Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

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12. R a m anauskienë J., Kviklys D. Darþoviø, vaisiø <strong>ir</strong> uogørinkos formavimasis <strong>ir</strong> ypatumai Europos integracijos laikotarpiu // Kaimo plëtra:ekonomika <strong>ir</strong> vadyba 2001. Akademija, 2001. P. 30-32.13. Ð apolaitë V. Bendroji pridëtinë vertë <strong>ir</strong> pajamos þemës ûkyje // Lietuvosþemës ûkis <strong>ir</strong> kaimo plëtra. 2005. P. 119-124.14. Uselis N., Kviklys D. Lietuvos sodininkystë ðiandien <strong>ir</strong> josperspektyvos // Ðiuolaikinës sodininkystës pasiekimai <strong>ir</strong> plëtros kryptys. Babtai. 1997.P. 7-9.15. U s e lis N., Kviklys D. Sadownictwo na Litwie i jego razwoj //.Sadownictwo w krajach srodkowo-wschodniej Europy. Liublin, 1998. P. 233-241.16. Uselis N. Vaisiø <strong>ir</strong> uogø importas <strong>ir</strong> eksporto galimybës // Rinkotyra.Vilnius, 2000. T 8. P. 45-52.17. U selis N. Vaisiø <strong>ir</strong> uogø konkurencingumas – lemiamas veiksnys plëtojantverslinæ sodininkystæ // Konkurencingas þemës ûkis <strong>ir</strong> jo svarba ðalies ekonomikai.Vilnius, 2001. P. 140-146.18. Z emeckis R. Lietuviðkø maisto produktø konkurencingumo vertinimasðalies vidaus rinkoje // Þemës ûkio mokslai. 2004. Nr.4 (priedas). P. 80-88.19. Þ emës ûkio <strong>ir</strong> kaimo plëtros strategijos, patv<strong>ir</strong>tintos Lietuvos RespublikosSeimo 2000 m. b<strong>ir</strong>þelio 13 d. nutarimu Nr.VIII-1728, ágyvendinimo programos 2001-2002 m. LAEI. Vilnius, 2002. 700 p.20. www.nma.lt/index.php?-2106426970.21. www.std.lt/lt/pages/view/?id=1240.SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES.2006. 25(1). 81-89.CONCENTRATION AND SPECIALIZATION OF FRUIT AND BERRYPRODUCTION IN LITHUANIAD. Kviklys, N. Uselis, È. Bobinas, N. Kviklienë, J. LanauskasSummaryFruit and berry production is one of the most important branches of agriculture inLithuania. The market changes (expansion and increased competition) after Lithuania’sentrance into EU promote investigations for development of stable fruit and berrysector. The objective of our study was to examine the scope of fruit and berry productionin different regions and to establish the competitive ability of farms depending on the<strong>ir</strong>size and specialization. The investigation was based on special literature and statisticalinformation sources. Statistical data were collected from the f<strong>ir</strong>st full-scale agriculturalinventory results of Lithuanian Republic for 2003, data of respondent agriculturalenterprises for 2004 and crop declarations for 2004. It was established that the totalarea of commercial orchards and berry plantations covers 8994 ha. Young orchards (upto 5 years old) comprise 770 ha, bearing orchards – 3396 ha, black currant plantations– 3858 ha, strawberry and raspberry plantations – 970 ha. The data of orchard and berryplantation concentration in different regions, farm size and specialization are analysedin the paper. The most specialized in fruit and berry sector are fruit growers, the least –ones of strawberry and raspberry. The highest degree of specialization is observed in bigfarms.Key words: berry growing, district, farm size, fruit growing, specialization.89

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