SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)


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Table 3. Amount of nonessential elements (mg kg -1 ) in the leaves of apple-trees(Malus domestica L.) and soil (mean value ± confidence interval, * indicatessignificant difference from reference area, when α = 0.05). C – control (Babtaigarden), CF – cement factory.3 lentelė. Neesminių elementų kiekis obelų lapuose <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje (vidurkis ± pasikliautinasintervalas, * žymi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus nuo kontrolės, kai α = 0,05). C – kontrolė (Babtai),CF – cemento gamykla (AB „Akmenės cementas“).Garden locationSodo vietaControlKontrolėCFCemento gamyklaControlKontrolėCFCemento gamyklaAmount of the elements (mg kg -1 )Elementų kiekis (mg kg -1 sausos masės)Cr Pb Ba Ni Ag Al Sr SnApple-tree leavesLapuose0.89 ± 0.88 ± 70.3 ± 0.56 ± 0.005 ± 247.1 ± 32.3 ± 0.07 ±0.11 0.06 2.9 0.03 0.0005 16.3 2.4 0.0090.38 ±0.04*54.3 ±4.4447.9 ±5.240.83 ±0.1218.8 ±1.3423.4 ±2.9962.8 ±6.60.45 ±0.02*SoilD<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje476 ± 29.4 ±20 2.22332 ± 18.6 ±<strong>28</strong>* 3.04*0.003 ±0.0007*296.8 ±50.40.087 ± 55743 ±0.005 61550.143 ± 30380 ±0.026* 2650*40.2 ±8.567.9 ±11.6220.0 ±49.1*0.07 ±0.0082.65 ±0.261.97 ±0.18*No significant differences in foliar Ba content were obtained for the cement factorysite as compared to the control garden. The foliar Al, Sr and Sn levels did notpresent greater variations. The soil Al and Sn content was significant lower; the Srcontent was significant greater near the cement factory. The foliar Ag level showedsignificant lower content as compared with control leaves, while significant greatersoil Ag content was near the cement factory.Discussion. Natural differences in the soil fertility among the sites, d<strong>ir</strong>ect absorptionof gaseous a<strong>ir</strong> pollutants by the leaves or deposition to the leaf surfaces andpollution-induced alterations of soil chemistry are the possible reasons for the differencesin the nutritional status of adult trees growing at various sites in the vicinity ofthe industrial pollution sources (Klumpp et al., 2002).Significant differences among the macro- and micronutrient levels in the leavesfrom the trees growing in cement factory region and reference site were determined.The optimum content of nitrogen in the leaves of the apple-tree is 2.1–2.4 % (Intensivetechnologies…, 2005). The deficiency of the nitrogen in the leaves of apple-trees wasdetermined in each site of investigation. The present N pollution from cement factorydissatisfies the nitrogen demands of apple-trees. The N deficiency in the soil inducesthe lack of N in the leaves of apple-tree. Deficiency of N stimulates the assimilation ofP (Sadowski, 1990). Similar situation was found in our study: the greatest amount of Pwas determined in the leaves from the control trees with nitrogen deficiency and withsignificant lower content in the soil. The abundance of P suppresses the assimilationof Zn, Fe and other microelements (Intensive technologies…, 2005). The deficiency33

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