad movies have ofrewording this caveat?) In 1962, Alfred Hitchcock offeredPrincess Grace Kelly of Monaco (Nicole Kidman) the leadin Marnie. Cornball story tells of how she is tempted butbravely refuses and pluckily buckles down to become atrue royal, and in the process, through pure charm, savesthe royal family from a palace coup and Monaco froma French invasion (over taxes), and delivers a rousingspeech at—wait for it—a lavish charity ball. Jeez. Whocares? Dramatically inert middlebrow mush. Japanesetitle: Grace of Monaco: Kohi no Kirifuda. (102 min)NEWSCUMEver wonder wheretough-guy British actorRay Winstone startedout? With tough-kid Britgritroles, of course. This1977 docudrama, shot when Ray was 20, exposed thebrutality of the country’s “borstal” system of juveniledetention centers (since improved). It’s hard to watch insome places, with violent and graphic scenes of bullyingand rape, but never less than compelling. It was originallycommissioned for the BBC as a critique of this kindof institutional dehumanization. When the Beeb deemedit too violent for broadcast, director Alan Clarke reshot itas a feature film. Still powerful today. (98 min)NEW NYMPHOMANIAC: VOL. ILars von Trier cuts backon the stylistic excessesto tell (the first half of) thischaracter-based storyof a self-diagnosed sexNEW IF I STAYA teenage girl’s family iswiped out in a car crashand she’s left in a coma,but through a mysticalnarrative device she’sNEWA MILLION WAYS TODIE IN THE WESTAt first I thought thischarmless oater send-upmight be more watchablehad writer/director/produceraddict named Joe (Charlotte Gainsbourg; Stacy Martinin flashbacks) who is discovered beaten and bleedingin an alley by Good Samaritan Stellan Skarsgård. Theytalk. Graphic? Yes. Pornographic? Some have called itso. Titillating? Not at all. Uncharacteristically, there’s agood bit of humor here. Uma Thurman is a showstopperas the wife of one of the men whose lives Joe hasruined. Mesmerizing, compelling and purely entertaining.I’m seduced. Vol. II coming Oct 31. (118 min)split between her comatose self and a “spirit” self whowanders around the hospital wondering if she shouldsuccumb or awake as an orphan (albeit with a hunkyboyfriend). I’m not familiar with the YA novels of GayleForman, but I’m pretty sure she reads Nicholas Sparks.Manipulative, banal and relentlessly drippy. But the acting’sgood, especially Chloë Grace Moretz, who at 17 isshowing signs that she just might survive the transitionfrom child sensation to grown-up actor. Japanese title:If I Stay: Ai ga Kaeru Basho. (106 min)Seth MacFarlane cast a real comedic actor in thelead instead of himself. You know, someone funny. Butalmost two padded hours later, I realized that no cast, nomatter how all-star, could make this flaccid collection offart, poop, come and piss jokes palatable to anyone butits target audience of preteen boys. MacFarlane clearlythinks he’s remaking Mel Brooks’s Blazing Saddles. Thisis insulting in itself. I used to think the man was merelyannoying. Now I hate him. Japanese title: Koya waTsuraiyo: Arizona yori Ai wo Komete. (116 min)A Most Wanted Man: © A Most Wanted Man Limited / Amusement Park Film GmbH; Epic: © 2013 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.; Grace of Monaco: ©2014 STONE ANGELS SAS; Scum: © Kendon Films Ltd. MCMLXXIXAll Rights Reserved.; Nymphomaniac: Vol. I: © 2013 ZENTROPA ENTERTAINMENTS31 APS, ZENTROPA; If I Stay: © 2014 Warner Bros. Ent. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc. All rights Reserved.; A Million Ways to Die in the West: © UniversalPictures; Jersey Boys: © 2014 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. AND RATPAC ENTERTAINMENT; Frank: © 2013 EP Frank Limited, Channel Four Television Corporation and the British Film Institute; Under the Skin: © Seventh KingdomProductions Limited, Channel Four Television Corporation and The British Film Institute 2014; Million Dollar Arm: © 2014 Disney Enterprise, Inc. All Rights Reserved.; Mindscape: Stills photographs by Quim Vives - Copyright © 2013 OMBRA FILMS,S.L.; Wake in Fright: © 2012 Wake In Fright Trust. All Rights Reserved.18

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