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Nevertheless, our pilot results imply that antioxidant enrichment of plants might bepossible within a short growth and LED illumination period. However, further optimizationof the lighting conditions and more comprehensive metabolism and proteomeinvestigations are needed for the production of green sprouts as the safe materialwith improved nutritional quality.Acknowledgement. The work was supported by the Lithuanian Science andStudies Foundation under the project.Gauta 2009 05 13Parengta spausdinti 2009 06 08References.1. Bourget M. C. 2008. An Introduction to light emitting diodes. Hortscience, 43:1 944–1 946.2. Causin H. F., Jauregui R. N., Barneix A. J. 2006. The effect of light spectral qualityin leaf senescence and oxidative stress in wheat. Plant Science, 171: 24–33.3. Chen M., Chory J., Fankhauser C. 2004. Light signal transduction in higherplants. Annu. Rev. Genet., 38: 87–117.4. Devlin P. F., Christie J. M., Terry M. J. 2007. Many hands make light work.Journal of Experimental Botany, 58: 3 071–3 077.5. Ehrenbergerova J., Vaculova K., Paulickova I., Brezinova Belcredi N.,Macuchova S., Kopacek J., Gabrovska D., Holasova M., Ouhrabkova J.,Rysova J., Fielderova V., Winterova R., Horackova S. 2007. Different barleycultivars as a source of green mass for improving nutrient balance in humandiet. In: A. Brandstetter (ed.), Tagung Fortschritte in der saatguttechnologie und-untersuchung- ertragsorientierte züchtungsstrategien für neue verwertungsmöglichkeiten.Raumberg, Austria, 91–94.6. Goins G. D., Yorio N. C., Swano M. M., Brown C. S. 1997. Photomorphogenesis,photosynthesis and seed yield of wheat plants grown under red light-emittingdiodes (LEDs) with and without supplemental blue lighting. Journal ofExperimental botany, 48: 1 407–1 413.7. Gruenwald J. 2009. Novel botanical ingredients for beverages. Clinics inDermatology, 27: 210–216.8. Janghel E. K., Gupta V. K., Rai M. K., Rai J. K. 2007. Micro determination ofascorbic acid using methyl viologen. Talanta, 72: 1 013–1 016.9. Kulkarni S. D., Tilak J. C., Acharya R., Rajukar N. S., Devasagayam T. P. A.,Reddy A. V. R. 2006. Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass (Riticumaestivum L.) as a function of growth under different conditions. PhytoterapyResearch, 20: 218–227.159

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