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5 lentelë. Insekticidø biologinis efektyvumas tabakiniams tripsamsporø pasëlyje, %Table 5. Biological efficiency of insecticides on thrips tabaci in leek crop, %Babtai, 2004 m.InsekticidaiInsecticides po 5 d.after 5 daysFastakas - 0,2 l/haFastac – 0.2 l/haKarate - 0,2 l/haKarate – 0.2 l/haAktara - 0,4 kg/haActara – 0.4 kg/haAmerican flag poraiLeek cultivar American flagpo 13 d.after 13 dayspo 21 d.after 21 daypo 5 d.after 5 daysCampus poraiLeek cultivar Campuspo 13 d.after 13 dayspo 21 dafter 21 day100 100 6,25 100 100 3,85100 100 68,75 100 100 30,56100 100 51,71 100 100 5,06 lentelë. Insekticidø poveikis tabakiniams tripsams porø pasëlyje pop<strong>ir</strong>mojo purðkimoTable 6. The effect of insecticides on thrips tabaci in leek crop after the f<strong>ir</strong>st sprayBabtai, 2005 m.Vidutiniðkai tripsø ant augalo, vnt. / Average number of thrips on plant, unitsInsekticidaiInsecticidespriešpurškim¹beforesprayingAmerican flag poraiLeek cultivar American flagpo 5 d.after 5dayspo 12 d.after 12dayspo 19 d.after 19dayspriešpurškim¹beforesprayingCampus poraiLeek cultivar Campuspo 5 d.after 5dayspo 12 d.after 12dayspo 19 d.after 19daysNepurkštaNot sprayed5,5 14,5b 19,0b 33,0ab 6,0 17,5b 17,75b 35,5bFastakas - 0,2 l/haFastac – 0.2 l/ha10 3,75a 4,75a 37,0b 7,25 2,50a 5,75a 38,0bKarate - 0,2 l/haKarate – 0.2 l/ha8,75 2,0a 6,5a 21,5a 7,5 1,5a 5,75a 19,0aAktara - 0,4 kg/haActara – 0.4 kg/ha11,5 3,0a 3,75a 29,25ab 8,25 2,25a 4,25a 21,25aPurkšta 07. 14 / Sprayed on 14 07Tarp reikðmiø tame paèiame stulpelyje, paþymëtø bent viena ta paèia raide, patikimo sk<strong>ir</strong>tumonëra (p=0,05) / Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different(p=0.05)7 lentelë. Insekticidø biologinis efektyvumas tabakiniams tripsamsporø pasëlyje po p<strong>ir</strong>mojo purðkimo, %Table 7.Biological efficiency of insecticides on thrips tabaci in leek crop after the f<strong>ir</strong>st spray, %Babtai, 2005 m.InsekticidaiInsecticides po 5 d.after 5 daysFastakas - 0,2 l/haFastac – 0.2 l/haKarate - 0,2 l/haKarate – 0.2 l/haAktara - 0,4 kg/haActara – 0.4 kg/haAmerican flag poraiLeek cultivar American flagpo 12 d.after 12 dayspo 19 d.after 19 dayspo 5 d.after 5 daysCampus poraiLeek cultivar Campuspo 12 d.after 12 dayspo 19 d.after 19 days86,0 86,25 38,33 88,20 73,20 11,4191,33 78,50 59,05 93,14 74,10 57,1890,10 87,59 57,61 90,65 82,58 56,47156

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