Nr. 1 - Lietuvos sporto informacijos centras

Nr. 1 - Lietuvos sporto informacijos centras

Nr. 1 - Lietuvos sporto informacijos centras


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2010 <strong>Nr</strong>. 1(59)<br />

45<br />

shortening of the small chest and upper trapezius<br />

muscles (Solovjova, 2004).<br />

The lower cross syndrome is characteristic<br />

for athletes of the sports requiring complicated<br />

coordination (eg. ice-hockey and basketball) at high<br />

load on lower extremities: “body falling” forward,<br />

hyper-lordosis of the chest-pelvis area and the<br />

shortening of the pelvic muscles at weakened major<br />

hip muscles and m. rectus abdominis (Travell and<br />

Simons, 1992).<br />

Correction and Prophylaxis<br />

The measurements shown on the athlete profiles<br />

indicate that these changes occur at a young age<br />

during the training process as these athletes are aged<br />

between 14 and 17 years of age. It is my opinion that<br />

for superior athletic performance, athlete posture<br />

profiles should be monitored throughout an athlete’s<br />

development to indicate the speed that these changes<br />

occur. With monitoring of the athletes profiles early<br />

intervention can be made to keep a neutral posture and<br />

allow the athlete to continue competing with a neutral<br />

posture for superior performance and lack of pain.<br />

However, participation in any sport should not<br />

affect an athlete’s posture to the extent that imbalance<br />

leading to pain occurs. If the correct training program<br />

is adopted (one that incorporates strengthening of<br />

antagonistic muscles) a neutral posture should be<br />

maintained throughout the course of an athlete’s<br />

career. This should allow the athlete to maintain<br />

superior athletic performances with minimal injuries<br />

due to posture changes throughout their careers.<br />

Conclusions<br />

1. Athletes of three sports have changes of the<br />

musculoskeletal system, expressed as changes of<br />

posture statics parameters; the greatest distance from<br />

the body vertical line swimmers have in the shoulder<br />

girdle (10.6± 0.4 cm), ice-hockey players – the<br />

highest point of the iliac crest (10.4± 0.7 cm), and<br />

basketball players - the auricle of the ear point.<br />

2. The upper cross syndrome is characteristic for<br />

swimmers. The spine hyperkyphosis of the chest<br />

part and the shortening of the small chest and upper<br />

trapezius muscles have been shown. The lower cross<br />

syndrome is characteristic for ice-hockey players:<br />

hyper-lordosis and the shortening of the pelvic<br />

muscles of the chest-pelvis area at weakened major hip<br />

muscles and m. rectus abdominis have been stated.<br />

3. Taking the test data as the basis it is possible<br />

to state early posture changes and to carry out the<br />

programme of prophylaxis or correction.<br />

References<br />

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Jauno sportininko griaučių raumenų sistemos morfofunkciniai pakitimai<br />

Siekiant ištirti specifinių laikysenos pakitimų<br />

poveikį, buvo testuojami 59 trijų <strong>sporto</strong> šakų 14–17 metų<br />

sportininkai. Vizualinei diagnostikai buvo taikomas<br />

Doc. dr. Jelena Solovjova, doc. dr. Imantas Upitis, prof. dr. Juris Grantas<br />

Latvijos kūno kultūros akademija<br />

Santrauka<br />

L. Vasiljevos (1996), funkciniam raumenų tyrimui –<br />

V. Jando (1994) ir H. Kendallio, F. Kendall (1982) metodai.<br />

Vadovaujantis šiais metodais buvo sukurta diag-

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