Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas

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SODININKYSTË IR DARÞININKYSTË. SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES.2006. 25(1). 177-185.THE PRODUCTIVITY OF PAPRIKA IN UNHEATED SPRINGGREENHOUSESN. MaroèkienëSummaryThe productivity of fifteen paprika cultivars and hybrids was investigated inunheated spring greenhouses covered with stabilized polyethylene film at the LithuanianInstitute of Horticulture in 2002-2004. The beginning of fruit ripening, duration ofproductivity, biological and marketable yield (kg/m 2 ), and morphological indices wereevaluated. According to the period of productivity, there are four groups of paprika –early (Marta, Telimena, Gourmet); averagely early (Reda, Oþarovska, Baraka F 1,Acapulco F 1, Figaro F 1, Oèarovanije, Arija F 1, Etiud); averagely late (Pariþ F 1, Izraelio F 1,Fidelio F 1); late (Svetliaèiok). It was established that paprika cultivars Acapulco F 1(11.9 kg/m 2 ), Pariþ F 1(11.1 kg/m 2 ), Figaro F 1(10.6 kg/m 2 ), Arija F 1(10.3 kg/m 2 ) andEtiud (10.1 kg/m 2 ) produce the biggest biological yield. Paprika cultivars Pariþ F 1(9.3 kg/m²), Acapulco F 1(9.2 kg/m 2 ), Figaro F 1(8.9 kg/m 2 ), Etiud (8.7 kg/m 2 ) and Reda(8.2 kg/m²) were distinguished for the average marketable yield. The fruits of all paprikacultivars and hybrids are of cylinder form, sweet taste, green while growing and red,yellow or orange ripened. Plants are of average height (56.8-72.5 cm), and forms threeor four main branches. According to the whole complex of economically importantproperties, the most suitable for growing in unheated greenhouses are paprika cultivarsReda, Acapulco F 1, Pariþ F 1, Figaro F 1, Etiud, Telimena, and Marta.Key words: yield, hybrids, paprika, fruit, cultivars.185

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