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of disease in cucumbers increased to 78.8% and disease intensity – to 44.7%(Fig. 4).%1009080706050403020100y = -3,7107x 2 + 43,784x - 34,78R 2 = 0,9039y = -1,8446x 2 + 22,574x - 22,09R 2 = 0,945908 06 08 09 08 12 08 15 08 18 08 21Date / DataSpread of disease / Ligos paplitimas, %Disease intensity / Ligos intensyvumas, %Fig. 3. Dynamic of spread and intensity of downy mildew on cucumbersTrakø pagerinti, 20043 pav. Netikrosios miltligës paplitimo <strong>ir</strong> intensyvumo dinamika agurkø Trakø pagerintipasëlyje, 2004 m.1009080706050403020100%y = -1,4119x 2 + 22,26x - 8,0571R 2 = 0,9655y = -1,4179x 2 + 19,082x - 18,786R 2 = 0,976908 08 08 11 08 14 08 17 08 20 08 23 08 26Date / DataSpread of disease / Ligos paplitimas, %Disease intensity / Ligos intensyvumas, %Fig. 4. Dynamic of spread and intensity of downy mildew on cucumbersTrakø pagerinti, 20054 pav. Netikrosios miltligës paplitimo <strong>ir</strong> intensyvumo dinamika agurkø Trakø pagerintipasëlyje, 2005 m.Discussion. Meteorological conditions play an important role inPseudoperonospora cubensis appearance and development. Spores of fungusare produced during cool and wet weather primarily on the underside of theleaf and are easily dispersed by wind from one leaf spot to another leaf. Sporesmovement occurs primarily during late morning to midday. After a spore landson a leaf and when the leaf is wet, the spore germinates and penetrates theleaf tissue. Within four to seven days, new lesions are produced as a result ofinfection (Celar, 2000). Wet weather and higher humidity (around 90%) witha temperature range of 20-28°C are suitable for disease development. Infectiondid not occur when the temperature is too low or too high, and then amountof precipitation is low (Aly et al., 1997). In the investigations of the other189

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