SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 27(3)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 27(3)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 27(3)

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31. Šidlauskaitė J. 1990. Agurkų daigų, švitinamų įva<strong>ir</strong>iomis lempomis, auginimas.Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 9: 66–73.32. Viškelis P., Jankauskienė J., Bobinaitė R. 2007. Vaisių sunokimo laipsnio įtakapomidorų kokybei. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 26(4): <strong>27</strong>8–288.SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(3).Agrotechnique investigations of greenhouse vegetablesJ. JankauskienėSummaryIt is reviewed in the article greenhouse vegetable agrotechnique investigations carried outat the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 1989–2007. It is indicated in the introduction, whenthe investigations on greenhouse vegetable growing were started, the thematic of investigationsreviewed, the place of the<strong>ir</strong> fulfillment. Further on it is presented the review of greenhouse vegetablescientific agrotechnique investigations carried out in 1989–2007. The thematic of scientificinvestigations is discussed and the results are summarized. Investigations were carried out invarious greenhouses. There was investigated lettuce, tomato, cucumber agrotechnique elements,the experiments of lettuce and pepper fertilization were carried out, the investigations of themechanical and optical properties of various film types were fulfilled. Presently collaboratingwith scientists from institute laboratories the investigations of the influence of agrotechniqueelements on plant physiological processes and fruit quality are carried out. There are discussedfor the time being fulfilled greenhouse vegetable agrotechnique investigations.Key words: agricultural investigation, greenhouses, fertilization, cucumber, seedling,substratum, tomato, yield.197

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