SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)


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Table 2. Amount of microelements (mg kg -1 ) in the leaves of apple-trees (Malusdomestica L.) and soil (mean value ± confidence interval, * indicates significantdifference from the control area, when α = 0.05). C – control (Babtai garden),CF – cement factory.2 lentelė. Mikroelementų kiekis obelų lapuose <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje (vidurkis ± pasikliautinasintervalas, * žymi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus nuo kontrolės, kai α = 0,05). C – kontrolė (Babtai), CF –cemento gamykla (AB „Akmenės cementas“).Garden locationSodo vietaControlKontrolėCFCemento gamyklaCiontrolKontrolėCFCemento gamyklaAmount of the elements (mg kg -1 )Elementų kiekis (mg kg -1 sausos masės)Mn Cu Zn B Co Mo V TiApple-tree leavesLapuose62.6 ± 10.4 ± 8.8 ± 1.5 26.7 ± 0.06 ± 0.34 ± 0.06 ± 5.0 ±11.3 0.62.6 0.004 0.01 0.004 0.96.5 ±2.6*510 ±79436 ±325.9 ±0.9*16.3 ±0.8613.8 ±2.24*9.0 ± 1.4 17.6 ±2.1*SoilD<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje38.0 ± 55.9 ±6.7 11.274.1 ± 26.2 ±10.9* 3.1*0.06 ±0.0068.58 ±0.254.71 ±0.53*0.21 ±0.02*0.64 ±0.040.78 ±0.12*0.06 ±0.00963.9 ±3.647.6 ±7.8*6.0 ±1.63211 ±1472293 ±353*The soil Mn content was similar in the investigated sites. The B content in thesoil under industrial emission was significant lower as compared to control gardenand as a consequence the leaves of the apple-trees were B deficient (Wojcik, 2004).Apple-tree leaves of the control garden presented the optimal B value for the growth.Similar to B the soil and foliar Cu content presented significant decrease in pollutedgarden as compared to the control. The similar amount of Zn was determined in theapple-tree leaves from the control and the cement factory gardens, but about twicegreater amount of Zn was determined in the cement factory garden soil. The foliarCo level was the same, but Co content in the industrial garden soil was significantlylower as compared with control site. The optimum content of Mo was determined inthe apple-tree leaf samples from the control garden (Sadowski, 1990). The greatestamount of Mo was observed in the garden soil near cement factory, but deficiency ofMo was registered in the leaves sampled near the factory. Significant lower Ti andV content was determined in the garden soil near the cement factory, but foliar Ti andV level was similar as compared to the control garden.Such nonessential elements as Cr, Pb, Ni in the leaves of the apple-tree presentedto the concentrations normally found in plants (Barker, 1989; Markert, 1996), thoughtapple-trees in the cement factory vicinity accumulated significant lower amount of Crand Ni as compared to control (Table 3).32

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