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Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

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2. Træðtø azoto tràðomis su ceolitu burokëliø buvo didþiausia (223,4 g)ðakniavaisiø masë. Palyginus su azotu netræðtais burokëliais, ji padidëjo103,6 g arba 86,4%.3. Træðti kalcio amonio salietra burokëliai buvo didesnio skersmens(71,4 mm). Ðakniavaisio skersmuo, palyginus su netræðtais azoto tràðomis,padidëjo 9,2 mm arba 15,0%.4. Burokëliø derliaus didëjimui tiesioginës teigiamos átakos turëjo didesnëðakniavaisio masë (bendrajam derliui – r = 0,81, prekiniam – r = 0,79) <strong>ir</strong>skersmuo (atitinkamai – r = 0,77 <strong>ir</strong> r = 0,76).Padëka. Autoriai dëkingi Lietuvos valstybiniam mokslø <strong>ir</strong> studijø fondui<strong>ir</strong> UAB ,,Elega” uþ finansinæ paramà atliekant tyrimus.Gauta2005 12 08Parengta spausdinti2006 03 15Literatûra1. Babik I., Elkner K. The effect of nitrogen fertilization and <strong>ir</strong>rigationon yield and quality of broccoli // Acta Horticulturae. 2002. 571. P. 33-43.2. Buivydaitë V., Motuzas A., Vaièys M. Naujoji Lietuvosd<strong>ir</strong>voþemiø klasifikacija (1999). Akademija . 2001. 84 P.3. Challinor P.F., Le Pivert J. M., Fuller M.P. Theproduction of standard carnations of nutrient loaded zeolite // Acta Horticulturae. 401.1995. P. 293-300.4. Conry M.-J. Effect of fertilizer N on the grain yield and quality of springbarley grown on five contrasting soils in Ireland // Biology and env<strong>ir</strong>onment. 1997. Vol.97B(3). P. 185 – 196.5. Ilsildar A. A. Effect of the addition of zeolite to the soil on nutrification//Tr. J. of Agriculture and forestry. 1999. T. 23. P. 363-368.6. Geodakian R. O., Erofeeva T.V. The effectiveness of usingbiohumus for growing plants under autonomous conditions // Aviakos. Ekolog. Med.1996. Vol. 30(3). P. 39-43.7. Li Z., Alessi D., Allen L. Influence of quaternary ammonium onsorption of selected metal cations onto cilnoptilolite zeolite // Journal of env<strong>ir</strong>onmentalquality. 2002. Vol. 31. P. 1106-1114.8. Lietuvos d<strong>ir</strong>voþemiø agrocheminës savybës <strong>ir</strong> jø kaita. Kaunas, 1998. 195 p.9. Mumpton F. A. La rosa magica: Uses of natural zeolites in agricultureand industry // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA. 1999. Vol. 96. P. 3463-3470.10. P e t ronienë D. Burokëliø biologija <strong>ir</strong> auginimas. Akademija, 2001. 40 p.11. P o lat E., Dem<strong>ir</strong> H., Onus N. The usage of natural zeolite(clinoptilolite) in plant growing // Orchard management in sustainable fruit production.Skierniewice, 2004. P. 37.12. Privalomieji reikalavimai ðvieþiems vaisiams <strong>ir</strong> darþovëms. Babtai,2003. 241 p.13. Samartzidis C., Awada T., Maloupa E. et all. Roseproductivity and physiological response to different substrates for soil-less culture //Scientia. 2005. Vol. 106(2). P. 203-212.97

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