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Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

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scientists (Cohen, 1977; Mahrishi, S<strong>ir</strong>adhana, 1988) the minimal temperaturefor infection was found to range between 1-9°C, optimal between 12°C and27°C, and maximal between 27°C and 32°C. When the weather is cool and wetwith prolonged wetness produced by rain, the spread and intensity of downymildew increase. Our investigation showed that the highest percent of diseasespread (97%) and disease intensity (47.7%) was observed in 2004, when themean day temperature was 20.8-23.2°C, the mean night temperature was16.4-17°C, RH was 94% and amount of one day precipitation was 6.0 mm.The optimal range of temperature for infection was particularly dependentupon amount of precipitation.Conclusions. 1. There was recorded the highest percent of disease spread(97%) and disease intensity (47.7) in 2004.2. There was recorded that infection started when mean temperature ofthree days was 16-17°C, relative humidity 94%, and amount of one dayprecipitation was 6.0 mm.Gauta2005 12 03Parengta spausdinti2006 03 18References1. Aly M. M., Habib S. A., Abd-Allah S. M. Diseasedevelopment, variation in pathogen and chemical control of downy mildew of cucurbit //Plant disease. 1997. Vol. 46. P. 897-909.2. Bobinas È. Darþo augalø sëklininkystë. Babtai, 1999. 106 p.3. Celar F. Cucurbit diseases // Sodobno Kmetijstvo. 2000. Vol. 33(4). P.162-165.4. Cohen Y. The combined effects of temperature, leaf wetness, and inoculumconcentration on infection of cucumbers with Pseudoperonospora cubensis // CanadianJournal of Botany. 1977. No. 55. P. 1478-1487.5. Jarvis W. R. Cucumber disease // Agriculture Canada Publication 1684/E. 1992. P. 21-22.6. Gandhi S. K., Maheshwari S. K., Naresh M.Epidemiological relationship between ridge gourd downy mildew and meteorologicalfactors // Plant Disease Research. 1996. Vol. 11(1). P. 62-66.7. Khetmalas M. B., Memane S. A. Management of downy mildewdisease of cucumber during rainy season // Journal of Maharashtra AgriculturalUniversities. 2003. Vol. 28(3). P. 281-282.8. Lebeda A., Schwinn F. J. The downy mildew – an overview ofrecent research progress // Journal of Plant Disease and Protection. 1994. Vol. 101 (3).P. 225-254.9. Mahrishi R. P., S<strong>ir</strong>adhana B. S. Studies on downy mildew ofcucurbits in Rajasthan: incidence, distribution, host range and yield losses inmuskmelon // Annals of Arid Zone. 1988. Vol. 27(1). P. 67-70.10. M azelaitis J., Stanevièienë S. Lietuvos grybai I. Gleivûnai(Myxomycota), Peronosporieèiai (Peronosporales). Vilnius. 1995. P. 236 -238.11. P alti J., Cohen Y. Downy mildew of cucurbits (Pseudoperonospora190

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