Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

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GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OFARTICLES TO THE VOLUMES OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS“HORTICULTURE AND VEGETABLE GROWING”Rules for Submission – Acceptance of Papers.Papers can be contributed by Lithuanian and foreign researchers or personscarrying out scientific research. The latter’s paper will be accepted only whenthe coauthor is an investigator.Manuscripts should be sent by mail printed out in two copies taking in accountfollowing instructions. The manuscript will be registered and submitted to themember of the Editorial Board in charge. He(she) will evaluate if the contentsand the form conf<strong>ir</strong>m with the main requ<strong>ir</strong>ements for periodical articles.Manuscripts rejected during the f<strong>ir</strong>st evaluation will be returned to the authorwith explanatory remarks. If the article is approved the member of the EditorialBoard appoints two reviewers.The author must return the corrected manuscript to the EditorialBoard in ten days by email or by mail in a diskette.Standard ManuscriptStructure and lengthThe form of a manuscript has to conf<strong>ir</strong>m with requ<strong>ir</strong>ements for periodicalscientific articles. The paper should be organized in the following order:-Title (should not exceed 10 words);-Author(s)’ namesThe name should be written in small letters, the surname – in capital letters.If there is more than one author they are listed according to the<strong>ir</strong> input to thepaper.-Institution(s), address, email address;-Research report:-Abstract (should not exceed 1400 characters or 250 words);Should contain the statement of the aims, methods and main results in short.-Key words (should not exceed 10 words in alphabetical order);-IntroductionShould present the investigated subject, results of earlier related research,reasons of the study, innovation.-Materials and methods;-ResultsShould present concisely the collected data during investigation,documentation (tables, figures).240

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