U - Lexicon Latinum Hodiernum

U - Lexicon Latinum Hodiernum

U - Lexicon Latinum Hodiernum


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p.396,2; KLW p.232,1]; evertere, 3 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.314,1]; subvertere, 3 [vet.; NLLp.396,2; KLW p.752,1]; labefacere, 3M [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.459,1]; affligere, 3 [vet.;NLL p.396,2; KLW p.87,1]; detrimentum facere, 3M [NLL p.396,2]verhexen fascinare, 1 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.327,2]; excantare, 1 [vet.; LMG p.645,2];veneficio afficere, 3M [NLL p.396,2]Verhexung, f fascinatio, onis, f [vet.; KLW p.327,2]; instigatio, onis, f [LMG p.645,2]verhindern prohibere, 2 [vet.; LMG p.645,2; KLW p.637,1]; impedire, 4 [vet.; LMG p.645,2;KLW p.411,1]; (alicui) obstare, 1 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.559,2]; obsistere, 3 [vet.; NLLp.396,2; KLW p.559,1]; repugnare, 1 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.669,2]; impedimento esse[vet.; LMG p.645,2]; (ab aliquo) dissentire, 4 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.280,2]; conflictari, 1pass [vet.; NLL p.396,2]verhindert impeditus, a, um [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.411,1]; praepeditus, a, um [~vet.; NLLp.396,2]; rebus maioribus retentus, a, um [NLL p.396,2]; ex coacto absens, entis, gen [NLLp.396,2]Verhör, n interrogatio, onis, f [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.434,1]; percontatio, onis, f [vet.; NLLp.396,2; KLW p.591,2]; quaestio, onis, f [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.649,2]; cognitio, onis, f[vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.219,1]verhornen occallescere, 3 [vet.; NLL p.396,2]Verhornung (I), f callositas, atis, f [NLL p.396,2; SWM p.173,2] {actus occallescendi}Verhornung (II), f callum, i, n [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.182,1]; callus, i, m [SWM p.143,2]{status occalescendi}verhüllen velare, 1 [vet.; LMG p.645,2; KLW p.813,1]; obvolvere, 3 [vet.; LMG p.645,2; KLWp.560,1]; praetexere, 3 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.630,1]; (ob)tegere, 3 [vet.; NLL p.396,2;LMG p.645,2; KLW p.559,2; p.769,2]; obscurare, 1 [vet.; LMG p.645,2;KLW p.558,2];dissimulare, 1 [vet.; NLL p.396,2;KLW p.280,2]; vultu premere, 3 [NLL p.396,2]verhundertfachen centuplicare, 1 [KLW p.201,1] ► verdoppelnverhundertfacht centuplicatus, a, um [NLL p.396,2]Verhundertfachung, f centuplicatio, onis, f ► VerdoppelungVerhütungsmittel, n atocium, i, n [vet.; NLL p.396,2; WOR]; cautio, onis, f [vet.; LMG p.645,2;KLW p.198,1]verifizieren verificare, 1 [med.; KLW p.815,2; WOR]; probare, 1 [vet.; KLW p.634,2]Verifizierung, f verificatio, onis, f [LEA p.585]; probatio, onis, f [vet.; LEA p.585; KLW p.634,1]verinnerlichen ad internitatem redigere, 3 [NLL p.396,2]; internitatem inducere, 3 [NLLp.396,2]; interiorem reddere, 3 [NLL p.396,2]; intimare, 1 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.434,2];in penetralia animi exteriora admittere, 3 [NLL p.396,2] {facere ut aliquid in interiora penetret[NLL p.396,2]}Verinnerlichung, f appropriatio personalis, f [LEA p.585]; inductio internitatis, f [NLL p.396,2]Verirrung ► AbweichungVerismus, m verismus, i, m [LEA p.585]Verjährung, f praescriptio, onis, f [LEA p.585; KLW p.628,1]; peremptio, onis, f [NLL p.396,2;KLW p.592,2]; auctoritas, atis, f [vet.; LMG p.645,2; KLW p.137,1]; usus, us, m [vet.; LMGp.645,2; KLW p.805,2] ► Akquisitivverjährung; Unterbrechung der ~, f interruptiopraescriptionis, f [LEA p.585]verjüngen (I) viriditate redonare, 1 [NLL p.396,2]; iterum viridare, 1 [NLL p.396,2]; (alicui rei)viriditatem reddere, 3 [NLL p.396,2]; iuvenilem speciem reddere, 3 [LMG p.645,2]; iuvenilesannos reddere, 3 [LMG p.645,2]; recoquere, 3 [vet.; LMG p.645,2; KLW p.660,2]; in iuvenilemvigorem redigere, 3 [LMG p.645,2]; renovare, 1 [vet.; LMG p.645,2; KLW p.668,1]; sich ~revirescere, 3 [vet.; NLL p.396,2; KLW p.674,1]; revirere, 2 [NLL p.396,2]; viriditatemresumere, 3 [NLL p.396,2]; iuvenescere, 3 [vet.; LMG p.645,2; KLW p.456,2]; viridem coloremPetri Lucusaltiani Latinophili92<strong>Lexicon</strong> <strong>Latinum</strong> <strong>Hodiernum</strong> - Editio X

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