Ataskaita apie atliktą Lietuvos Baltijos jūros rajono aplinkos būklės ir ...

Ataskaita apie atliktą Lietuvos Baltijos jūros rajono aplinkos būklės ir ... Ataskaita apie atliktą Lietuvos Baltijos jūros rajono aplinkos būklės ir ...


LIETUVOS BALTIJOS JŪROS APLINKOS APSAUGOS VALDYMO STIPRINIMODOKUMENTŲ PARENGIMASIII-oji TARPINĖATASKAITA2012 m.,balandžio 13Aplinkos būklė, 2009. 2008 metų ataskaita. Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos ministerija, Vilnius, 34p.Beldowski J.,. Loffler A, Schneider B., Joensuu L. 2010. Distribution and biogeochemical controlof total CO 2 and total alkalinity in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 81, p. 252–259.Bianchi T. S., E. Engelhaupt, P. Westman, T. Andren, C. Rolff, R. Elmgren. 2000, Cyanobacterialblooms in the Baltic Sea: Natural or human-induced? Limnol. Oceanogr., 45(3), p. 716–726.Borges, A.V., Schiettecatte, L.-S., Abril, G., Delille, B., Gazeau, F., 2006. Carbon dioxide inEuropean coastal waters. Estuar. Coast. Shelf S. 70, p. 375–387.Bonsch et al,. 2009. Transboundary problems on implementation of the EC Water FrameworkDirective (WFD) Republic of Lithuania – Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Region) FKZ 38001 174Sub-project 1.1: Matter balance and transport - Curonian Lagoon.)Bryhn A. C. 2009. Sustainable Phosphorus Loadings from Effective and Cost-Effective PhosphorusManagement Around the Baltic Sea. PLoS ONE 4(5):e5417. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005417.Capone, D. G., J. P. Zehr, H. W. Paerl, B. Bergman, and E. J. Carpenter, 1997. Trichodesmium: Aglobally significant marine cyanobacterium. Science 276, p. 1221–1229.Danielsson, A., Jonsson, A., Rahm, L. 2006. Resuspension patterns in the Baltic proper. Journal ofSea Research, doi:10.1017/jseares.2006.07.005Dubra J. 2004. Influence of waters from the Kurshiu marios lagoon on the Baltic Sea Center ofMarine Research, Klaipeda, Lithuania.Edler L., Hallfors G., Niemi A., 1984, A preliminary check-list of the phytoplankton of the BalticSea, Acta Bot. Fenn., 128, 1–26.Jūrinių tyrimų centras, 2008. Metinė 2007 m. veiklos ataskaita. Klaipėda, 14 p.Kuršių marių vandens kokybės gerinimo programa. 2006. LR Vyriausybė. 2006 m. birželio 21 d.Nutarimas Nr. 614, 21 p.Ferreira J. G., Andersen J. H., Borja A., Bricker S. B., Camp J., Cardoso da Silva M., Garcés E.,Heiskanen A-S., Humborg C., Ignatiades L., Lancelot C., Menesguen A., Tett P., Hoepffnerm N.,Claussen U. 20011. Overview of eutrophication indicators to assess environmental status within theEuropean Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (in press).HELCOM (Helsinki Commission), 2007. Outline for the HELCOM Baltic Sea action planconcerning eutrophication, (4/2007, 3/3.)Hille S., 2005, New aspects of sediment accumulation and reflux of nutrients in the Eastern GotlandBasin and its impact on nutrient cycling, Institute of Biology, Rostock Univ., 119 p.Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, 2006. Draft HELCOM Thematic Assessment; HELCOMStakeholder Conference on the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Helsinki, Finland, 7 March 2006.HELCOM, 2009. Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea – An integrated thematic assessment of theeffects of nutrient enrichmentand eutrophication in the Baltic Sea region. Balt. Sea Environ. Proc.No. 115B.Kratzer S., Hakansson B., Sahlin C. 2003. Assessing Secchi and Photic Zone Depth in the BalticSea from Satellite Data. Ambio. Vol. 32, No. 8, p. 577-585.Leppanen J.M., Niemi A., Rinne I. 1988. Nitrogen fixation of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) andthe nitrogen cycle of the Baltic Sea. Symbiosis 6:181–194JŪRINIŲ TYRIMŲ KONSORCIUMAS 64

LIETUVOS BALTIJOS JŪROS APLINKOS APSAUGOS VALDYMO STIPRINIMODOKUMENTŲ PARENGIMASIII-oji TARPINĖATASKAITA2012 m.,balandžio 13Neumann, T., Schernewski, G. 2008. Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and shifts in nitrogen fixationanalyzed with a 3D ecosystem model. J. Mar. Syst. 74: 592–602.Olenin S., Daunys d., 2004. Coastal typology based ob benthic biotope and communityPastuszak, M., Witek, Z., Nagel, K., Wielgat, M., Grelowski, A. 2005. Role of the Oder estuary(southern Baltic) in transformation of the riverine material. Journal of Marine Systems Vol. 57,Issue 1-2 pp. 30-54.Sanden P., Hakanson B. 1996. Long-term trends in Secchi depth in the Baltic Sea. Limnol.Oceanogr. 41(2), p. 346-351.Stalnacke, P. Grimvall, A., Sundblad, K. and Tonderski, A. 1999. Estimation of riverine loads ofnitrogen and phosphorus to the Baltic Sea, 1977-1993. Environ. Monit. Assess. 58:173-200.Stepanauskas R., Jorgensen N.O.G., Eigaard O.R., Zvikas A., Tranvik L.J., Leonardson L. 2002.Summer inputs of riverine nutrients to the Baltic Sea: bioavailability and eutrophicationrelevance. Ecol Monogr 72: 579–597 p.Swaney D. 1998. The Curonian Lagoon (Kurschiu Gulf), M., Liskow, I., Pastuszak, M., Rüss, D., Schutle, U. and Dippner, J. W., 2005. RiverineDischarge into a coastal bay: A stable isotope study in the Gulf of Gdansk, Baltic Sea. Journal ofMarine Science, 57: 127-145.Wasmund N., M. Voss, K. Lochte, 2001. Evidence of nitrogen fixation by non-heterocystouscyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea and re-calculation of a budget of nitrogen fixation. Mar. Ecol. Prog.Ser. 214, p. 1–14.JŪRINIŲ TYRIMŲ KONSORCIUMAS 65

LIETUVOS BALTIJOS JŪROS APLINKOS APSAUGOS VALDYMO STIPRINIMODOKUMENTŲ PARENGIMASIII-oji TARPINĖATASKAITA2012 m.,balandžio 13Aplinkos būklė, 2009. 2008 metų ataskaita. <strong>Lietuvos</strong> Respublikos <strong>aplinkos</strong> ministerija, Vilnius, 34p.Beldowski J.,. Loffler A, Schneider B., Joensuu L. 2010. Distribution and biogeochemical controlof total CO 2 and total alkalinity in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 81, p. 252–259.Bianchi T. S., E. Engelhaupt, P. Westman, T. Andren, C. Rolff, R. Elmgren. 2000, Cyanobacterialblooms in the Baltic Sea: Natural or human-induced? Limnol. Oceanogr., 45(3), p. 716–726.Borges, A.V., Schiettecatte, L.-S., Abril, G., Delille, B., Gazeau, F., 2006. Carbon dioxide inEuropean coastal waters. Estuar. Coast. Shelf S. 70, p. 375–387.Bonsch et al,. 2009. Transboundary problems on implementation of the EC Water FrameworkD<strong>ir</strong>ective (WFD) Republic of Lithuania – Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Region) FKZ 38001 174Sub-project 1.1: Matter balance and transport - Curonian Lagoon.)Bryhn A. C. 2009. Sustainable Phosphorus Loadings from Effective and Cost-Effective PhosphorusManagement Around the Baltic Sea. PLoS ONE 4(5):e5417. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005417.Capone, D. G., J. P. Zehr, H. W. Paerl, B. Bergman, and E. J. Carpenter, 1997. Trichodesmium: Aglobally significant marine cyanobacterium. Science 276, p. 1221–1229.Danielsson, A., Jonsson, A., Rahm, L. 2006. Resuspension patterns in the Baltic proper. Journal ofSea Research, doi:10.1017/jseares.2006.07.005Dubra J. 2004. Influence of waters from the Kurshiu marios lagoon on the Baltic Sea Center ofMarine Research, Klaipeda, Lithuania.Edler L., Hallfors G., Niemi A., 1984, A preliminary check-list of the phytoplankton of the BalticSea, Acta Bot. Fenn., 128, 1–26.Jūrinių tyrimų centras, 2008. Metinė 2007 m. veiklos ataskaita. Klaipėda, 14 p.Kuršių marių vandens kokybės gerinimo programa. 2006. LR Vyriausybė. 2006 m. b<strong>ir</strong>želio 21 d.Nutarimas Nr. 614, 21 p.Ferre<strong>ir</strong>a J. G., Andersen J. H., Borja A., Bricker S. B., Camp J., Cardoso da Silva M., Garcés E.,Heiskanen A-S., Humborg C., Ignatiades L., Lancelot C., Menesguen A., Tett P., Hoepffnerm N.,Claussen U. 20011. Overview of eutrophication indicators to assess env<strong>ir</strong>onmental status within theEuropean Marine Strategy Framework D<strong>ir</strong>ective. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (in press).HELCOM (Helsinki Commission), 2007. Outline for the HELCOM Baltic Sea action planconcerning eutrophication, (4/2007, 3/3.)Hille S., 2005, New aspects of sediment accumulation and reflux of nutrients in the Eastern GotlandBasin and its impact on nutrient cycling, Institute of Biology, Rostock Univ., 119 p.Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, 2006. Draft HELCOM Thematic Assessment; HELCOMStakeholder Conference on the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Helsinki, Finland, 7 March 2006.HELCOM, 2009. Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea – An integrated thematic assessment of theeffects of nutrient enrichmentand eutrophication in the Baltic Sea region. Balt. Sea Env<strong>ir</strong>on. Proc.No. 115B.Kratzer S., Hakansson B., Sahlin C. 2003. Assessing Secchi and Photic Zone Depth in the BalticSea from Satellite Data. Ambio. Vol. 32, No. 8, p. 577-585.Leppanen J.M., Niemi A., Rinne I. 1988. Nitrogen fixation of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) andthe nitrogen cycle of the Baltic Sea. Symbiosis 6:181–194JŪRINIŲ TYRIMŲ KONSORCIUMAS 64

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