Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

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D. Juðkevièienë, V. Stanys, P. Duchovskis. Theinfluence of edible onion plant donor growing temperature on thegynogenesis efficiency in unfertilized flower culture ................................ 130V. Bulovienë, E. Survilienë, L. Raudonis. Effectof meteorological condition on spread and intensity of Peronosporadestructor in onion ........................................................................................ 137R. Starkutë, V. Zalatorius. Influence of the gathering timeof various onion cultivars and hybrids grown from seedlings on yield ... 144L. Duchovskienë. Investigations of insecticide efficiency onthrips tabaci in leek ....................................................................................... 152A. Brazaitytë, J. Sakalauskaitë, P. Duchovskis,J. B. Ðikðnianienë, G. Samuolienë,R. Ulinskaitë, K. Baranauskis,A. Urbonavièiûtë, G. Ðabajavienë,L. Navarskaitë, V. Strakðas. Adaptation of radishunder integrated effect of acid substratum and cadmium ions ............. 161A. Urbonavièiûtë, R. Ulinskaitë, G. Samuolienë,J. Sakalauskaitë, P. Duchovskis, A. Brazaitytë,J. B. Ðikðnianienë, G. Ðabajevienë,K. Baranauskis. The response of radish phytohormonesystem to ozone stress ................................................................................... 170N. Maroèkienë. The productivity of paprika in unheated springgreenhouses.................................................................................................... 177V. Bulovienë, E. Survilienë. Effect of meteorologicalcondition on spread and intensity of Pseudoperonospora cubensis oncucumber ........................................................................................................ 186J. B. Ðikðnianienë, P. Duchovskis, A. Staðelis.Effect of electromagnetic field on growht of fat hen (Chenopodiumalbum L.) and viability of grown seeds ....................................................... 192G. Samuolienë, P. Duchovskis. Dynamics and role ofcarbohydrates in common caraway during different floweringinitiation stages ............................................................................................. 199E. Butkuvienë, R. Skuodienë, N. Daugëlienë.Effect of wood ash rates on red beet and potato yields and the<strong>ir</strong>quality ............................................................................................................. 207G. Staugaitis, R. Petrauskienë,A. Dalangauskienë. Influence of different kinds of fertilizerson early potato crop ..................................................................................... 216Guidelines for the preparation and submission of articles to the volumesof scientific works ,,SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË” ..............240247

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