U - Lexicon Latinum Hodiernum

U - Lexicon Latinum Hodiernum

U - Lexicon Latinum Hodiernum


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Willkommenstrunk, m poculum salutis, n [LEA p.620]Willkür, f arbitrium, i, n [vet.; NLL p.419,1]; arbitratu, m abl [vet.]; libido, inis, f [vet.; NLLp.419,1]willkürlich arbitrarius, a, um [NLL p.419,1]; arbitrio factus, a, um [LMG p.703,1]; (ex) libidinefactus, a, um [LMG p.703,1]; ad arbitrium, adv [LMG p.703,1]; ex arbitrio [LMG p.703,1]; adlibidinem [LMG p.703,1]; ex libidine [LMG p.703,1]; insolenter, adv [LMG p.703,1]; superbe[LMG p.703,1]wimmern vagire, 4 [vet.]; eiulare, 1 [vet.; NLL p.419,1]; gemere, 3 [vet.; NLL p.419,1]; queror,D3 [vet.; NLL p.419,1]; frigere, 3 [NLL p.419,1] {vagitum edere [LMG p.703,1]}Wimpel, m vexillum parvum, n [NLL p.419,1]; mappa parva, f [NLL p.419,1]; vexillum nauticum,n [LMG p.703,1]; flammula, ae, f [vet.; NLL p.419,1]; den ~ aufstecken vexillum proponere,3 [vet.; LMG p.703,1]Wimper, f cilium, i, n [vet.; NLL p.419,1; SWM p.174,2]; pilus palpebrarum, m [~NLL p.419,1];ohne mit der ~ zu zucken cilia non movere, 2 [NLL p.419,1]; eundem vultum servare, 1[NLL p.419,1]; immoto vultu esse [NLL p.419,1]; imperturbabili vultu esse [NLL p.419,1];vultum non mutare, 1 [NLL p.419,1]Wind, m ventus, i, m [vet.; LEA p.620]; in alle ~e zerstreut werden in omnem ventum dispergi,3 pass [LEA p.620]; ~ machen se iactare, 1 [vet.; LEA p.620]; fumos vendere, 3 [LEA p.620];Spanischer ~ ► WindgebäckWindbeutel (I), m buccella cava, f [LEA p.620] {placentula}Windbeutel (II), m nugator, oris, m [vet.; LMG p.703,2]; homo vanus, m [LMG p.703,2]; homovaniloquus, m [LMG p.703,2]; homo fatuus variusque, m [NLL p.419,1]; homo levis, m [LMGp.703,2]Windbruch, m strages arborum, f [LEA p.620]; strages virgultorum, f [LEA p.620]Winde, f trochlea, ae, f [vet.; NLL p.419,1]; vectis, is, m [vet.; NLL p.419,1]; tolleno, onis, m[vet.; NLL p.419,1]; machina levans, f [NLL p.419,1]; prehensio, onis, f [LMG p.703,2];adiumentum levationis, n [NLL p.419,1]; adiumentum erectionis, n [NLL p.419,1]Windeln, f pl incunabula, orum, n pl [vet.; LEA p.620]; fasciae, arum, f pl [vet.; LEA p.620]Wind(gebäck), n ventus Hispanicus, m [LML 24.12.2010]Windhose, f vertex venti, m [NLL p.419,1]; turbo venti, m [NLL p.419,1]Windjacke, f tunic(ul)a vento prohibendo, f [LEA p.620]Windkraftanlage, n electrificina venti, f; fliegende ~, f electrificina volitans venti, f;schwimmende ~, f electrificina natabilis venti, f ► Aufwindkraftwerk ► ►Elektrizitätswerk Fallwindkraftwerk ► LuftwirbelkraftwerkWindkraftwerk ► WindkraftanlageWindmesser, m anemometrum, i, n [LEA p.620; NLL p.419,1]; instrumentum mensorium venti, n[NLL p.419,1]; index motus ventorum, m [NLL p.419,1]; index mensorius ventorum, m [NLLp.419,1]Windmühle, f ventimolina, ae, f [LEA p.620]; molae venti, f pl [LMG p.703,2]; molendinumventivolum, n [med.; LEA p.620]; mola pneumatica, f [LEA p.620]; molendinum pneumaticum,n [LEA p.620]; mola alata, f [LEA p.620]Windpocken, f pl varicella, ae, f (ae, arum, f pl) [LEA p.620; SWM p.1022,1] {morbus}Windrad, n ventirota, ae, fWindrichtung, f directio venti, f [LEA p.620]Windschott, n lamina venti, f {protectio perflatus in autoraeda}Windschutz, m velamentum interiectum, n [NLL p.419,1]Windschutzscheibe, f vitrum antiaerium, n [LEA p.620]; vitrum anterius (autocineti), n [NLLp.419,1]; vitrum anterius (autoraedae), n [LEA p.620]; vitrum anticum (autoraedae), n [LEAp.620]Petri Lucusaltiani Latinophili169<strong>Lexicon</strong> <strong>Latinum</strong> <strong>Hodiernum</strong> - Editio X

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