PRATARMö - Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija

PRATARMö - Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija

PRATARMö - Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija


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the Holy See, and their application in international affairs had a positive meaning<br />

to Lithuania and undoubtedly provided certain international security guarantees<br />

to the recently re-established state. On the other hand, the internal confessional-national<br />

and social-political structure of the country motivated the government<br />

of Lithuania to establish and maintain close international relations<br />

with the Vatican. During the interwar period the absolute majority of the population<br />

of independent Lithuania were Roman Catholic Lithuanians, and one of<br />

the most influential political forces in the country was the Christian Democratic<br />

Party, closely tied with the Catholic Church in Lithuania. Thus, for the absolute<br />

majority of Lithuanian citizens the moral authority of the Holy See strengthened<br />

the sense of their identification with the national state and the feeling of national<br />

security.<br />

Due to internal and international circumstances the diplomatic relations<br />

between independent Lithuania and the Holy See developed with a certain content<br />

and in many ways. These relations developed in several stages, which we<br />

can compare with the high and low tides of the sea. The importance of the Holy<br />

See to Lithuania increased especially after the Vatican recognized the Republic<br />

of Lithuania de jure on 10 November 1922. The Holy See did this several weeks<br />

earlier than the most influential secular countries of Europe: Great Britain, France,<br />

and Italy.<br />

The legal settlement of relations between the Republic of Lithuania and the<br />

Holy See opened a new, more fruitful page of bilateral cooperation. The Government<br />

of Lithuania on many occasions turned to the Holy See for support and appealed<br />

to its authority in dealing with or solving its most painful foreign policy<br />

problems. The diplomatic relations of Lithuania and the Vatican in the 1920s<br />

survived two significant moments: 1) On 4 April 1926 Pope Pius XI announced<br />

the very carefully formed and diplomatic Lithuanorum gente bull, on the basis<br />

of which the Vatican established the Church Province of Lithuania; 2) On 27<br />

September 1927 Lithuania and the Holy See signed a concordat.<br />

The establishment of the Church Province of Lithuania helped the Catholic<br />

Church in Lithuania to become an uniform, modern confessional organism, , subordinate<br />

directly, without any mediators, only to the Curia in Rome. In the cities,<br />

which became the centers of the archdioceses and dioceses – Kaunas, Telšiai,<br />

Klaip÷da, Panev÷žys, Kaišiadorys, Vilkaviškis – new hearths of confessional<br />

and spiritual culture began to form. The Church Province of Lithuania, established<br />

in 1926, and its structure effectively survived for almost all the 20 th century,<br />

it did not disappear even during the fifty years long freeze of Soviet totalitarianism,<br />

and was newly reformed only after the re-establishment of independence<br />

at the end of 1991.<br />

Of no less importance for the Republic of Lithuania and its Catholic community<br />

was the formation of the concordat. The concordat consolidated the Lithuanian<br />

Catholic community, regulated, and expanded its rights and duties in<br />

the state. The Catholic Church became an equal institution in the organizational<br />

state structure. The concordat had a positive influence on the political develop-

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