SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 27(3)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 27(3)

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40. Lichtenthaler H. K. 1996. Vegetation stress: an introduction to the stress conceptin plants. Plant Physiology, 148: 4–46.41. Long S. P., Ainsworth E. A., Rogers A., Ort D. R. 2004. Rising atmosphericcarbondioxide: plants FACE the future. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 55:591–628.42. Ozolincius R., Stakenas V., Serafinaviciute B. 2005. Meteorological factors and a<strong>ir</strong>pollution in Lithuanian forests: Possible effects on tree condition. Env<strong>ir</strong>onmentalPollution, 137: 587–595.43. Pilipavičius V., Romaneckiene R., Ramaskeviciene A., Sliesaravicius A. 2006 a.Effect of CO 2and temperature combinations on Chenopodium album L. earlygrowth. Agronomy Research, 4 (special issue): 311–316.44. Pilipavičius V., Romaneckiene R., Ramaskeviciene A., Sliesaravicius A. 2006 b.Dependence of weed seed germination, root and sprout formation on differentacidity env<strong>ir</strong>onment. Vagos, 71(25): 99–107.45. Raklevičienė D., Duchovskis P., Švegždienė D., Rančelienė V., Brazaitytė A.2005. Response of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seedlings to impact of ultraviolet-Band to elevated ozone levels under controlled env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, <strong>27</strong>(4) (supplement): 83–84.46. Raklevičienė D., Švegždienė D., Losinska R., Stanevičienė R. 2006.Ultravioleto-B spinduliuotės <strong>ir</strong> ozono kompleksinis poveikis sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nėsaugimui <strong>ir</strong> morfogenezei. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(2): 61–7347. Ramaškevičienė A., Burbulis N., Duchovskis P., Sliesaravičius A., Pilipavičius V.,Kuprienė R., Blinstrubienė A., Urbonavičiūtė A., Sakalauskaitė J., Baranauskis K.2006. Impact of substrate acidity and heavy metals (Cu, Cd) on pea plants growthand pollen germination. Ekologija, 2: 8–14.48. Ramaškevičienė A., Juozaitytė R., Sliesaravičius A., Venskutonienė E.,Žilėnaitė L. 2008. Ozone influence on photosynthesis pigments system andgrowth of Soya (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under warming climate conditions.Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, <strong>27</strong>(2): 187–197.49. Ramaškevičienė A., Sliesaravičius A., Pilipavičius V., Burbulis N. 2004. Effectof different anthropogenic factors on pollen germination. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,23(2): 291–301.50. Rančelienė V. 2004 a. Photoreactivation activity of the sunlight and its comparisonwith DNA lesions induced by artificial UV in plants. Biologija, 2 (2 priedas):13–15.51. Rančelienė V., Vyšniauskienė R. 2008. Reaction of model plant Crepis capillaristo stress-inducing factors ozone and UV-B. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<strong>27</strong>(2): 129–137.52. Rančelienė V., Šlekytė K., Cieminis K. 2004 b. Evaluation of solar UV damageto crepis capillaris by chromosome aberration test. Env<strong>ir</strong>onmental Toxicology,19(4): 442–444.53. Rančelienė V., Vyšniauskienė R., Jančys Z., Šlekytė K. 2005. Action of UV-Bon Crepis capillaries (L.) Wallr. plants in controlled env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions.Biologija, 3: 74–80.<strong>27</strong>3

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