2013,1 (62) - Klaipėdos universitetas

2013,1 (62) - Klaipėdos universitetas

2013,1 (62) - Klaipėdos universitetas


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Algirdas Giedraitis, Nijolė Petkevičiūtė<br />

Summary<br />

Evaluation of the first level managers in manufacturing companies is very important.<br />

Mid-level managers (MLM) must be able to recognize suitable first level managers<br />

(FLM) so that valuable FLM could be motivated to stay in company for long period<br />

and improve their professional competence over time.<br />

Successful strategic decision implementation in based on all corporate stakeholders’<br />

actions, their responsibilities and internal interaction system. The most important<br />

link in this interaction system, that links mid-level manager with subordinates<br />

(workers) (SUB) are first level managers. FLM is the link that combines internal elements<br />

of the organization such as goals, objectives and selected technologies. FLM,<br />

together with subordinate workers, achieve manufacturing objectives, provide necessary<br />

information about company processes to the workers as well as informs direct<br />

leadership about the processes inside the organization. Manufacturing productivity,<br />

workers’ attitudes and employee turnover rate depends on FLM performance, behavior<br />

and leadership skills.<br />


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