SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)

SodininkyStĖ ir darŽininkyStĖ 28(2)


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leaves (Table 1). Deficiency of N stimulates the assimilation of P (Sadowski, 1990).A considerable amount of P was determined in the leaves from the control trees withthe greatest nitrogen deficiency and with significantly lower content in the soil. Thelowest amount of P was determined in the leaves collected from the garden near thecement factory, were significantly higher content of N was determined in the soil andthe leaves of apple-tree. Significantly higher content of Ca, as compared to referencesite, was determined in the garden soil and apple-tree leaves near cement factory.Deficiency of this element was determined in the leaves sampled in the control garden.The foliar and soil Mg level did not present greater variations among selectedgardens. The optimal content of Fe was determined in the leaves of the apple-treesgrowing near the cement factory, while deficiency of this element was determined inthe reference apple-tree leaves. The greater cumulated Fe content in the reference sitesoil does not decided the optimal Fe content in the apple-tree leaves at this site.Table 1. Amount of macroelements (mg kg -1 ) in the leaves of apple-trees (Malusdomestica L.) and soil (mean value ± confidence interval, * indicates significantdifference from the control area, when α = 0.05). C – control (Babtai garden),CF – cement factory.1 lentelė. Makroelementų kiekis obelų lapuose <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje (vidurkis ± pasikliautinasintervalas, * žymi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus nuo kontrolės, kai α = 0,05). C – kontrolė (Babtai), CF –cemento gamykla (AB „Akmenės cementas“).Garden locationSodo vietaControlKontrolėCFCemento gamyklaAmount of the elements (mg kg -1 of dry mass)Elementų kiekis (mg kg -1 sausos masės)N P Ca Mg FeApple-tree leavesLapuose15 683 ± 1 626 3 475 ± 400 9 115 ± 5<strong>28</strong> 3 089 ± 204 94.3 ± 11.820 007 ± 646* 1 134 ± 253* 16 200 ± 3 466* 3 843 ± 1 019 152.2 ± 32.7*SoilD<strong>ir</strong>vožemyjeControl 1 670 ± 210 623 ± 116 15 000 ± 1 700 11 200 ± 1 800 2.80 ± 0.14KontrolėCF3 200 ± 610* 1 163 ± 169* 45 300 ± 6 700* 14 000 ± 2 300 1.92 ± 0.32*Cemento gamyklaThe amount of Mn in the leaves of the apple-trees growing in the control gardenwas significantly higher by a factor 10 as compared to the leaves collected from thesite with industrial emission (Table 2).31

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