Ataskaita apie atliktą Lietuvos Baltijos jūros rajono aplinkos būklės ir ...

Ataskaita apie atliktą Lietuvos Baltijos jūros rajono aplinkos būklės ir ...

Ataskaita apie atliktą Lietuvos Baltijos jūros rajono aplinkos būklės ir ...

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LIETUVOS BALTIJOS JŪROS APLINKOS APSAUGOS VALDYMO STIPRINIMODOKUMENTŲ PARENGIMASIII-oji TARPINĖATASKAITA2012 m.,balandžio 13Gruszka P. 1999. The river Odra estuary as a gateway for alien species immigration to theBaltic Sea Basin. Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 27(5): 374-382.Jansson K. 1994. Alien Species in the Marine Env<strong>ir</strong>onment. Introductions to the Baltic seaand the Swedish West Coast. Solna, Swedish Env<strong>ir</strong>onmental Protection Agency: 68 p.Jazdzewski K. and Konopacka A. 2002. Invasive Ponto-Caspian Species in Waters of theVistula and Oder Basins and the Southern Baltic Sea In: Invasive aquatic species of Europe -distribution, impact and management. Leppäkoski E, Gollasch S & Olenin S (eds). Dordrecht,Boston, London. Kluwer Academic Publishers: 384-398 Karatayev et al. 2008Leppäkoski E., 1999. Balanus improvisus (Darwin 1857), Balanidae, C<strong>ir</strong>ripedia. Balanusimprovisus (Darwin 1854), Balanidae, C<strong>ir</strong>ripedia. In: Exotics across the ocean. Case historieson introduced species: the<strong>ir</strong> general biology, distribution, range expansion and impact.Published by University of Kiel, Germany, Department of Fishery Biology, Institute forMarine Science: 49-54.Olenin S. 2002. Black Sea - Baltic Sea invasion corridors. In: Alien marine organismsintroduced by ships in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. CIESM Workshops Monograph. FBriand (ed.) Comission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la merMediterranee., Monaco: 29-33Nikolaev I.I. 1951. On new introductions in fauna and flora of the North and the Baltic Seasfrom distant areas [O novyh vselencach v faune i flore Severnogo morja i Baltici izotdalennyh <strong>rajono</strong>v]. Zoologicheskij Zhurnal., 30: 556-561 (In Russian).JŪRINIŲ TYRIMŲ KONSORCIUMAS 236

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