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Data was treated using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlationregressiondependences calculation from computerized program package‘SELEKCIJA’ (Dospexov, 1985; Tarakanovas, 1997).Results and discussion. Non-acid, humic, well-fertilized soils are suitablefor the red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) (Svetika, Palaima, 1995). Wood ash haveconsiderable amount of calcium and are suitable for red beet fertilizing inacid and poor soils. Not only fertilizing with wood ash, but also meteorologicalconditions influenced the root yield of red beet (Table 2).Table 2. The influence of fertilizing with wood ash on the red beetroot yield t ha -12 lentelë. Træðimo pelenais átaka burokëliø ðakniavaisiø derliui, t ha -1Vëþaièiai, 2003-2004Treatment / Variantas 2003 2004AverageVidurkisRelative valuesSantykiniai skaièiaiWithout wood ash / be pelenø 14.4 ± 3.56 33.5 ± 1.00 24.0 ± 3.98 1003 t ha -1 wood ash / pelenø 19.3 ± 4.11 39.9 ± 0.46 29.6 ± 4.34 1236 t ha -1 wood ash / pelenø 27.7 ± 2.51 44.9 ± 0.84 36.3 ± 3.46 1519 t ha -1 wood ash / pelenø 34.7 ± 2.99 46.9 ± 1.82 40.8 ± 2.83 170R 05 / LSD 05 8.65 3.44 4.60The data of other researchers (Tarvydienë, Petronienë, 2003) conf<strong>ir</strong>m it.More suitable meteorological conditions for the red beet were in 2004.Vegetation period of 2003 was dry. Therefore, the red beet yield was obtainedby 12.2-20.6 t ha -1 less than in 2004.All wood ash rates significantly increased the root yield of red beet (in2003 F act.= 10.99 > F tabl.0.1= 6.99, in 2004 F act.= 30.94 > F tabl.0.1= 6.99). Accordingto the average data, the root yield of red beet, fertilized by wood ash, was5.6-16.8 t ha -1 higher than in not fertilized treatment. The highest (40.8 t ha -1) yield was obtained when fertilizing with 9 t ha -1 of wood ash. When increasingwood ash rate from 6 to 9 t ha -1 , significant red beet extra-yield was not obtained.The most efficient wood ash rate for red beet was 6 t ha -1 . One t ha -1 of woodash increased the root yield of red beet by 2.05 t ha -1 .The amount of biochemical elements in the red beet roots depended onthe variety and growing conditions. Fertilizing with wood ash didn’t havesignificant influence on the chemical composition (N, P, K and crude proteinamounts) of red beet roots (Table 3).Increasing wood ash rates, the amount of Ca in the red beet rootssuccessively increased. The amount of vitamin C differed within 6.62-7.58 mg kg -1 limits. Fertilizing with different wood ash rates increased theamount of vitamin C in the red beets, but significant differences weren’tobtained. The amount of nitrates in the roots of red beet didn’t exceedpermissible limits (Staugaitis, Jurkšaitis, 1994; Staugaitis, Lubytë, 1998).Fertilizing with different wood ash didn’t have significant influence on nitrateaccumulation in red beets.210

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