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View PDF - Laminex

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CARE AND MAINTENANCECleaningA wipe over with a clean soft damp clothshould be sufficient to keep the decorativesurface clean.Soiled surfaces or light stains are removedwith warm soapy water or with commondetergent such as Windex glass cleaner,Mr Muscle, Dissol, Nifty solvent orbathroom cleaner, Flash liquid, orBathroom Plus, containing no abrasiveor strongly acidic or alkaline ingredients.If wipe marks are noticeable on <strong>Laminex</strong> ®Silk Finish, it is generally due to greasyresidue that has been moved around asa result of the cleaning process.To remove, methylated spirits may beused or Windex glass cleaner. It isrecommended to do a final wash down withsoapy water and dry clean cloth to removeany residue and restore the appearance.Alternative commercial cleaning productsare available such as Quartet Board Gear.The <strong>Laminex</strong> Group does not supply theseproducts. It is important that this product isnot applied to the raw substrate, it is only tobe used on the melamine decorative surface.GeneralWipe off all food and drink spills immediately.Never use abrasive cleaners or powders,abrasive pads or steel wool.To avoid scratching or marking the glosssurface make sure the cleaning cloth doesnot contain any hard or foreign particles.<strong>Laminex</strong> Silk Finish should not remainin contact with hypochlorite bleach,caustic solutions, hydrogen peroxidesolution in any concentrations, mineralacid, sodium bisulphate, potassiumpermanganate in any concentrations,silver nitrate (1% concentration),berry juice, gentian violet in anyconcentration, mild silver protein,laundry blue dye or iodine solution.

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